smoking while pregnant..



  • @mami4. I'm 17 wks and have one cig a day. I feel bad but I'm also stressed out. You have to find your own way to quit cuz its hard and not everyone can do it. Try carrying the little packs of fruit snacks and the sour power candy straws. The straws keep your hands busy. Plus I found that. Knitting helps also. Girl it'll be ok. For those who don't smoke this formum is not for you obviously. Don't even bother commenting on something that your obviously not struggling with. Geesh, give us some credit at least were trying. Ooh and if tempt gets real hard try baking.
  • @miserable. Girl I hear you. EVERYONE smokes weed around me. I haven't had a blunt in a month but sometimes I'm sleeping and my boyfriend will smoke right above my head!!!! It helps because the smell is comforting. But the last time I smoke was thanksgiving ( lots of food so I hd to smoke to keep up with the turkey ) but I felt bad afterwards. So no more weed for me. At least until my due dte which is June 21. Hang in there girl!
  • Another day down! Just conquered day 6 of not smoking. Sure I've had a few cravings but I think of the baby & that gets me through it, since quiting cold turkey I have not felt like I'm putting to much stress on my body, if anything I fem better more healthy &i feel good about doing the right thing for my baby, sure its not easy, but I want to be able to tell my child I would do anything for him/her & mean it. Tomorrow is day 7 wish me luck!!!
  • Wow I feel so much better readding all these comments. This is my very first pregnancy n I'm also having the hardest time trying to quit smoking weed. I'm 21 n I have been smoking weed almost everyday for 7 yrs never had to stop for nothing I suffer from anxiety plus I'm single n live alone but everytime I get high I feel emotional cause she moves like crazy but I'm so stressed out from my moodswings n what not. I wish I can quit but its really complicated. I'm afraid shell be low weight ecause everyone says I'm small for 27 weeks n I would die if she was taken from me I'm anticipating her arrival. What can I do? I'm relieved I'm Not the only one I don't feel alone. HELP!
  • I would think that just thinking about what smoking could do to my baby would be enough to stop... but I am not a smoker! Good luck ladies.
  • Yeah your right your not a smoker so tale your comments else where L-)
  • This is my third pregnancy and by far was the hardest to quit smoking. I was smoking a pack a day and I starting cutting down gradually. I stopped buying them (but sometimes stole my husbands) and it took me a week to become smoke free. I still get cravings, but I try to remember that the craving will pass in about 10 min. and if I cheat, then I have to start all over again....please google the electronic cigarette before you try it. My MIL gave one to me and I used it a few times before finding out that it actually raises your risks of birth defects higher than an actual cigarette. This is due to the fact that you can actually receive higher doses of nicotine and your body absorbs it differently. Good luck ladies! I wish you the best!
  • I smoked weed & cigarettes before I found out I was pregnant for about 6yrs. I quit cold turkey & had no problem whatsoever. Literally the day I got my blood tests results, I threw it all away. My boyfriend smokes around me all the time & I've never once been tempted. I don't have an addictive personality & I figured it wasn't just my life or lungs I was hurting anymore.. because its the babys too. I plan on smoking weed on occasion after the baby is born, but cigarettes definitely not. Good luck to all of you, I hope you kick the habits for the sake of saving money for the little ones. Everything is so damn expensive these days!
  • @412mommy. U kno what I think thats why I'm having a hard time. Addictive personalities run on my mom side of family. Babydad smokes around me too he still thinks I quit cold Turkey I'm 27weeks. I live alone and everyone I kno thinks I guit. I wish I did/could.
  • @mommysBabygirl. Don't get discouraged. I was in the same boat. Like exactly. Only difference is I'm 17 wks.
  • It may be a good idea to talk to someone. It sounds like you have a bit of fear/anxiety. I just needed someone to speak to who wouldn't be judgemental
  • I had a hard time with my first pregnancy, but I think the fact that I had a miscarriage made quiting simple when we found out we were given a second chance. I still want one now and then but I know its not worth it. I find distracting myself is helpful.
  • I'll bet you'll be able to do it before baby is here. You just have to look at it as it isn't an option, its a must. Ya know?
  • Oh man I quit right when I got that positive test. Which was over 3 months ago and it is still really difficult. I don't blame those of you who can't stop. The only reason I quit as soon as I did was because of my fiance. He wanted us to quit together (even though I didn't didn't want to). To be fair, I know that it is harder to quit for heavy smokers. I was not a heavy smoker but my father was. When he tried quitting he had tunnel vision, nightmares, vomiting, all kinds of horrible things. Which is why I was so relieved I quit when I did. God forbid I get to that stage
  • Alright ladies another day of success! Day 7 of non smoking, it does seem like its actually becoming harder as the days go on. I thought it would get easier, but I just tell myself I got this far what's 1 more day & take it 1 day at a time. This day was good!
  • Hell yes!! Tlg81! I haven't smoked alll daytoday I believe its because my bbydad has been here. I'm afraid once he leaves the smoker in me will alone grab the joint n light it.
  • I have been a smoker for ten years, weed and cigs, with my pregnancies, i cut my cigs back gradually until i was only smoking 2 a day, and weed a few puffs in the evening to help me sleep. My children wieghed over 7 lbs, and are super smart. My dr told me that cigs are worse for baby, and as long as the green is clean, not laced with other substances, small amounts during pregnancy would have no effect on baby. My babies were negative when tested at birth, so I'm not even sure that THC is passed thru the placenta, but it is passed thru breastmilk. Ask your dr before using nicorette, it has higher levels of nicotine than cigs. Good luck!
  • I am not a smoker but not here to judge. My mom smoked when she was pg with me and I turned out fine. A friend of mine smoked when she got pg her doc told her not to stop cold turkey that it would put more stess on the baby than smoking would but that she should slow down and try to quit b4 she was 5 months. And to the people who said just think about the baby she must be cause she want to quit and is asking for help. I wish you the best!! Keep us posted on your progress Good luck.!!!
  • hi, I'm 27 weeks pregnant with my 3rd, I cut down a lot with my first two, but this time have had harder time, under more stress, and thank you to everyone who set tht girl straight on tht baby not talking, omg! my daughter was low weight, but had no problems, and both my kids are smart and healthy. I have never smoked inside the home with my kids. I do feel bad for smoking, but I also learned tht stress can have more negative effects than smoking, but smoking doesn't really eliminate your stress, but tryin to quit can sure increase it! I say do the best you can to cut down, take your prenatal vitamins, eat healthy, drink your oj, eat special k(it has 100% folic acid, good for baby's brain), and keep your chin up...God is in control, he knows where your heart is, and tht you don't want to harm your baby! oh btw, don't use nicotine products w/o checking w doctor!
  • So I To am a smoker and this is my third pregnancy...with my first I smoked threw the whole pregnancy horrible I know but it was so hard and my 5yr old daughter is healthy and smart...with my second pregnancy I managed to quit by the third month by weaning myself and lots of I'm thinking this pregnancy is gonna be a lot harder To stop smoking cus of so much stress...I'm trying hard tho I haven't even had my first doc apt so I'm not sure how far a long I am I Just found out the other day: )!! One think I do know tho for those of u trying the Nicorete GUM don't use it its got more nicotene then a cigarette and the gum goes straight into ur system faster! Congrats To everyone and goodluck! =]
  • @mumx3in2011 and @4senough your comments have helped me so much , Im 7 weeks and this is my first bubba and been stressing , an your words of wisdom have lifted abit of the weight from shoulders. It's really nice to get abit of reassurance . Xx xx
  • I am also a smoker and this is my third pregnancy and I have smoked through each one of them about a pack aday and my kids have all come out over 8 lbs and the one I carring now is 4 weeks larger than what its supposed to be and all my kids are fine and smart so I don't care what people say there is nothing wrong with smoking while u are pregnant!!!
  • I have the same problem. I'm 7 ½ months pregnant and I can't seem to quite. I feel horrible that i do it but stress definitely over comes me. I'm only 16 and I really want my daughter to come out healthy I am just to scared to tell anybody about it... Help please
  • Im 21 weeks and I smoke from 3 to 8 ciggs a day I know its not good for me or the baby but when I try to go one day I can't even function! With my 5 year old I quit the day I found out but this one is different the father isn't there for me and ciggs are my comfort! What are the worst things that can happen if I don't stop?
  • Ok guys another day down! You can do it. It does take strength & willpower but if you hold your self accountable you can succeed! I am on day 8 of non smoking & feel great about starting my second week of not smoking! I am still having cravings but I'm stronger then they are! I hate the smell of smoke it is so much stronger now & think if I did have a cig. I would throw up. I'm so proud of myself & will thank my baby 1 day for saving my life because I didn't have enough reason to until he/she came along! I feel great! Ladies you can do this & it will make you feel amazing!
  • Hey girls, I am almost 7 wks now and I quit the day I took the test and saw 2 pink lines lol. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I'm not saying it hasn't been hard though. I was surprised to read all the comments about miscarriage because when I told my Dr I smoked for 10 yrs and quit cold turkey, all she did was congratulate me....
  • Great job starrox! I was the same way smoked for 10 years & quit cold turkey 8 days ago! I don't feel that much stress on my body, in fact I don't get naseau as bad now!
  • I've noticed quite a few NON SMOKERS being judgemental....not cool. I am a reformed smoker and 20 weeks along. However, I just recently quit around 8 week of pregnancy. It was the hardest thing to do. Like many posts above, my OB told me NOT to quit cold Turkey for fear of miscarriage. I gradually cut back till I didn't want one. I have noticed that if I am really stressed I crave a cigarette badly, but I just take deep breaths and try to calm down naturally. Kudos to those of you that were able to quit and to those that are still smoking....I understand.
  • I can understand what you other pregnant moms are going through, my name is Monique and I'm a smoker. I know that we all stressed to a point of no return, but if you can't quit smoking, at least try to limit your cigarettes to no more than 3 a day for your unborn baby. I hope and pray that I smoked my last cigarette yesterday, which I only smoked 2 for the whole day. Pray with me and I'll pray for us all. Amen!!!
  • I had a miscarriage 3 months ago I stopped smoking with that 1 when I found out but I started again 1 week after starting I lost the baby so now I am pregnant again I stopped right away cold turkey coz I just doe want to loose this 1
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