i have 3 boys Tyrone, Jacob and Finley. im having real trouble trying to find a name for this one. dont know if its a boy or girl, wont find out till the day.
I have three boys-a step-son named Michael Joseph, a 4 year old named Liam Charles, and a 2 year old named Simon Danger. I'm having another boy and I have no idea what his name will be.
Domenick dustin devin and destiny from an egg donar (: aiden of my own egg and this lil miss is unique and undecided (i know thats an awsome name right lmbao)
I've been prego 4 times my first was alisha leigh hansen she passed away my 2nd is chloe nevaeh hansen she is 3 years old my 3rd was a miscarriage to early to tell what the sex was and I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant with a lil boy his name will be christian james hansen
Branden Joseph
Devin Michael
The one on the way will be Reed