Depression: Pregnancy #2

edited March 2011 in Health
I'm suffering from depression and I told my doctor about it when I saw him yesterday. He prescribed me an antidepressant called Lexapro. I read about the side effects to women 20wks+ and it can harm the baby and cause problems.

I don't want my baby to have issues and I want him/her to have the best start he/she can when born. Should I stop taking the medication and just cope with the depression until I give birth? Or should I take the risk of my child having respiratory issues that can more than likely end up in hospitalization?

Also, does Lexapro affect the breast milk?


  • Not trying to sound mean but that's something for you to think about... pros and cons... Lexapro is not okay to take while pregnant.. I had strep and didn't take anything for it.. just because any medication can aventualy harm the baby.. I don't take any meds execpt vites... I would stop taking it if it were me just for the baby.. and seek other help ...
  • Was it ur ob doctor who prescribed it? Or a psychiatrist? Hopefully ur ob dr knows what theyre doing. Call the doc before u take it. I took lexapro for a while (wasnt preggo tho) and its a very mild antidepressant.
  • Yeah, I was thinking the same thing but.I have a history with severe depression, cutting, and suicide. I have a two year old to think about and I'm scared that all those things that haunt my past will resurface. I don't want to lose my little girl and I don't want her to lose me.

    At the same time, it's tough to decide because I don't want to harm this new baby because he/she never asked for all of this... :((
  • edited March 2011
    My OB doctor prescribed it. I don't want to doubt him because it is his profession, not mine. I just don't think all these side effects are right.
  • Well when u get the prescription filled it should come with a lil pamphlet type thing with all the side effects. Whered u get the side effects ur talking about now internet? Hopefully ur dr knows what they doing. If not, god forbid, u can sue! Good luck I hope u get outta ur depressive state, for your sake and ur babies :)
  • Your pharmacist will know about possible side effects to baby also, and you don't have to start taking it right away. If you're afraid, try to stick it out. If you can't, the prescription is available. I've suffered from depression my whole life, and sometimes its really bad. So far, i haven't had to take anything during pregnancy. Im a cutter, too. Its been a few years, but i believe that it stays with you forever.
  • Rootzmama: I read it all on the internet. I find out everything on the internet. I am just so confused.

    4senough: I know what you mean. I'm usually really good with dealing with it but right now I just don't know what to do. This pregnancy has had me in an out of the ER since the first few weeks until now, and I'm having marital issues. I think I should probably ask about light therapy or just take the medication until things have calmed down??
  • I'm in the same boat. Iowa's prescribed Zoloft and I'm so scared. I haven't filled it yet but know I need to do something. My friend suggested seeing a behavior and cognitive theropist first. She did say they are more expensive but it's all natural and a lot of woman love it when pregnant and are too scared to take meds. Also has no risks if you want to breast feed.
  • * I was
  • I have depression and anxiety alsi. I was taking lexapro (loved it) but I lost insurance and started taking celexa..just a cheaper version. I stopped once I found out I was pregnant. Now at 22 weeks I dont know if I can go without something. I talked to my ob today he said celexa is a safe med to take while pregnant especially after 20 weeks any birth defects would have already developed. He said the only possible problem is the baby might develop withdrawl symptoms after birth but isnt dangerous and will pass and still is a small chance. he wrote me a Rx but I havent decided if im going to take it or not yet. I want to try to wait but im sure you know how hard each day is with depression.
  • Ps he said its ok while breastfeeding alsi :)
  • I am bi polar and have been off of meds since 11-10. So far all is good. Im 5 weeks and 4 days. They plan w my therapist has always been to try to ride the high of being pregnant and If I do get depressed to talk to a herbologist (sp). A dr who uses only natural vitamins herbs and minerals to alliviate in my case depression. I was also a cutter and had suicide attempts. I find it very important to go to regular therapy and to journal. I really think if u take the medication and God forbid something happens to your baby you will feel guilty which will make the depression and cutting even worse. Also keep in mind that a large part of you feeling depressed probably has to do w your hormones! Anyway if you want to talk im here!
  • Sad to join this convo, but happy to know I'm not alone. I've been on effexor xr max dosage for 3 yrs and had to stop cold turkey. This is a very scary time for me. Already was hospitalized for dehydration from the side effects . Now I feel the side effects getting better but my original symptoms of frustration, irritability, depression, anger are all coming back. Dr. says I can get back on it but I won't take the risk having had 1 mc in the past.
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