Team anyone but Obama



  • #teamihaveajobtooijusthappentobeabletofreelyusemyphonewheneverilikelol.
  • Team stay at home mom!!!!!
  • #teamihaveajobjusttakingadvantageofmyFMLhehe
  • Team goin to school and saving for car n place to leave bd n make better life for my kids unlawfully fired and unable to get job n hating it. Lol
  • I dislike Obama. He should have worked for espn because all he cares about is sports. Not to mention his morals are non existent. I agree with @newmommy_navywife go Reagan! Lol
  • This isn't supposed to be a thread for bashing President Bush. I might vomit if I read the words "the mess that Bush made" one more time. Oh my goodness.
  • @Beautiful_Altar I aggree I was in Kuwait when Obama was running for president he came over there played basketball w the soldiers and was autographing his sweaty towels. Wtf r u kobe?
  • Im #teamObama but Im also #OsamaIsDeadSoItsAboutTimeToBringThemTroopsHome!!!

    Osama got killed with Obama in office. So its only normal for him to take some credit just like any other president would have but he did give everyone else credit also. I dont know what speech ya was watching. Cut the mess out lol
  • Ughhhh it really really irks me! They're so quick to point out how Bush ruined America yet they can't tell you anything good Obama has done. Hmm. @bke913
  • I've seen nothing good he's done! The economy is sh*t....gas prices are they the roof.
  • @aandk1031 agreed. And when asked for what Obama has done wrong, and given many examples, they deflect to other issues... Like Bush. Eyes wide shut. Sigh... Food time!!!
  • It's always that Bush has ruined America and Obama is the Savior. They put him on a pedestal when he has no real change to be credited with. I better leave now, I'm sure it's about to get ugly. Oh well.
  • @aandk1031 i know, I want to knkw what "mess" he has cleaned up so far. The way I see it, since he hasn't done any "cleaning", he is going to leave office with even more debt than before he the next Commander In Chief will have even MORE of a mess to clean! What will people say then?!
  • I'm terrified of who our next "President" will be. And also really creeped out by Obama. :( @bke913 Plus it scares me that people will rally behind a man who has not delivered any of the things he promised. Ughhh.
  • Has long as it isn't the Donald... He really creeps me out. I will stop now too, I fear I will say some pretty truthful/ hurtful things about Obama.
    Go Troops!!!
  • Haha he gives me the creeps too, @aandk1031. I too am terrified...Donald Trump...really?! Before you know it, Spongebob Squarepants will be running and people will vote. It feels like people are not taking this country seriously more and more everyday. :(
  • Agreed. I better get off topic because I have very strong opinions .... lol.
  • @bke913 sadly it seems like lately the presidents have been getting worse and people are just voting anyone in. Hell spongebob could manage what obamas to do so far. Plus patrick as VP hell yeah! Squidward could be the sec of defense
  • @cetheridge lol that's good stuff! Maybe Mr. krabs would do us good being the tightwad he is haha. He wouldn't allow ANY spending!
  • @bke913 right? he'd find ways to get money from other countries. The economy would be on the up n up then
  • Pretty much... TeamMrKrabs! :))
  • Just one comment for everyone about the defecit. Which is in the trillions, btw, thanks to efforts made during and 5 years before Obama's term to find Osama. He is supposed to fix it in 4 yrs, and do everything everyone wants? He is no super hero. Even when someone buys a house, its usually a 20 or 30 yr loan. There is no money cuz the middle class is disappearing. The rich want to keep their money and not realize they can do the most good by giving some up. The middle class has helped support the lower class so much, they are becomin lower class too. According to recent economic reports, the rich own 85% of money, and the rest is distributed to the rest of us. When things are as bad as they are now, it will always get worse before they can get better. No matter who is in charge, we all need to put on our big girl panties and deal with it. Instead of talkin smack, go out and do something about it. Get involved!
  • Uuuggghh I'm not a fan of Obama at all
  • The only real president who was in it for the ppl was JFK. everyone else is and was corrupt including the newest poster boy Obama
  • Even JFK was a philanderer. Not to speak ill of the dead but he was. Politics isn't a career for the honest and principled.
  • Everyone will always disagree with who should be president. No president is perfect Bush was horrible and Obama has his flaws. The president doesn't have the power everyone tries to make it seem like he does. The president can't just say lower gas prices and bam its lowered. Theres a procedure for everything. No president has fulfilled every thing they said they would. But term after term everyone expects that. Lets be real even if mccain would have won and all this still happened then what would you say???? Exactly. get over it if you don't like him then vote for who you want next year and hope he wins theres no reason to complain about something you can't change!!!!
  • @kingsmom and if you don't like the post get over it and go to the pro Obama post. Of course everyone has their own opinions. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
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