Honestly would you let your husband



  • I would. My bf went while he was in Charlotte for the CIAAs and Pinky was there and he called me to tell me about it. I trust him 100%! i'd go with him if I wasn't preggo.
  • Good luck with your marriage I'm sure you will be very happy u accept what u do and I will what I do seariously I never wanted to offend you or anyone else
  • @finallypregnant2 I trust mine to go to the store without me and I also know he has enough self respect to NOT take another woman to a hotel. Strippers n prostitutes are like apples n oranges
  • @cetheridge darn it!! I love you too. She is obviously lacking some common sense!!! I'm like whether it be a stripper or a random woman...I still don't get the point she's "trying" to make. Ugh! smh.
  • @finallypregnant2 don't worry I don't offend easily. I just wish ppl would stand by what they say.

    Thanks. same to you. and my marriage is just fine. :-)
  • I never said strippers were prostitutes I really was giving an example of why I feel that strip clubs are off limits for my husband, my husband does something else for his time with the boys like poker or fantasy football or whatever
  • I say go for it. doesn't bother me
  • A strip club is far from a hotel room I think that is peoples problem with your statement to compare the two is ridiculous sry but true
  • A naked chick is a naked chick in a strip club or a hotel room if u trust ur man so much
  • I was never the type of person that would go to one so saying that.my husband knew i was into it and if he wanted someone that wouldn't care if he went shouldve married thats person that enjoys it..all my friends and there bf go to strip club..everyone does..but us..
  • Yes, I've gone with him & had way more fun than he did.lmao! he doesn't like them, butme & my girlfriends go all the time. its just fun, no worries. trust your man girl ;)
  • My husband was here in Alaska by himself last time before we got married and "escorts" are legal here. All of his buddys will tell u they've had em even split the cost (gross haha) his nest friends wife still picks on him about his "Alaska angels" days. My husband didnt do it then so I can't see him doing it now. @dollfacemommi haha no harm in being honest I see it like tighten the leash all u want, he's a grown man and eventually if that rope gets too tight he'll chew through it anyway.
  • And all it is to me is the thoughts that it gives them and u r all right porn is the same if not worse
  • Wow ok if you say but I personally see a difference between a club with his buddies and a room full of people and a hotel room alone but I guess that's just me
  • @cetheridge okay. ditto.

    @diverwfe you hit the nail right on the head hun! ;-)
  • Porn isn't worse, its cheaper!
  • No I get what u all mean my point is that there mind goes there and thanks for letting me know why people think I'm a bitch maybe its harmones who knows I usually never say anything back to people
  • I wasn't trying to be mean I just wanted you to understand what pissed people off everyone thinks differently and that's fine your marriage your life not anyone elses do what you want
  • Beautiful ladies!! Remember that saying opinions are like as*holes..everyone has one. That's what makes us all unique, if everyone agreed all the time noone would want or ask for help. Just sayin :)
  • I would never want him there a bunch of times fir a "guys night out" but I think it depends on the relationship. We have been together with friends... not to get all hot and bothered but just BC it was a fun place. Or, when we moved to this dinky-a$$ town we heard a lot about the 1 strip club here so we went in for a laugh on a boring night & then brought friends BC it was hilarious! !! Which, he got a free pass to go at any time BC no way would my man be turned on or tempted. LOL

    Anyways. I think it depends on u and ur man. Never with someone unfaithful or if your pretty insecure. It wont help!
  • I wouldnt mind my husband going. I trust him so it does not bother me. He can look but he can not touch! Always been our rules:) and it works for us
  • I never wanted to change anyone's opinion
  • Hell no! Ill kill him. Kiddin nah that will never happen cuz im rite her he can watch me. Lol
  • Side note..getting to hear another persons view on a subject can be a positive thing! My children had a hard time not thinking gay people are "gross" but when my youngest sister came "out" and talked to them, I have never heard them say anything negative about being gay again. My point.. Lol I have one.. woman who strip or prostitute are just paying bills the way they know how. Not for me IMHO
  • I know a couple female strippers personally. You have some strippers that only strip to pay for college or to support themselves and family and then you have some that are hoes and will do whatever for the cash. What do you think goes on in the vip room? Men pay for things other than lap dances such as sex and oral sex.
  • edited March 2011
    I would love to be my husbands personal stripper but I honestly cant be sexy. I suck at dancing too stiff and I think too much
  • I would appreciate any advice
  • my husband is not into that really...and even if he was id trust him anyways. :)
  • Whenever I hear comments about 'letting' your husband do something I just shake my head. Your husband is not your child and he shouldnt have to be 'allowed' to do something. With that being said I personally, as a married woman, do not like strip clubs, and I would never marry someone who didnt share my same beliefs. I am not saying that people who go to these clubs are bad people I am simply saying that its not for me or my husband. IF that was something that you BOTH enjoy together then more power to ya! But if you choose to be with someone who doesnt think there is anything wrong with it and you do then there is a problem...I dont think anyone should choose to share a life with someone who doesnt agree with you about things that you are passionate about.
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