Honestly would you let your husband



  • only if i went with him, although i do find it discusting and sleazy in the first place and would be alittle weirded out that it was necissary.
  • I would go with him lol
    I don't think he would want to go by himself or with friends to begin with lol
    he likes having fun with me and I don't mind strip clubs or porn...
    He thinks mean things about strippers
  • No way jose! Im the last women he will ever see naked and he knew that going into this marriage. Why would he want to look at another women anyway
  • My hubs said the only way he would go is if I went with him lol and I told I would go. I want to go and buy him a lapdance and stand back and see how he reacts lol. But here the girls can only be topless. If they were full nude I wouldn't want them giving him a lapdance lol. But by himself I wouldn't want him to go and he's never really wanted to go. He says he has all the a$$ and titties he needs right here and I know he married me bc he loves me and like most of the ladies here I trust him. But everyone is different and if you don't want your man going i completely understand. Oh and I wouldn't want him going at all while im the size of house right now lol!!
  • LOL my BF had never been and I took him! so yes!
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  • I don't care at all if my husband goes....He comes home to me and usually with a funny story or two about the crazy looking women LOL I trust him completely and could care less, I'm sad I can't go anymore being preggo it was sooo much fun, always lead to a good night (wink wink) He goes to play pool and hang out because it's less packed than a bar. I'm not worried about him all of a sudden not being attracted to me because hes seen a couple of women he cannot touch walk around naked trying to make money lol, otherwise I would have not got married until my self esteem was right :-D
  • @ashley_smashley totally agree!! He's not a child he is a grown man, and just like I refuse to be told what to do I would NEVER tell him what to do- the tighter the lease they more they pull, lol
  • Haha @Akmommy there are some strippers that I don't think he"d sleep with if the stripper paid him. We went to one in Florida and one of the strippers winked and I swear her entire face disappeared. Her head looked like a lemon we laughed right infront of her
  • @cetheridge hahahahaha! that's hilarious, have you guys been to Fantasies?? that place just makes us laugh, its all in fun- I've laughed in the faces of strippers some of that stuff is just too hilarious and yeah my husband doesn't even give them money he just drinks and plays pool, they always come up to him and he just tried to turn away its sooo funny to see
  • @Akmommy Nah I've never been ill have to ask him if he has. He's the same way though. I've heard horror stories about one at ft bragg called sharkeys. He swears the strippers had bullet scars haha. I think its a trip when they try to get all up on him until they realize hes not giving em any money.
  • @cetheridge that is too funny and honestly I would probably believe it! LOL- and that's the same thing with my husband, he has never spent a dime on them and they figure it out quick. Maybe when we are both not preggo we can all go out some time. Those clubs are fun just because of how crazy they are. The Bush company has some of the oldest strippers ever that it's hilarious!
  • @Akmommy Haha one day maybe we can. He'll be deploying sometime this year so maybe I can get him out of the house at some point. We used to go to rumrunners, woodshed and fattys (can't think of the real name) last frontier maybe? Old strippers are the best. Esp when they talk n it sounds like they drink gasoline and smoke 3 packs a day
  • @cetheridge I used to go to Rummys and Koots alll the time before this, even tho its small here, sometimes it can be fun(kinda....lol) the ones at Bush are overtanned, wrinkley, and have fake booies that look terrible. And that is exactly how they sound hahahahaha
  • @Akmommy like magna (spelling) from something about Mary? Yum
  • @cetheridge hahahahahahaha- now I totally have the image in my head!! too funny
  • Yes, I let him go. I don't see anything wrong with it, I trust him. Before I was prego we would go together or I would go with my girls.
  • ***male view*** actually its bettwr for him to go to the clubs rather than a bar... The girls are escorted to their cars at the clubs and are usually CLOSELY supervised. At the bars i can take 2 girls to a hotel at the same time any night of the week. And I see the pole dancing like circ de solei. Its astonishing the muscle strength it must take to do even the seemingly simpleist moves with such easeand grace... (its like naked ballet) lol
  • @Dublindaddy you are great! lol naked ballet, that really is a talent in my opinion, U sure as heck don't have that kinda strength haha- and you're right, I'm so confused by women having issues with strip clubs but not bars, at the strip clubs they are really strict even in the shaddy ones, yet bars are full of drunk girls waiting to be picked up
  • Not a chance. Not that id think he'd do anything but I don't want him watching naked girls just like he wouldn't want me watching naked guys. Everyone has there opinions its not about faithfulness
  • So I'm just curious...all the ladies that say they don't want their guys looking at naked ladies, does that mean movies with nude scenes are off limits? Not to be a smart ass, but a naked lady is a naked lady, whether it's live or not.

    I think it's human nature to rebel, so to me, telling a grown person they're "not allowed" to do something would only fuel a person to rebel. I'm an adult and if I want to do something in which is not causing anybody any harm, it's my right to make the decision to do what I want. Just my opinion. :)
  • Hell no!! I would burn our house down with all his sh*t in it and he knows it!! Lol strip clubs are no place for a married man especially one with children. I don't care how special you think your relationship is.
  • Lol yes I would I trust my husband plus wen he gets bak hes always drunk and one thing leads to another lol thats how I got pregnant lol plus I try to go with him at times its not so bad
  • I think it's disrespectful if ur in a relationship in my opinion .... if he finds the need to have to go look at other naked chicks then that just tells me I'm not good enough then ... but I don't have to worry about that because my husband finds strip clubs and strippers nasty and he respects me!!! But that's my opinion and if your husband goes then thats ur choice to like it or not and if u dont Mind then there's nothing wrong with that either!!!
  • I'd go with him... my husband watches a lot of porn... I think he's a sex addict, honestly... I've just learned to join in with him... its a bonding thing for him... anyway!
  • I would let him go It I could come with. I know some of you ladies say that the dancers can't touch them. Well over on the east side of St.Louis there's a couple real raunchy clubs that have hot tubs and showers and bed rooms. I have been to these clubs and the women I have seen do sexual things on stage and try to pull customers up there. They are full blown naked and grind their junk in your face, lap.. ect. I've had a dancer try to go down on me even. I worked at one as a cocktail waitress and the dancers I knew jacked off men, had sex with them, and would go down them and let the men do what ever Thu wanted. Unfortunately this place is greatly popular and the men go there for these reasons
  • I would let him go It I could come with. I know some of you ladies say that the dancers can't touch them. Well over on the east side of St.Louis there's a couple real raunchy clubs that have hot tubs and showers and bed rooms. I have been to these clubs and the women I have seen do sexual things on stage and try to pull customers up there. They are full blown naked and grind their junk in your face, lap.. ect. I've had a dancer try to go down on me even. I worked at one as a cocktail waitress and the dancers I knew jacked off men, had sex with them, and would go down them and let the men do what ever Thu wanted. Unfortunately this place is greatly popular and the men go there for these reasons
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  • I wouldn't care. He does go from time to time and I go to the male ones here and there. It's just a good time out with friends.
  • Heck yeah I'd let him go. We use to go together quite often. But I'm only 23 so I still enjoy stuff like that. \m/
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