They say a baby is born every minute!! who else is due in NOVEMBER :)



  • Yay november babies so exciting im due on the 9 th
  • Nov 19 and I want a girl cuz I have a son but hubby wants a boy cuz he has a daughter lol.. we get what we get!
  • I'm due Nov 19th and we want a girl I think I well be able to handle my first as a girl instead of a boy but I will be happy either way
  • Due november 8th :) I will be happy either way, but I want a little girl bc its my first and I want to have daddys lil girl :D but I also want a boy bc I know daddy really wants one.
  • Due November 10!
  • Due nov 12 me and hubby want a boy ad well i have 2 girls he got little boy but we want to make our own little boy pray for me have a boy
  • @tinakader how far along are u?
  • Turn 7 weeks today
  • Due around nov. 17th hope it's a boy because I already have 2 daughters ages 4 & 8 :-) good luck everyone!!!
  • Nov 14th!
  • edited March 2011
    November 11th and its my second can't wait :D hoping for a girl as we already have a little man x
  • November 20th as well, 4th baby...I have a 5 year old little girl, a 3 year old little boy, and a 2 year old little boy, so I'm hoping this one is a girl. I will be happy with a boy or girl as long as its healthy.
  • Mines nov 14th with my 2nd :) and I want a girl because I already have a little boy whose 4 years old but he wants a little brother and twins lol but deff not twins I had my first ultrasound last night and only one baby in there!
  • November 8th, this is my first baby!
  • November 4th, my first baby
  • 11-14 my first! hoping for a boy but as long as I have a healthy baby ill be happy!
  • My estimated due date is nov 21, this is my first child.. I would really like a little girl, but will be happy with either as long as the baby is health
  • Edd Nov 8 I hope its a boy cause I have a 9 month old little girl. But ether is fine!
  • Ok I'm due Nov 22 I want a girl I all ready have 2 kids a boy and a girl so
  • My first and I'm also due 11/20. I'm excited but also nervous as I had a miscarriage last year....ultrasound next week will hopefully set aside some of those anxieties. Congrats to all the mommies to be!
  • Due Nov 15th wanting a boy but ill be happy with a girl too. Boyfriend says its a boy so we will see in a few months
  • This Is My First , We're Hoping For A Boy ! My Due Date Is November 22nd (:
  • Nov 17th!! First baby and were hopin for a boy but will b happy either way =)
  • Nov 28 think its a boy cuz thats wat i dream but fiance wnts a lil girl
  • November 8th with my first! Hooray! ;;)
  • Wow congrads all mommies and nov babies I gues the saying is true I seen 3 other mommies we share the same date and many others that share the same date (*)
  • @misselfae my first (boy) was born nov 28th & my 2nd is due nov 19th! Crazy!
  • My due date is nov 13 and im hoping its a girl because I have 3 boys
  • Due around ther 11th nov.....3 baby
    I have a boy n girl n my partner has a girl frm a previous relationship
    So wud like a boy so its 2 of the girls always fight n moan my sons so relaxed :-) congrats to u all :-)
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