Honestly would you let your husband



  • @buebug darn it I love you!!! Exactly!! No touching is going to be tolerated...or they will throw the clients out if they even try!

    And you are so right...half the strippers...at least at a decent club don't give a monkey's uncle about the clients. They just tryna get that $$$. lol
  • On the opposite side of the fact that I have a family full of strippers andknow there ways from top to bottom. In my own personal opinion strip clubs are a no-no. Its not because I am insecure, yadda..yadda. It has 100% to do with my religion, just thinking of another man or woman lusting them is cheating as if you had sex with them. I know not everyone has the same religion but that is my reason I said Nope! And about the porn....well me and my hubby make OUR OWN PORN :) & its wayyy better than looking at some dude in a porno movie when im only wanting to see my sexy ass man ;)
  • some strip clubs are respectful but there are alot of cheap nasty ones down here that I have personally been to and the strippers/bouncers/owners dont care what goes on as long as they are making money
  • I don't think anyone said anything bad about strippers I think just like you do there normal nice people but I don't think married men should go that's all everyone has different beliefs
  • @dollfacemommi This is said with the upmost respect....did you previously strip? You seem pro-dancers & know more than some? No hard feelings, just curious...:)
  • Yes I would, I don't see anything wrong with that...I have actually been to strip clubs with my bf before..he didn't like it he said the women are nasty n why would he pay to see some ugly girl naked when he has a hot gf he could see naked for free :-) I have been to them more then him lol
  • I let him go. I've been with hin a couple times. Its just entertainment
  • I actually wouldn't mind at all it's just the strip club its not like he went tew sleep with a prostitute @crazybeautifulx0 yuh live with strippers? Are yuh mean ppl yuh live with are comfortable lol. Srry
  • No way I don't let him do that or watch porn.. I let hum reaad his playboy every now and then but in my own opinion I find it disrespectful...and embarrassing to the family. If my husband was more interested in other woman then myself then he wouldn't be married.. I consider it a sin as being a catholic believer.
  • @crazybeautifulx0 lol no offense taken. no I don't dance. Never wanted to but I have been to a clean, decent, gentlemen's club (Magic City) where things were actually classy. the purpose was entertainment only. here in the town I go to school there is one that's quite sleezy called the pony and I've been there with some friends and it was way trashy. Just making a point that it's for entertainment purposes only.

    If a man watches porn and 99.8% do whether their wives or girlfriends know about it there really isn't much difference.

    It's just two different forms of entertainment...I dunno maybe I am just a fearless b*tch cause I know nothing but death can separate Chris and I. lol
  • edited March 2011
    Nope!! And he knows it!! But everyone seems to go after the club..
    I just dont want him to think its ok to go all the time...hes like a kid..i give him an m&m and he wants more...
    i dont care if he watches porn...also I dont want him spending money ..shoot were on BUDGET!!
  • edited March 2011
    @happy_mommy2be...YUP! Lol my aunts been a dancer for ten years, both our roomates work with her and my little cousin dances also. IMO strippers are a straight mess but I don't say that in a malicious way, I mean it in a compassionate way. And im not just talking out my ass either, I am & always have been really close with my aunt (we are only a few years apart) so I've been around it all many times more than I wanted have known all the girls she's worked with for years n years & I love her no matter what but I would NEVER do it. Lol no judgement that's just my personal choice :) and my mentality is much different from other girls...
  • @beatrice1436 lol I just told my man that this morning...I give you an inch and then you want a mile dammit! Lmao
  • I dont mind the watching porn or even just watching the girls...its when they start rubbing "themselves" on him that makes me feel uneasy, I trust him completely I just dont like knowing other women are naked rubbing on him it gives me a sick feeling
  • No, and I trust him. But there's no point to it. Letting your husband go look at other naked women? Seems wrong to me. It's more for single men I think. They go there because of lust.
  • My husband went to vegas n they went to a strip club n he does not get turned on really quickly. If its jus skinny pretty girl up on the pole hell fall asleep but if its a thick chick doin tricks hes super awake lol
  • edited March 2011
    @novmthumper11 that's basically what I was trying to say but you said it a lot better :) as a christian follower & my man as a christian follower, it is a sin just to look and lust another than your wife/husband. With that said I have no desire to do such a thing & my man said on his own that he also does not care to look at another woman in that way. :)
  • edited March 2011
    @CrazyBeautifulx0... hahaha..right!
    I have nothing against them too..my cousin is or was...idk if she still is doing it..a stripper@ a high in one..most cousins and Anuts have worked in one..
  • I would! I have been without him. But it was before we got together. The girls aren't interested in men. But when the ladied come in the girls are all over them" its funny. And unlesd your paying out of your butt to a stripper after a minute they are movin onto someone else. If he went i would go to! So much fun!"
  • I never said a stripper would go to a hotel room I'm simply stating that the women would be strangers and would u let ur man see a stranger naked
  • Absolutely! Two of our best friends are a couple that's the manager of one & his gf is a stripper there. He goes with & with out me. I know he's coming home to me, no worries. Best time I ever had was going up to the club, & one of the girls had pulled him on stage & was giving him lessons on the pole! He was in his boxes & sneakers, it was hilarious! I guess it all depends on just what you are personally comfortable with.
  • Or even someone u know and it doesn't matter if he tels you he's there or not that is sexual and that is to be shared with u and your husband only you I'm not trying to change ur views just stating mine.
  • i was a dancer and i honestly would not let him go because like @may1mommatobe
    some are just dancing but others do dirty jobs.
  • Uh hell no. And if I ever caught my husband at one I would tie him up with a rope and tie it to the back of our truck and drive as fast as I could down every bumpy gravel road there is and then I would drive the highway to the hospital and dump him out at ER. Lol.
  • @momof5

    Hahahahaha! That made me LOL.
  • @finallypregnant2 all I have to say is I been done with this topic. You have your beliefs and I have mine.

    But you might want to be mindful before saying what you "never said". Read your second post you made at 3:26 p.m. in this thread...I don't put words in ppl's mouths. Hotel was the farthest thing from my mind before you made such a senseless statement.

  • @crazybeautifulxo. Well thanks. They way I see it is if my husband wants to waste money then I will be glad to put on a little thong and dance around on him and he can just slide the money down my undies. That way we both win. He can get all turned on and get sex from me and I win cause not only do I get money to spend. Hahaha. But I also get sex. Lol.
  • If he wanted to go I wouldn't care. We've went together a few times. He honestly doesn't see the point in paying to see fake Boobs n c section scars. Porn I have zero problem with either when he's deployed I send it to him. Whatever floats his boat, he keeps it in his pants so I have no reason to care.
  • OK again i was saying that would you let your man take a stranger to a hotel room would u trust him with that I never said he would take a stripper there sorry if you took that out of context didn't mean to offend you
  • I didn't mind when he went one time e/ friends.I knew he was never going to get a lap dance.( too shy).. Then he came home to say a gorgeous woman swung from the pole and wrapped her thighs around his head. I was jealous lol
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