What won't you use?



  • i dont know what kind of wipe warmers you guys are using but mine never dries out my wipes!!! and we dont have a bumbo, we have a bebe pod. she uses it multiple times everyday. we use a pack n play AND a swing. she hated her bouncer. she also loves her jumperoo. i never bought a diper genie either.
  • for us, BOPPY = waste of money. we bought one and barely used it.
  • oh and we used our bottle warmer for about 5 months or so
  • No playpen no huge stroller travel system only a good lightweight stroller for me.
  • We had a changing table with shelves and I used it as storage. I got it on sale (same with all the furniture) and used baskets on it for storage. I bought it with my first and plan on having several kids so I figured it was a good investment for tight spaces and it forces me to be organized (always a bonus).
  • oh yeah, the huge bulky stroller we never used. just like twice. if i ever have another baby, we'll just get a car seat and not a travel system.
  • Not getting..diaper genie..debating on a crib we mainly used a pack n play and a bassinet with my daughter so might not get a crib...not getting a swing but getting the chair that moves...no bumbo chair..
  • I used the changing table when my son got a little older...I put it in the bathroom and it kept diapers away from the dog who loved to eat them...not dirty tho eww...

    I had a hand made cradle that he hated...he screamed every time I put him in it...so ill usethat as a toy box for this baby..

    I also never used the big stroller...
  • No bottles, no pacifiers, no wipe warmer, no pack n play, no diaper genie, and no bouncy seat. They are a waste for us. Even w twins.
    Yes to my breast friend, yes to the bumbo, yes to the changing table, yes to travel rocker bassinets, and yes to folding high chairs.
    Two of everything kinda helps you narrow things down a lot!
  • I don't think theres anything that I have / had from my boys that I won't use again. Never had a bumbo or a wipe warmer. My boys never took a liking to pacis. I will use my bottle warmer again if I decide to pump, cold breast milk doesn't mix well :)
  • I will not get a boppy...but am really excited for the bumbo, they offer so much more support. Love my pack n play, it has a bassinet in the top, so super convenient for naps in the living room, travel, etc. Changing tables are useless...very few people ever take their child to a separate room to change them. I always used blanket on the floor. I might not get a diaper bag this time either I have tons of cloth totes/bags that will work just as well. My fave is the jumperoo my son loved it:) and I thankfully held on to it.
  • A lot of people aren't getting swings or using them.
  • I got a folding baby bath for $.25 at a yard sale. Even if I only use it once, I feel like a quarter was worth it.
  • @Jwigs it seems really worth it. :)
  • I have a changing table. And I love it. We live with a roomate so I can't really change her any where. And I our room where we sleep is cluttered so we really do use it. We also use it for storage. My mom had a diaper genie with my bro I was 7 when he was born and I remember her hating it. Thanks for this post. It is really informational and useful for this first time mom.
  • Also a wipe warner seems absolutely useless unless you live in Alaska or Canada. Lol
  • @KrazymomofAdrian a wipe warmer is useless. My friend has one and it just dries the wipes completely
  • This is my 3rd and I'm definitely getting a swing my other two loved it! They always fell asleep in it or it relaxed them. But the bouncey chairs that vibrate a waste all they did was cry when I put them in.
  • @ghettobetty finally someone who is going to use a swing!
  • No diaper genie, wipe warmer, bassinet, or baby bath. I got a pack n play at my baby shower and will definitely use it. It is easier to bathe baby in the sink because you don't have to bend over as much.
  • I loved my swing! :) the reason I wont use a wipe warmer isn't from it drying them out, its because as soon as they were out of the warmer, they got cold! Literally right away! I used it the day I brought out daughter home, and stopped using it the next day so im not sure if it dried them out or not, I have tons of friends that the same thing happened to with all different kinds of wipe warmers. Im from MN and my daughter was born in january, very cold, but I still never used it. I swear by pack and plays though! Never used a crib.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses thanks for sharing more information about the wipe warmer
  • No problem hun! :)
  • @crazymomofadrian canada is not the north pole.... I love how ppl from the us are so ignorant. Its 14 celsius here right now. No snow on the ground ha ha. Now maybe the top of canada like the north west terrotories.
  • edited April 2011
    @Momma_luvz_her_4 can you not start drama on my post please
  • For me the swing was a lifesaver when you're running on fumes and need a solid 4 hours of sleep-i was lucky both my girls liked the swing.for poopy diapers I just throw them in a plastic bag(sometimes double lol). I LOVED our portable highchair, it reclined all the way back which made it easy to have baby at the table with the whole family. Personally I thought anything that had a 20lb limit was a waste b/c most babies get there quick
  • I'm just ttc but this post is pretty helpful to me!! With my daughter I just had a bassinet. no changing table either. This time around I would use a swing, bassinet, and one of those rockers. What exactly is a co-sleeper?
  • @Lovelymom23 I have no idea what a co-sleeper is
  • A co sleeper is kind of like a pack n play, but it attaches to your bed, so baby can sleep with you, but not in your bed.
  • @laura536 oh okay. Thank-you
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