I looked on the computer and there are a bunch of things that can help me with this like wic and other programs that help young moms. I can get that stuff to help me so my mom won't have to do so much. Yal are freaking me out my mom is not going to be happy. Should I wait until after mothers day?
@brttnywstn14 I don't have a lil sister but I do agree that can't change situation so its better to give support and advice I'm going to school for social work so that's my interest
@shaqwan1996 ok so you and quincy decided to get pregnant this yr right? Or was it an accident? Colorado has HS that have daycares, that could be helpful. What are you making your mom and how you going to tell her? I had my son when I was 16, not planned, but I dreaded tellling family.
Honestly, your gonna have to tell her. Its not going to matter when you do. And wic and things like that are not going to make it that much better. Your mom will have to be responsible seeing that you won't be able to work or drive. You have made a hard to deal with decision. Why in the world did you choose this? I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't think you thought this through, now your going to have to grow up immediately.
I am not trying to be mean cause I am trying to be your friend but I would let her have her day and tell her Monday ifyou can cause she deserves this day. Ya know! And yes wic does help but I am 21 I work and get cash assistance and wic and food stamps and sometimes still barely get by its not going to help as much as you think but yes you still need to get that help. Do you have places around you that will hire at 15? And when do you turn 15 if you don't mind me admin?
Wic n those other programs won't buy you diapers when you need them and baby crib and clothes and all that man get a life. At 14 you don't even know all your multiplication tables get real girl bye
@seifer well I live with my mom but I have a bunch of friends. I see my dad every other weekend but I like it more with my mom. kinda freaking out right now n gonna try to sleep. Ill tell yal how it goes tomorrow
My son is 15yo, if he makes me a grams at 34 I wld be upset!! Idk, there are plenty of girls who think newborns are adorable. I suggest they babysit for an entire week( with supervision) and see if they change thier mind.
Honey your not a woman yet your still a child I had my first at 20 and believe me it was ridiculously hard at 14 you can not do anything for yourself and sadly your parents will probably end up raising your child. Nobody is "hating" its just sad to see young girls get pregnant especially when they did it on purpose. This isn't 16 and pregnant this is your life and you can't just stop being a mom its 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. As for the father he may say he wants to do this but he is still in middle school he's going to want to enjoy his youth hopefully not leaving you with the responsibility of being a single mom seeing how he can't even get a job at his age to support the child. I hope you realize what you just got yourself into. Good luck
This is sad. A father that's too young to even work and a mom who thinks its "cute" to bring an innocent baby in the world to play dolls with.What a shame.
@MommyofAngels this isn't part of the topic but I'm from nebraska too! @shaqwan1996 one of my best friends got pregnant at 13 and had her when she was 14 and it wasn't very easy for her but she had a lot of help from her mom so that made things better for her. I jus wish you the best of luck. I know there's no way I could have done it even with support from my family. I'm due august on my 21st birthday and sometimes I wish I would've waited a few more years. Again good luck to you.
O.o you have to be kidding.... Dude first off I pray your mom is accepting if this at 14 my mom would have taken me down to thee abortion clinic (in my state the age of consent is 16 and she actually could have forced me to get an abortion). Secondly WHY in gods name would you do such a dumb thing so young! I started rading this and I was so happy someone else was pregnant... until I read "I'm 14" now I'm smh and sad that you weren't in a chastity belt. I seriously hope this is fake, for the sake of man kind.
..I am utterly disgusted...IF this is true (and thats a BIG 'IF') she should be ashamed! She wants to have a baby, but she wants everyone else to help take care of it! I dont have respect for woman (at any age) who choose to have a baby and just expect eveyone else to help take care of it. And Ladies..go ahead and open your check book because this is what our tax dollars pay for..14 year old girls that INTENTIONALLY get pregnant and then go on welfare and WIC. Let me follow that by saying that I have no problem with my tax dollars going to these programs for families that truely are in need! I just have a problem with them going to a 14 year old CHILD! thats what she is .. A CHILD...
Hun I wish u the best of luck with ur pregnancy, but are u even old enough to work where u live. How do u plan to support a baby when ur mom is supporting u? I am 20 yrs old pregnant and I'm 18 weeks, all my friends are still partying and when I'm 21 Ill be 7 months prego! I know u wanna be a mom but maybe u should of waited to grow up a little before u made such a big decision on purpose. U haven't even got to hs yet! I hope everything turns out the way u plan for it to, but its gonna be really hard trying to raise a baby when ur just a kid urself. Good luck, and god bless
@shaqwan1996 ok so you and quincy decided to get pregnant this yr right? Or was it an accident? Colorado has HS that have daycares, that could be helpful. What are you making your mom and how you going to tell her? I had my son when I was 16, not planned, but I dreaded tellling family.
And ladies what is this isn't fake and she really needs advice?
@shaqwan1996 it will be hard and yes there's assistance, but it don't last forever. Is your support system just your mom