Breastfeeding F law



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  • I have breastfed my two older kids and plan to with this one. While at home and around my Mom, my kids, hubby, MIL and maybe even some female friends I don't worry so much about covering up because it doesnt personally bother me, but when my FIL or my nephews or anyone else that I feel might be uncomfortable with my breast out, I cover up. When I'm out in public or at someone else's home, I cover up out of respect for those around me. No one can tell me that you would go over to your friends house and whip your breast out to feed your child just because you have the right to, especially if their hubby or kids were around. I just feel like covering up is respectful to those around you, I know that baby covers most of the breast, but for the mother that is not a pro at breastfeeding there can be a lot exposed for quite awhile.
  • I guess I don't see what's so hard about telling them that that's what their mommy wants them to eat just like I want you to eat ur veggies. It answers their question and turns the attention back onto them and pushes your agenda. I'm a big believer that if my son is old enough to ask the question then hes old enough to know the answer. I don't dumb things down and baby him. He knows a lot more than kids his age and uses big words bc I don't talk to him like a baby. My son is 7 will talk politics (not to a huge extent) with people. He's even asked if we could go to the capital to lobby our senators so they don't change the carseat law. I guess I believe the more knowledge the better.
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  • I couldn't even imagine seeing a 2or3yr old sucking on their mommys breast in public.
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  • I just think it would look akward
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  • @almost4 and @steph_due_101611 have you seen the movie grown ups?
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  • Have to agree with @mrs_shu. At a certain age it should stop in public. Theres nothing wrong with giving your baby a bottle eventually. & I am totally with breastfeeding! I just think at a certain age there are some things that need to be changes in your routine. If someone doesnt give it an age limit then who will? Might have ppl going around bf their teenagers in public. I do think bf is great tho!
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  • wow!! i also teach my kids modesty.. but i also teach them what i think is right.. and that is BF.. i dont baer my breast but if my infant is hungry u better believe im going to feed it... and i dont care who has a problem with it.. they have good cover ups an that is modesty to me.. i think that SEX is not comparebal to BF so thats just rediculouse to say.. i dont usualy Bf in public past 6 months only bevause by then the lil one is on a good schedual and can eat solids.. mrs_shu
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  • @richjen24 west virginia too lol crazy sh!t
  • @lae3 that was my point..infants is one thing in public on the breast but toddlers is another.
  • m talking to one specific person myself and age two is further in age then i plan on bf. however i dont care if a woman wants to bf there 2 year old.. they r still lil.. my son is 1 but hes big someone might think hes older just by sight... we as people can walk around with boobs and tail hanging out and people r woried about a 2 year old nursing.
    people need to get over it and of you dont like it look the other way..
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  • edited May 2011
    I know this is touchy so I am respectfully stating my opinion for myself and not for anyone else but I agree womrn have the right to feed in public though I will b using a cover and turning away from the crowd if it is absolutely neccessary to feed my son n public but after the age of two I just wouldn't want my son to walk past and see it but that is just me. I will be pumping only after like 8 months because that's just my personal preference but to each her own
  • Well my OWN opinion is like the others, I BF before and will do it again, i've done it in public but covered, ( it doesnt take time to cover, or is it hard to do)

    But I really wouldnt like to see someone breastfeed a 2 year old IN A PUBLIC PLACE. its a little akward ( for me ).
    A sippy cup or a bottle would be better.

    Im from GA near forest park, and im ok with the law. Sorry if you dont agree with me on this...

    I had a nephew who was 5 years back then and still BF! His mom wasnt ok with it but the kid would cry for it! I mean this kid joked about boobies, and knew they were private parts but just loved sucking on them, kinda akward! She started putting jalapeño juice to mak ed him stop lol!
  • How many women really bf past 2 years anyways. I think it would be such a small number that if one time in a billion I see a lady bf a toddler in public I'd be able to just swallow my pride and accept it as her personal choice and just move on. I'd tell my kids everyone is different and our bodies were ment to supply nutrients. I'd go on to tell them that most babies are fed by their mommies that way untill they are one.
  • i personally dont think there should be a law about breastfeeding.
    but my personal opinion about breast feeding is if the baby can ask for the boobie. it cant have it! 2 is too old in my opinion.
  • So a women who choices to BF her child at older age should have to take the 30 to 45 min to pump anytime they want to go out. Then she will have to carry bottles or cups of milk, and a big reason women choice to BF is the convenients of not having to lug stuff around. And all this because some people don't want to see it. What if you came across a dog feeding her pups ( not to compare women to dogs ) you would tell your child the mamma is feeding her babies and not think twice about it
  • If they can show breasts and nipples on tv(not together, but they do!) Then I don't see the sense in the argument, especially since it is not in a sexual context. I guess my question is why are so many people creeped out by it? People swear in public and art museums display nudity, so what's the big deal?
  • I stoped feeding in public at around 6months only because he was on a schedual and he could eat a few different foods.. he never took a bottle believe me i tried.. but i dont have a problem with others doing it.. i just dont like to feel like i have to defend my BF my baby.. because i would hate for someone to say something to me about feeding my child.. i avoided it at most cause but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.. as far as a two year old in public.. theres nothing wrong with it however i wouldnt do it just because of fear of someone looking at us like freaks.. i agree with the people who said the bottle feeding thing.. but i also think that should be taken before 2.. but thats just me.. i mean my son drank juice from a cup at 4months.. but he never took a bottle and he turned his nose up at bmilk in a cup either.. so its not that easy to just switch your baby to a bottle or cup when it comes to bf.. believe me if that were the case my son would not be nursing at 13months..
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