racial stereotypes (pregnacy edition) dont be offended just for fun!! we can learn something!!

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
Ok i know we all make up things and have stereotypes about other races but sometimes we never ask... well here your chance. I'm African American and sometimes i even wonder about my own people. Why must we put so many hair bows in our child's head? Why does Hispanic women let there children run freely in public. Why does Caucasian women allow there children curse at or around them? Please don't be offended maybe u can ask me some things.


  • Bahah.. y do some white moms let there kid do as they please period. I seen one lady let her kid cuss her out,smack her and tell her she was stupid. And stayed calm! I'm white n I know if my kid did the first thing they would be knocked out and sayin sorry faster then the birth.
  • Ahh hahah! Your so funny :) its soo true I have a question for you if yoy dont mindd im having a half black baby and im so nervous about his hair! Anything special I should know? Im pretty sure itll just be cute loose curls but idkk
  • Lol I have some of the same questions
  • edited March 2011
    @babylove00 a girl on here jalem just had this discussion there are tons of tips on that thread u should find it!
  • Haha I agree swearing maybe I kinda have a foul mouth but damn some of the things kids get away with? Why do African American mom's seem to be uber strict with their kids at walmart? And fire caucasians why the hell do you let your kids walk all over you?
  • edited March 2011
    I don't think race is the reason to those things.. butttt.. have you ever wondered how to handle talking to your child about diff races? Lol my mom works at the hospital & she works with a mexican lady who is sich an awesome friend of our family.. well my baby sister noticed she dated a black guy.. and decided to ask why lol my mom was sooooo embarrassed.. and her friend wasn't mad (my sister was only 2 & she knows my family isn't at all racist) and she said.. because I think he's prettyy (: haha my sister said yeah huh he sure is haha kids can be so blunt without understanding!
  • @ghettobetty omgoshh thanks I will! :)
  • Haha, I'm white. I will beat that child before it cusses at me or slaps me!

    I don't know if I have questions about other races.. lol
  • for caucasians oops
  • Lol, well we could adapt the stay calm part then we would be alright. My mom would have had my lips as big as my head. I was watching teen mom trying to figure it how the hell j3nelle gets away with the way she talks.
    Why does Asians allow their children to ridein strollers until their feet are dragging the ground
  • Here's a funny one. I noticed Indians strap the baby on them. Like It's a backpack bahah
  • Lol good topic! I'm white my son is mixed bk & white. Im more strict & allow no disrespect but my mom will let my son get away with murder, but she didn't let me. Everyone says blk women whoop kids a$$ & put up with no BS but I have seen some let there kids talk to em any kind of way!! I seen em get the $hit knocked out of em too tho lol. I like hearing the different wives tales about pregnancy from the different cultures very interesting
  • @babylove00 lets cross our fingers for curly hair because if not you're doomed, lol haircuts Every week..
    And we are struck at Walmart because we feel if you break it you buy it so sit still n if u ain't got no money y u touching something anyway. *thump across the forehead* lmao
  • edited March 2011
    Well I'm black and can't figure out why some black women think its ok to beat the hell out of their children and curse them out in public. I'm not saying don't discipline in public but that kind of behavior makes the parent look bad.
  • Yea I've been embarrassed in stores by my mom. Mad as hell hoping the nearest white lady would save me lol
  • My mom doesn't curse but when u get that look you know its about to go down. 8 learned a lot of ducking moves
  • Well I'm hispanic and NO I don't let none of my kids run freely, to many sick people out here for anyone to let their kids run freely
  • @krazymomofadrian Most African American moms are strict in wal-mart when the kids get on the store they expect to get everything that they want outta there and then they tend to show out and that's something that I'm not going to put up with!!

    I always wondered why white women take their kids in the grocery store without any shoes on or maybe its just a thing in the south.
  • @mommys1stbundle that's just ghetto LOL my ex's family used to tell me I need to beat my sons ass more. I used to think why so I can look as ignorant as you!
  • Why do African women just whip out the boob n breast feed anywhere. Yuck
  • Lol this is funny and I'm black by the way
    Y do black ppl name their kids after food?
    Y do white ppl put their kids on leashes?
    Y do spanish ppl put white communion dresses and knee boots on their babies?
    Y do asians put their babies in backpack carriers n their knees hit the moms waist.
    Lmao t public beatings..... I got whooped at McDonalds on 125th wen I was like 6. My ass still hurts
  • This is for all races....Why do moms let their 2 or 3 year old run around with a pacifier in their mouth?
  • @tottie08. That's something i wonder about. No shoes feet are black as hell at the bottom lol
  • Lol @mommie_mcatee hey I seen white n spanish ppl do that too!!! I was in IHOP and a spanish lady just whipped it out at the table across from me. I'm like got milk?
  • edited March 2011
    @mommie_mcatee I haven't seen anyone breastfeeding around here Lol
  • Lmao the leash I forgot about that hahaha!
  • I'm white & agree u don't have to cuss ur kid out to get ur point across but sometimes they do need to get butt busted...especially my 9 year old I can't take that back talkin & gotta remind him who runs this lol
  • I hate it when people stand in the middle of the road like it ain't no thing. And it's usually a grown asses Spanish man. Why?

    I work in child care. My center is in a fairly well off area. So I see all sorts of crazy spoiled kids. Here are some 100% true observations for your enjoyment...

    A little Indian 2 y/o boy slapped his dad across the face and then looked at his teacher with an "oh shit imma get in trouble" look. And his dad did nothing. Nothing.

    A little Asian/white boy, 4 y/o, told another that he was going to 'stab him in the eye with a pencil and send him to the hospital.'

    A mother came to pick up her 3 y/o boy while holding her 1 y/o girl. He wouldn't put on his coat. So after trying not to stare at her lame attempts to tame her son, I offered to hold her daughter while she helped her son. I was one of the girl's teachers, and only subbing in the boy's class. She replied, "why, so I can smack him around?" And rolled her eyes. Crazy, stupid white woman. It isn't my fault your little boy is psychotic. I hope he doesn't kill you in your sleep before puberty.

    That's just the icing on my cake for today. I'll share more stories if I can think of any I can sum up.
  • All races @tootie08. Y do they have bottles n pacifers past 2? Or the ones that got they feet draggin by out the stroller holdin a bottle. Kid just came outta first grade lmao
  • edited March 2011
    My daughter is mixed and her grandma on her dads side is black. My daughter is scared to go over there because that lady cusses her kids out constantly and is constantly yelling and calling her own kids b*****s and m'fers. She also punches her kids in the chest and beats them with things. I dnt let my daughter go over there at all grandma or not.
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