(For fun) You know your pregnant when...



  • (agreeing with ya blue_grass)
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  • When u hear the ice cream man 6 miles away and tell ur hubby then he looks at u and says "I wouldn't expect anything less of u hunnie".

    When ur drinking from a straw in the middle of the night and ur slurping the last few drops out and ur man wakes up and says "r u serious?"

    When ur man calls u on his way home everyday and says "ok what food do u want me to pick up?"

    When one of ur best guy friends is feeling ur tummy and he says "omg its like there's a real human being growing inside of ur stomach!" Omg r u for real? Dude I'm PREGNANT I think that's the whole point lol.

    Ok I'm done for now but I could go on for hours lol.
  • You know you ate pregnant when you gag at the thought of the things your bd eats, then out do him by mixing what he just ate with something you.saw him eat last week.

    You know you are pregnant when you start praying to god to let you poop at least one time in the next week.

    You know you are pregnant when you have no interest in sex, then get mad at your bd for masturbating.

    You know you are pregnant when, you get mad at your bd for playing a video game while you want his attention then as soon as he states to give you attention you can't seem to compel yourself to get off pregly to get the attention. Then he goes back to play thee game so you get mad at him : P
  • When your lying in bed on pregly and beyond jealous that ur hubby didn't wake up with all the noise ur making ... must be nice to be able to sleep thru the night :(
  • @ammasmama lol that is a smart two year old.
  • You know your pregnant when you knocked out sleep and sit up and call out the food your craving in your dream.

    I sweat if she wasn't my best friend I wouldn't have went and got her that taco bell.
  • U kno ur pregnant when u curse ur man out for picking u up from work late even if its like two to five min late... Lol

    U kno ur pregnant when ur man gotta help pull u outta bed cuz u cant pull urself up.

    U kno ur pregnant when ur man ask u for sex n u tell him no n when u want sex he turns u down n u cry lol

    I love this post cuz its so funny n its true lol
  • You know your pregnant when a breath on your neck no longer turns you on..its just makes you want to puke.

    You know your pregnant when you NEED 5 pillows or you'll cry your self to sleep
  • When u c a commercial and it makes u cry...
  • When u wish someone would make a "DON'T TOUCH ME" or "DON'T TOUCH MY BELLY" t-shirt or you make one yourself.

    When the sight of your man peacefully sleeping makes you want smack him real hard and when he wakes up, you pretend that you are sleep.

    When one bowl of pickles and ice creams isn't cutting it.

    When you yell at your man for looking at you and cry when he's not. Then yell at him for not looking at you and cry when he is.
  • @veevee - here is a site with shirts you'll love! http://www.cafepress.com/evilgeniusstore/1993389 I'm crazy about the ones that threaten folks who try to touch your belly. :-j
  • You know ur pregnant when you think 15 mins for a nap feels like the greatest thing in the world. I do this almost everyday lol
  • You know you are pregnant when a hot dog is now considered a snack:)
  • U know ur pregnant when u r in da back of da bus and someone getting wit a slice of pizza and u can smelled and wanna eat that pizza even tho u don't know what is in da slice. I miss my bus stop :-(
  • @rebeltwins oh my god all of these are true. But I just read that to my fiance and all he says is....."thats totally you" I only did it once so far...when we were putting laundry together that is all on the floor. So I pointed things out and said....oh oh can you put that in there too? Lol need/essence to say..it worked!
  • You know you're prego when... You used to love sex, but now you don't want to be touched.

    You know you're prego when... You're loctose intollorant and eat a lot of ice cream or cheesy food and have gas later.

    You know you're prego when... You get mad at your bd b/c you cant reach to tie your shoes and he laughs at you.

    You know you're prego when... Your mom knows that you're prego b4 you take a PT.

    You know you're prego when... You used to hate meat, but now you cant stop eating burgers and beef jerky.

    You know you're prego when... You pass gas and blame it on your toddler who can barely talk yet.

    You know you're prego when... You're at the grocery store and you open something and eat it w/o paying 1st, then hide the wrapper on the next available shelf.
  • You know you're preggo when you toss and turn trying to get comfortable at night, finally sit up to get out of bed and let out the biggest most surprising burp ever...but instantly feel better!!
  • You know you're prego when... You sit your belly on top of the bathroom sink while you do your hair
  • @msmommy ... what a good idea! Like a belly crutch stand.
  • You know you are preggo when your belly is your own built in table!
  • You know you are preggo when you get out of a speeding ticket cause you tell the cop that you really really really have to go to the bathroom and can't hold it! I was just thankful that the dumb cop actually believed me!
  • @rebeltwins I sooo got out of a ticket for that too.. he laughed and all but threw my license back at me to hurry AND then gave me an escort home.. Lmao and we totally sped.. it was awesome..
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  • You no your pregnant when, your baby kicks so hard you think he/she might make a hole straight through your tummy!
  • You know yout pregnant when you start crying with anything that you see on tv that has to do with baby births.
  • You know your pregnant when you can't wait for your baby bump to cone then cry when it does cause nothing fits :)
  • You know ur pregnant when u literally cry over spilt milk well spilt anything. ;)
  • you know ur preg when u go bra shopping and end being depressed cuz u can't find the most comfy one!!
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