Im sry to say but, I thnk I wnt an abortion

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like ths baby is kausin so many problems & I feel its unwanted.....thn y shud I even let it go thru life unwanted


  • I will take your baby. Don't get an abortion. Unless u really want to but there are lots of people that want a baby that can't physically have one. My sister is one of them.
  • Somebody will want that baby I promise you that. Adoption is always an option, but do what you feel is best for you. Good luck with your decision! :)
  • Really?! Adoption is the best option! I guarantee your statement of "letting it go through life unwanted" is completely untrue. I KNOW there are thousands of couples out there that would love to take that baby in as their own and unconditionally love him or her. Just think about it... :)
  • I'm pro-life, go for adoption. Its the best way to go. And make sure u read and understand everything I mean EVERTHING abortion does to u physically and mentally. If u decide to go with abortion u might regret it in the future. U can always do an open adoption too.
  • Maybe unwanted by you but another great family who cant have children may want it. Ultimately its up to you and I wont judge u regardless. Dont let anyone get in your head & tell you how wrong and unfair youre being tho. I had an abortion years ago and I totally regret it. I just feel like I took away someones chance to live. I think about what he/she could have accomplished in life.
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  • All a baby needs is a mothers love, no one else. And what the other ladies are saying is very true.. there are plenty of couples that would love to adopt your baby.
  • It's your hormones Hunny. If u feel that strong put baby up for adoption. If u do get an abortion you will regret it every year on your due date. That child doesn't have the choice to live or die right now. Give that child a chance.
  • What kind of problems do you have hun????
  • I feel the same way about my unborn sometimes but I believe its because of my be and my hormones. I love my baby and what makes me feel that way is I don't want to have another child and the father not be there for him. But its OK because I pray and I know I will never go thru something that I can't handle. Be strong mama. God has it all taken care of.
  • @KerrideeRn yes my bd is most of the problem, & yes I hve a 18 mo old & to every1 else I juss feel like ppl r startin to criticize me 4 being pregnant again my sis isnt talkin to me I feel so alone I do wnt my baby bt no1 else does & I juss dnt wnt thm to treat 1 baby dif from the other
  • No one can tell you what to do, if it makes you feel any better I set up multiple abortions for myself early on in this pregnancy. I have a daughter and my husband and I were having problems, I didn't want another child at this time in my life. I had an abortion when I was young and wild, honestly I think about it every once and a while. It doesn't kill me on a regular basis. I am actually glad I don't have a 10 yr old right now. Only you can decide what is best for you. Abortion is a touchy subject, and giving a child up.for adoption is probably difficult too. Best of luck to you in this stressful time.
  • @supermom405 don't listen to what anyone has to say. My family is so mad at me for being pregnant (I took all precautions birth control failed and condom broke) she even told me that the only kids she will look out for are my 2 oldest. But her problem is the father. Don't stress yourself about it. Love the babies everything else will come into play
  • I thnk about ths so much I kry I juss dnt kno wut to do anymore
  • edited March 2011
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  • @mommy_of_3_2011 I try nt to I really do but I feel like im so alone + wen I 1st found out I was pregnant my bd said tht maybe we shud consider abortion bt after the 1st appointment he said he wanted 2 keep it bt sumtimes I thnk he mite really feel tht way
  • @supermom405 it doesnt matter wat everyone else wants. YOU are the mother and YOU will be taking care of it so f*** them! (excuse my language)
  • @Supermom405 how far along are you?
  • Every1 is rite I kno tht me reacting in ths way isnt the rite thng to do maybe it is my hormones I really do need to thnk a lil more & talk to my sister
  • I would not let others persuade you into your decision! You truly need to fallow your heart and decide what YOU want and whats best for YOU and your baby you have now. Making the decision based on what others say will just leave you regretting and angry about the decision you made. I was in a semi similar situation but based my decision on what I wanted NOT what everyone else thought or wanted. Good Luck!
  • Yes please don't have an abortion just trust God put Him first in your life and everything will work out we all sin and fall short. You have one child and I am sure you ate a good mother mommy baby daddys maybe so plan on doing all you can to raise your children even if the dad is not there pray and try not to be upset because it is not good for u, your baby or your 18 month old.
    Praying for u
  • @supermom405 If u need someone to talk to you can email me I do not judge I will not tell you what you should do.. I can listen :) bkuneki @g
  • Thank you every1 & thanks for nt criticizing me I get enuf of tht @ home Im goin to thnk hard in ths bcus I do love my baby & I mite gro to live ths 1 too even if its jus the 3 of us
  • edited March 2011
    Thanks @bkuneki I will do tht bcus I kud use some good advice or jus sum1 willing to listen
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  • Hey mama. I understand that you feel likeyour baby would be unwanted but are there other reasons that you don't want this fetus... let's talk it out and discover the best option for you and your pregnancy... be it abortion or adoption or keeping it for yourself...
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  • Praying for you! Love that sweet baby! :)
  • You need to make you own decision but all I know is that children are the light of our world as you do know with your 18 month old so remember this one would put just as much light as your other and children are so much more than men and even sometimes men see the light too and change so I say give it a chance and think hard
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