i wanna do abortion ... but i made a promise to God ;( help me



  • I know how you feel kinda I'm 26 and pregnant with 2nd... Only had sex 1 time this time. I was drinking... I didn't want my baby either because the devil put thoughts in my mind that I can not do this again but he is a lie... God will never put more on you than you can bare and if he thought you couldn't do it he wouldve never implanted such a blessing inside of you. That's a life! Im just saying think twice because this might be the last 1 that you can have and I know you don't wana be left with the regret of what couldve been. I'll be praying for you!
  • I hope this is a decision you really think through. I had an abortion, in high school. I see where your coming from, but it sounds like you might regret it. You made a concious decision to not use protection, your boyfriend actually wants you to keep it, and who knows your 5 yr old might love the idea of having a baby brother or sister. Make sure this is something you truely think about. Good luck with your decision, in the end you have to decide what you think is best for your future.
  • I know how you feel kinda I'm 26 and pregnant with 2nd... Only had sex 1 time this time. I was drinking... I didn't want my baby either because the devil put thoughts in my mind that I can not do this again but he is a lie... God will never put more on you than you can bare and if he thought you couldn't do it he wouldve never implanted such a blessing inside of you. That's a life! Im just saying think twice because this might be the last 1 that you can have and I know you don't wana be left with the regret of what couldve been. I'll be praying for you!
  • edited March 2011
    im 17. full time student, part time waitress. if i can do it…so can you! keep your head up. every baby is a blessing. and dont think i didnt consider abortion…cause i did. but i just couldnt stand losing my baby. i want to work as hard as i can to give him a good life! @theUndecidedmommy
  • I think there is a couple of things to look at here. Not only was it YOUR mistake and you took the chance knowing that it could happen but you made a baby. A poor innocent baby that has done nothing wrong and you want to take its tiny beating heart and stop it. Your taking its soul away and giving it back to God when obviously he gave it to you for you to take care of it not kill it. And second off you said your bf was excited. What's this going to do to him? How does he feel about it all? If you do something like killing his child when he's so excited about it your going to not only break his heart into pieces but also ruin a relationship that you both work hard in. So many women and men out there would love to be able to have a child of their own and they pray for one of their own but never get it. And here you are with a special gift from God and you just want to kill it and act like it never existed. Think before you do anything that you will regret. Lots of prayers to you and your unborn.
  • I don't think abortion is the way to at all I'm not very religous but I do belive in god, he has things planned for us. I was 14 when I first got pregnant I was super scared I didn't know what to do but I raised him! He is five also I also have a 0ne yr old zoey! And brock helped me so much when I had her so you will have a little help its heart melting to watch them be big brother! I have another one due in novmber and can't wait! I know I. Had to take action for my actions! If. You think you can't handle you should adopt there is tons of people needing babys that can't have them don't messed it up for them too. My brother is looking to adopt because his wife can't have kids its hard when ppl are aborting there babies,
  • i do agree u need to learn how to use birth control because abortion is not a form of it. However i am for abortion but only under certian circumstances. I agree with u tho about adoption..i would NEVER do that. I think if u do abort then im hoping u get a iud put in rite then because there really is no excuse to have a bunch of abortions.
  • You can do it girl! Its gonna seem hard now and like something you don't want to do, but when you have the baby and support him or her it will be so rewarding seeing how strong you were and how you stayed strong!
  • I'm prochoice, but I don't think that abortions should be used as birth control. It's one thing to become pregnant because the condom broke or your b/c failed but not using any protection?! Seriously! What did you think was going to happen? It's a baby not a magnet, you should know how these things work. And it sounds like your boyfriend was planning for this to happen and assumed you were cool with it because you allowed it.

    I think you two need to sit down and talk this out. Good luck.
  • edited March 2011
    If the father wants the baby then it should be given to him. He obviously wanted a child and he or she is half his regardless of who's body is carrying it.
  • So you just decided to not use birth control because you didn't think it could happen. But you have a 5 year old and have had an abortion? Obviously you can get pregnant, you have 2 before. That was a bad choice that you made. I say whatever your choice, abortion or adoption, start thinking about an iud for afterwards. So it doesn't happened again and you wont have to make a 4th hard decision. Adoption would not be an easy thing but it can be worth it, plus there is open adoption where you can be part of it.
  • Most states will pay for you to get your tubes tied...sounds like you should look into that...I was 15 with my first had him when I was 16 abortion never even went thru my head...I'm 20 also and pregnant with number 2 I had two misscarriages and couldn't imagine wanting to lose a baby especially after losing 2 naturally ..I'm my opinion after you had your first you obviously know what sex results in...and personally I don't see how you can have a kid and then have an abortion like is real after you pop one out isn't it? Like you realize what was inside of you and what you made?? I'm completely against abortion like many of these other women so excuse me if I sound rude but the way I feel geez pop it out and give it to me I'd take care of another one if it meant it stayed alive
  • I agree with @Bellamomma iv made alot of dumb and hard decisions. But there alot of ways to find support. I found mine through god. Whenever I need help I Just pray and somehow he gives me the answer. Maybe you should find someone or something to confide in...whether that be god, music, or friends. Pregly mommas are also here for you(:
  • @theUndecidedMommy I will only be honest. As I had one at 19 for health reasons for myself, but I live in new York and in upstate they won't go past 8 weeks. For the simple reason of developement and lots of other reasons. I honestly say...seeing as though you have one child, please consider a close ended adoption. I can't say I'm against them ....bit when young and irresponsible and you have health concerns for yourself. Consider all options. And lots of luck
  • You made the desicion to not use protection . You knew you could get pregnant. Now You Are. Adoption or the father that wants the baby are your only true choices. It is not that babies fault that you made a bad desicion. Its heart is beating already..... think about that
  • Please do NOT listen to the people on here telling you abortion is wrong and they are against it. You are clearly saying you don't want the baby, I think you should do what you think is best for you and if right now having a baby is not the right thing then do what feels right in your heart, please don't let these ignorant people try to persuade you. I think adoption can be harder than abortion. Why do people think it is ok to bring an unwanted baby into this world, only for them to suffer? Not saying you would make your baby suffer but you said yourself your bf is immature. God will forgive you, he knows you are doing what you know is right at this moment.
  • I totally undeorstand where your coming fromandhave been faced with simular situations. I made the same promise and honoring has been hard. I have had moments of weakness where I wanted to get the procedure for peace of mind. Also faced the option of adoption with children already here that I care for. I now look at it as abortion doesnt make you any less of a mother, it only makes you a mother to a dead baby. And I had to make the decision I could live with. You should do the same. You know you better than anyone.
  • Ok I can see where everybody is coming from but if you knew you could get pregnant but continued to do you anyway then no disrespect but why are you complaining now? You have a child so you knew what would happen. I'm younger then you are and having a baby alone (not by choice) but I'm keeping him. No I'm not you neither are any of these women but saying I promised god but ima do it then ask for forgiveness, that's not how god works hun. You won't get forgiveness by doing that its in the bible. But yea you also said you couldn't live with knowing you have a kid out there somewhere outta sight outa mind right... well haven't you forgotten about the baby from when you were 17? You could always do an open adoption and still see your child but honestly YOU messed up not that baby thas like punishing you for someone elses crime... how fair is that? That's just how I see it but good luck with your decision.
  • Ok so let me get this straight... he was perfectly mature enough to have unprotected sex with? But now suddenly he's too immature to raise a child? Ha ha ha... that should be HIS decision not someone else claiming him to be immature. Grow up people. Its ok for her to say she doesn't want the baby.. but its not ok for him to say he does? Who's really immature.
  • I'm pro-choice. I believe if it is the woman's choice to choose to terminate or go with the pregnancy. However, I do not agree when abortion is used as birth control. There are so many choices of contraceptive out there. Im just saying when and where do you draw the line.
  • Shame on all of you!!!!!!!!
  • I just wanted to add I was there ONCE. at 18 I got pregnant from a stupid one night stand. After weighing my options I decided to keep my now 7 and a half year old. It was the best choice for me. After that I was celibate for 5 years. I decided if I didn't want to have 2 children the only way I could guarantee it was to not have sex. I waited until i got married and we tried for one had one miscarriage and then I have a beautiful daughter. We are trying for a third and it is great. There is life after this but you have to be smart about it.
  • You have already said "I don't want this kid". If you kept the child let's hope he or she never knows you didn't want it. I am completely against abortion and agree with an above comment about every baby having a purpose. It is a baby in there and by april 15,wow, eyes, ears and all organs will have been formed. Sweetie if you really don't want the baby and feel like you can't take care of it please strongly consider adoption. God will forgive you for anything you ask for, but I find the hard part is forgiving ourselves. Will keep you in my prayers and know you will make the best and right decision for yourself.
  • I contemplated abortion too and I'm 29.. for all sorts of reasons including me losing my job a few months ago.. I just felt like it would be unfair to the baby to bring him/her in the world under circumstances that are not the best..I actually went as far as to go to the clinic for my appt with my bf and i couldn't go through with it.. i literally broke down after the lady explained what the procedure entailed and we left.. this is my first pregnancy ever and I am terrified, but I know everything happens for a reason. I truly believe its a blessing that will make me stronger..

    Before I made my decision, I was asking for advice from my friends and my mom and honestly their opinions only made me more confused.. I had to figure it out for myself. you have to decide what's best for you bc you are the one that will have to live your decision, no one else.. pray about it.. if your heart doesn't feel right about it, u know what u need to do..

    When u said u would ask for forgiveness after, that so sounds like what I thought, but ur not supposed to do things knowing its wrong, then go ask for forgiveness.. u knew it was wrong from the start..

    something to think about.. I'll be praying that everything works out for you
  • Wow... smh. How I feel has already been said 10x over. So sad... :-<
  • Im 20 an my fiance is 20 but trust me dont get a abortion its not a way to get u out of ur situation an its harsh thing to do to ur baby I do understand where ur coming from but best believe if ur man is man enough to get u pregnant he should be man enough to take care of his responsibilities
  • Or do adoption my mom gave me up to my grandparents an everything worked out fine for me :)
  • @dollfacemommi I agree
    Do what's best for u but know and understand that murder is never a better option over life ...give the baby up and be the blessing to someone else repeat abortions r never ok because there was no apparent lesson learned take urself out of the pool and do what's right for the life u created whether mistake or not
  • I know that you have said you don't want to go the adoption route but I want to share some of my story. I got pregnant when I was 22 with a guy I hadn't known very long. We were about to break up and live in different states, I was only waiting tables at the time and was not able to take care of a child on my own. My family totally disowned me, I had no help. I decided to give my child up for adoption. Because Cameron (my son) never asked to be brought into this world and he had never done anything wrong to deserve death. My bd and I went to an adoption lawyer picked a couple and they helped me through the pregnancy. They were there for the birth. They held Cameron first. And even though it was hard they left the hospital with him. Months after the adoption I got a letter from the adoptive mother. She said that, "her life finally felt complete now that she had a child." I will not sugar coat it and tell you adoption is an easy choice but god has a purpose and a plan for each child/person. Your baby could have a tremendous impact on the world so I hope you make a wise decision. No matter what you choose though know that God's grave is sufficient and he can walk with you through any choice you make.
  • what does your bf want? talk to him... if he wants it & this is his 1st.. who are u to take that away from him?? if u think you two wont last or sumthing then who cares... its his kid too so if yall split he could take it... unless its not his & u dont wanna tell us sumthing.... either way.... idk... but if ur such a high believer in God & u feel ur gunna have to ask for forgivness then i wouldnt do it... think of it like this... if u will... God will only give u as much as u can handle... so, he must have faith in u.. & letting u kno that yes u can do this! even if u dont want it... think of adoption! dont think sumone is taking care of YOUR KID! cuz once the kid is signed over, its not yours.. ur just the birth/biological mother... other then that, it has a new family that will love it for ever... i myslf just turned 24, i am pregnant w/ my 1st.. i have actually TRIED b4 to get pregnant whn i wuz 19 & i wuz engaged... thank god it didnt happen... an we tried! like hard core.. ive had oops w/ other bfs.. nothing.. never got pregnant as far as i kno... then im w/ the man i am w/ now... & here i am... 5yrs later, im finally gonna be a mom & i hope all goes well... if the babies not for u.. its for sumone else... :) im not far along at all but so far, besides being sick, im happy..... just think of adoption... think of this.. in 3 mos ur baby is 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. Its tiny, unique fingerprints are now in place. an thers more to it... if u dont want it... please, let someone else take it.. as far as i kno.. the adopted parents pay for everything.. sorry if i wrote to much or come off harsh... just throwing my 2 cents in..

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