really ladys (smoking) thats me (venting)



  • I have quit 5 times since becoming pg and its the hardest thing I've ever tried to do! My dictor finally said "stop quitting and just cut back" which i did...i went from a pack a day to 3 cigs a day and she is commending & complementing me on it and said i was doing more harm than good by quitting over and over again! So judge me if you like, my baby has been perfectly healthy and is already measuring and weighing on the larger side!
  • @babyluv_3, youre pretty close to correct on the "sweet stuff". I cant get behind cigarette smoking during pregnancy, I just can't BUT I would never tell one my of patients to just quit anything cold turkey because you're right.. the toxins your body produce when you are stressed and going through withdrawals are close to as bad as the toxins in cigarettes. However, sugar, articifial sweeteners and preservatives are literally POISON.. fact: artificial sweeteners in pregnancy are directly linked to autism.
    My advice to you... roll your own ciggies girls, get organic tobacco and do your best to cut down or quit. No there not a filter on a handrolled cigarette but the tobacco is worlds less toxic. I use this analogy with soda, I tell my patients to never ever drink diet soda EVER, if you must drink soda, drink regular and drink slightly less than you would drink diet.. your body has NO IDEA what to do with aspartame, which diet coke is full of, but your body CAN metabolize sugar.. which regular coke is full of. YES, there are more calories and "real" sugar in regular coke but at least your body recognizes sugar as something it can use! (in moderation)
    Just be safe, trust your body and tell everyone else to mind their own business. Does the person who gave you a hard time yesterday HONESTLY think youve never heard that rant before? You probably think about quitting everyday, you probably feel guilty about smoking everyday.. thats hard enough without someone reminding you.
    Enjoy this beautiful time!
  • or do the research and switch to a brand that is truly "additive free"
    I'd like to say again that I do not condone smoking while pregnant, I do not condone smoking at all, I'd certainly never tell anyone to start smoking.. but we should all remember that nicotine is WILDLY addictive, quitting smoking is damn near impossible and telling someone "hey smoking during pregnancy is so bad, youre an awful person" doesnt help anything. I'm here for you girls if you ever need to vent or talk!
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  • I mean.. if I smoked, and someone said to me "I can't believe youre smoking while pregnant.. " I'd get pissed and stressed and go smoke a cigarette. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you a woman enduring the most physically challenging feat on earth and struggling with a real addiction. When you can go without a cigarette, do it! I tell women to try to be more conscious of it by forcing themselves to wait 10 extra minutes everytime they want to smoke.. you might find in those 10 minutes that you get distracted or realize you don't even actually need to smoke, or you might find that you will tear someones eyes out if you dont have one, at least it makes you more aware!
    You can do it girl :)
  • Everyone has their bad habits. I overeat sometimes and don't always eat healthy. However, when you choose to have a baby, you have to consider the other life growing inside you. I used to drink 3 cokes a day and hardly every drink coke now. I also eat a lot healthier now because I know that the baby depends on me for nutrients. As long as you're making an effort to provide a health environment for your baby to thrive in, don't worry about it. BUT, you should also think about how smoking can impact your child once he/she is born. Secondhand smoke is dangerous to both adults and children (but I'm sure you've heard this already).
  • It's safe that you can have a coke a can have candy and sweets. That post did say (dont read if you're a smoker) or something like that.
  • edited May 2011
    @excitedforbaby, sugar, candy and sweets are incredibly dangerous too. To avoid this post turning into what the other post turned into, lets try to be supportive about what is being said here.
  • @lilbun915 Not sure where you get your info but, as far as I know (and I know a lot about Autism), we don't know exactly what causes Autism. They are still doing research to find out the causes and that is just another theory.
  • @cdswim, I am a resident doctor.. the information I'm referring to is literally brand new based on studies that were just completed within the last year. I didn't mean to say it CAUSES autism, because youre definitely right but these studies refer to certain "autisms" (on a spectrum) being linked to consumption of artificial sweeteners and sugars during pregnancy - there are also studies and real life evidence that suggests that autism patients benefit almost immediately from a gluten/preservative free diet.
  • I read the post yesterday and hated it. Smoking is a big problem in my whole family and friends. I quit, but have had my slip ups. My dad and me got into a huge fight this past weekend and I smoked 1 cig to cope and I'm 33 weeks. I feel super guilty bout it, but it did calm me down. I haven't been a regular smoker since I was round 3 months, I actually was all done second trimester. Now I just read yesterday bout third hand smoke and beat myself up even more, cuz I literally mean everyone around me smokes, so according to others I should keep my children away from good people because they have a bad habit, and even if they dont light up, their clothes, cars, furniture, ect has thirdhand smoke. It's so frustrating and I won't keep my kids away or bash mommas for something so addictive. There are far worse things going on in this world than a pregnant woman having a cig.
  • @cdswim, I apologize for wording it so vaguely, I definitely did not mean to suggest that sugar consumption is the end all be all or the one and only cause of autism, I sincerely apologize!
  • @lilbun915 thanks for ur input! I'm going to do the 10 extra min thing. I've been trying since Sophia was coming. I smoke the same soo in that time I haven't gone down anymore but I haven't gone up either...proud &&disappointed.
  • edited May 2011
    @lilbun915 No problem. Thanks for the clarification. I'm not a doctor or anything but, as a former teacher of students with Autism who worked closely with specialists and parents, I learned a lot about the disorder. I have heard about children with Autism being on a specific diet and that it helps improve their behavior. Obviously, I haven't heard anything about this new study. It's very interesting though.
  • @sopheebaybee143, baby steps. Seriously, half a cigarette less per day for one week. Just set small goals for yourself, small ACHIEVABLE goals that you absolutely know you can reach. Don't beat yourself up.. but definitely don't settle. Set one small goal for this week, and do anything you have to to make it happen. Literally tell yourself, "all I have to do is smoke 1/2 a cigarette less today, thats it" then next week go to 3/4 less then go to a whole cig.. in one week you will officially be smoking less and that is something to be proud of.. in a month you will be smoking an entire cigarette less. THAT is how you quit! You can do it!
  • More ppl trying to justify it...smh. if u smoke, then smoke. Do your best to quit. But don't kid yourself and others by trying to say "well my last child came out fine." Or start lashing out at others for eating sugar or lunchmeat. I'm sure lots of snokers do that u DOUBLE the risk.its not stop trying! You are putting your child at risk! End of story. And if your ok with that it shouldn't matter what others think. I'm an ex smoker, I know its hard. But I quit for my baby. And I would never try to downplay the ill effects. Smh
  • @sunshine25 I agree....I don't think anyone's trying to argue.just stating points of views.
  • edited May 2011
    Ditto @sunshine25 I know how hard it is to quit, so good luck to all who are trying.
  • Ty ticks me off more to see people saying its not bad. Its addictive and hard...I know! If u can't stop then just do your best...but stop saying its not that bad!! Sorry, but u don't know more than the millons of drs and scientists who say it is!!!
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  • ima smoker ... i have cut down a lot !!! im not to worried about it ... the dr said as long as i cut back then baby shud b fine ...
  • I just want to say to all them people that judge look in the mirror cos noone is perfect .....nearly everyone I know smoked while being preggers and there babies were fine .. Im 25 weeks and giving up next week and dreading it :s its going to be so hard :(
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  • I smoked about a pack a day but quit cold turkey the moment I found out I was prego. It actually wasn't hard for me at all. Good luck to you trying to quit! But like someone else said, don't make it sound like its ok to smoke while prego.
  • First off let me say that I dont have a problem if you choose to smoke..its your body. But I really hate it when people smoke right outside of a public buildings doorway. I mean want to smoke and run the risk of giving yourself cancer..but can you do it somewhere else, so that my baby and I dont have to walk thru your second hand smoke to get to where we are going? We dont wish to smoke, Thank You!
  • I just thinly that you shouldn't justify that with other kids being healthy.your baby may not be lucky.
  • agreed @sands I think someone said that candy is more harmful because it can cause smoking can cause cancer...i think that is a little worse...
  • @ashley_smashley I completely agree that people shouldn't smoke outside of public places. Luckily, they have laws against that where I live (California). I just got back from going on a cruise and this lady started smoking right next to me out by the pool. The pool deck was crowded and pretty winding and her smoke was blowing right towards me. I had to move because I don't want to expose my child those toxins.
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