need older/wiser/educated opinions please

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
However ALL opinions are welcomed.
I'm 23 with barely a job. My bf is almost 22 with a serving job that pays ≈$19-21,000/year but is subjective to how many days he gets. We have known each other for 7 years but only dating 6 months.
We are both part-time in college.
I lived with an ex bf for 2 years, moved back in with my parents; my current bf has never lived on his own. Ok that was background

…he wants to move out. Ok understandable, we looked at prices around here. Even if we live in low-income apartments, rent is about half of what he makes, and I don't get hours and just barely got a new job that hasn't started yet.

My mom just offered: if I get into a trade school, she will watch the baby while I go to school, will let me AND the bf live at home as long as he is in school as well, and will help me get loans and help pay for what is needed as long as I am in school to better myself for this baby.

I know what it is to live on my own without a baby, I know we will struggle and it will be difficult. And not to put down my bf, but he can't even keep a clean room, let alone do all this in one big, swift motion.
I love him and want to be with him. I want our little happy family in a house of our own with few worries.
he EXPLODED when I brought this up. He said he wont even consider it and will move out on his own with or without me. He said I broke his heart even considering it, that he's done with me and wishes it didn't even happen. That I'm selfish for not taking what he wants into consideration, and rude for wanting to do what I want to do vs. what he wants to do.

I feel like I'm considering what's best for the baby, being offered what is basically a free ride with school, living, and babysitter. I want to do this regardless of if he supports me or not, because I want to be able to support myself later and not struggle through this.


  • I agree completley with you... the baby needs to be first priority... and what your mom agreed to sounds like the perfect option. Maybe you could stay for the first year and save the money it would cost for your own place every month thenif you decide to go out on your own you guys wouldn't be having a hard time making ends meet.
  • Honestly, a lot of apartments require 3 times the monthly rent for your income, did you talk to a leasing agent because if they tell him that maybe he will realize you can't afford to get your own place right now. Maybe humor him and let him attempt to get a place and see what happens. I think in your situation you should take your mothers offer, you seem like a very smart girl. I also understand why he would rather man up, men don't like to depend on other people, well most of the good ones don't lol, good luck on your situation and your pregnancy sweetie
  • Well I'm not older actually I'm younger than not much but I have been through enough to know that that is my biggest mistake is moving in with someone to soon so I made a vow today next time if there ever is I'm an finna wait no matter I hues@ what I'm saying is ask him to compromise tell him he gets his own place and you see before you move in if it will work......put a time limit in it say 6 months it even a year.....than tell him if all goes well you will move in......
  • That sounds like a great deal til you get on your feet! You and baby are first priority. My husband and I lived with his parents for 5 years now! It feels like a prison, but I deal with it because they are a big help to us. They watched my son while I work so I don't send him to a babysitter and we aren't struggling with money. We have lots of money saved to own our own home and not waste money on an apartment. But... if your bf is sure he can do it, then see how it goes. Talk to your mom about the situation and tell her you're just trying it out and hope the offer still stands if you change your mind.
  • In the mean time do what your ma suggested cause if it don't work out between you two or you feel he ain't quite ready for you tqo to live together you can support you n baby
  • I'm 21, married, and expecting my third...while I have moments of "I just want a place of our own", moving back in w my parents was the best decision we've made. Luckily for me, my husband agreed to the idea. It has allowed us some time to save up and get out of debt. I've been putting money into savings and we've been paying off bills (he's 30 so he had plenty of them!) I would try to get him to understand that u just want what is best for all of u wo sounding nagging. If nothing else offer the option of u both moving into ur parents until something "brtter" comes along. That will give u both time to think and discuss what u want from the whole situation
  • @jcmommy this isn't something that my mom will offer if I try to move out then back in.

    @everyone else thank you for your opinions. The more the better; my aim is to get as much insight as possible to try to explain more to him about why we should do it.

    Part of me feels like maybe he feels like he has something to prove to his parents, himself, or me. A good friend that knows both of us well said he might need to prove it on his own first, then realize on his own the hard way that its more difficult than it seems.

    My dad said he needs to step up to bat and deal with whatever ball comes his way—meaning he needs to take this deal whether he likes it or not to do what's best for the baby.
  • me and my husband got married young and both thought we knew enough about the world. rented a house for $1,100/month thinking thats all it takes. we were wrong when all our bills pilled up, electricity, water, phone, food, gas etc. we only lasted for 3 months. my in laws offered a room at thier place without any cost...and we took that offer! best decision we ever made!! it gave us the time to learn how to save up and how to spend smart as well. while living there I finished college and my husband started his own business which now is very successful!! we were there for 2 years and finally had the $ to get a house! we also saved up $ on our kids which made a huge deal in our lives. not worrying about it.

    so I say take that offer from ur mom!! she will help and while shes there u will grow stronger financially and in parenting as well. no need to jump to something bigger knowing that u got all the help u need!!

    not a lot of mothers out there give thier kids that kind of chance. u r blessed to have a mother like that girl. greatest luck!! :) ;)
  • just dont move out or even look for a placejust keep going how u r, I got my husband 2 move state just by saying ime doing thish ur welcome to come. He wasnt impressed we moved in with my parents 4 a yr now we.have our own place na are expecting ouri 3rd after 4 yrs be our 3rd yr ine our own home our mortgage is half our income
  • I don't think you are being selfish at all. You need to put your child first and if HE cannot do that then, I'm afraid to say that he is being the selfish one. He needs to face some facts and the best way to do it is drawing up a budget for both scenarios. You can download templates from online. I'm sure neither of you want to live on a shoestring budget! Been there, done that! The stress is not good for you, your child or your relationship. Try finding our what he sees so terrible about your mother's proposal..
  • He wants the baby to have its own room, he wants to be self-supportive, and he wants to be on our own to start our life together. That's his reasoning.

    In an unrelated subject, he thinls I don't want this with him because I also asked for a hyphenated last name since we aren't married. Between all that he said I'm breaking his heart and that he doesn't feel like I love him. Or something along those lines
  • Ok, I'm the older mom, I'm 36 and have 2 children and another on the way. I was the young mom doing it all my way. If I had your options I would defo take it. Get a career and a life for you and baby. Life is hard with a baby but its harder with no job. Please think seriously about this because I really think its a fantastic offer. Your baby will grow up fast and need supporting and you can do that with a decent job behind you. Your bf needs to grow up and put baby.first. x
  • Bills are hard enough to pay on a low income with just two adults. When you factor in a baby things get really hard. I think about it like this.... When it comes down to pampers and food vs. the power. Naturally ur child has to come first so off with the lights.... But can u have u child in a house with no power until u get the money... And what will have to be pused aside next pay... Its so easy to get behind and too damn hard to catch up.
  • Good for you school is really important so you can finish for your baby and make sure your not stuck at a dead end job for the rest of your life and if your moms willing to pay for school the baby and living she obviously really wants you to do good I think you would break her heart if you didn't take her offer
  • I think living with your parents is a great idea. Give him time he may come around. Finishing school is very important. Having a babysitter that is free is amazing. It's very expensive living on your own. Maybe wrote out a list of rent babysitter bills groceries gas money diaper money and show him on paper how rough it will be.
  • Id say the smart thing would be to take your mom up on her offer!! If he truly loves you he will come around. Maybe it will take him trying and failing to understand. He is a man and they are known to be stubborn. Don't think that you need to fix that. Thats on him!!! You need to do what's best for you and your baby. That's really the only thing that's in your control!!! As I said before if he truly loves you he will be there with you supporting your decision to better your future! Good luck and give your mom a big hug for supporting you there are so many these days that don't!!
  • My opinion....take care of you and your baby. Stay with your parents while you finish school. Let your boyfriend move out on his own if thats what he wants to do. Let him get settled and get life in order for all of the time you finish school he should be stable and ready for you and your child to join him.
  • I think you should try and get him to sit down and write everything out together. Explain that you want whats best for all of you. Get the prices of daycare, baby essentials such as diapers, wipes etc, rent for apartment, utilities, food, school, all expenses for the month..then when you have that done put it up against what you make. Do that for moving out, staying at parents, and him going out on his own. Some people have to see the reality of a situation before they get it. Staying at your parents free daycare and both of you being able to go to school while saving money is going to allow you to get a better place for your family. Having a new baby is awesome..but its also a lot of work and can be stressful...add to that moving out and struggling to pay bills it will take a major toll on your relationship. Some people can work through it some cant. Ask him what situation, after looking at the reality of it on paper, does he think is best for the baby. Good luck to you and for the record I dont think you are being selfish for wanting what your mom is offering...hope it all works out for you!
  • I had this exact situation as well!! My parents offered housing & help, but my bf didn't want it cause "he didn't want my parents n all our business"
    I did a budget to show him. I added up rent, food, diapers, formula, wipes, clothes, utilities, ect & asked him if he could pay for that all every month while I went back to school.
    It took a few weeks after that but he came around.
    Hope this helps & good luck.
  • @ashes sounds like we're dating the same guy, or at least twins. I wanted the baby to have both our names since we're not married as well, and I hurt him with that also.
    Try explaining that it can be changed later, & having a baby without your last name can make some situations harder. Like taking the kid to a doctor/hospital for example.
    Again, my guy came around, but it wasn't easy!!
  • I just read that one of the things guys really fear is not being able to provide for their family. Its a pride thing and he's trying to maken a home for you but is scared he can't do it. How does he usually solve problems - with his gut or logically? You can try to make a budget and show him the numbers and that it just simply won't work. Come up with a plan. If you can set aside so-and-so amount of money before the baby comes then you can move out. I'm sure your bf just feel like he can't provide and if he moves in with your mom he wiill be stuck there forever.
  • Thank you everyone for your input, like I said the more the better!!

    I have another question too... idk if I should tell his mom what my mom offered, or let him tell her? If he tells her I'm scared he's going to make me out to be this bad person, like im taking this kid away from him, but if I tell her I feel like I'm going behind his back.

    I just don't know what to do, my parents are giving me the deal of a lifetime, and I feel like he is making me have to choose between a chance at a successful life or a life struggling to make it with him. It's not fair that he's putting me in this situation and making me feel like a horrible person.
  • I'm 28 years old and having my third and let me tell you if my mom had offered what your mom is offering I would have taken it in a heartbeat regardless if baby daddy wanted to or not. Its not about what he wants anymore. He chose to make a baby and now you have to think if the baby first. You do what is best for you and that baby:)
  • Don't lose the opportunity that your mother is offering. He's being immature and putting his wants and needs before his child's. I totally understand his reasoning, but he needs to start living for the baby. It won't be comfortable, it will be annoying and will be especially hard for him since it's your family and not his (I know first-hand as my hubby and I lived with his father for a while), but you have to make this decision without considering his temper tantrum. If that means that he leaves, well, obviously what was important to him was his image and not his baby, and a man like that wouldn't be the father that your baby deserves, anyway. Besides, with what your mom is offering you'll be more than prepared to take care of your baby. And you have every right to hyphenate your baby's last name. You're the one who gets to grow the baby, after all.
  • Little advice for you.... I am 31... I have 2 boys 8.5 and 10 years old.....preggers by my bf of 5 years and we dont live together......It takes alot to raise kidsand it takes alot to have a place of your own.....I was a single mom from the time my oldest was 2.... had an apartment and everything to take care of....worked full time and never had time to go to school....I learned the hard way that a woman does not depend on a man for nothing.....if you cant do it yourself then do it with your parents.....I love my current bf of 5 years and he has his own house.....I built my house 2 years ago and he thought he would not buy his house and just be with me....I dont think so he had that plan before i met him so that is what i had him do ....Now he has a house and i have my house... we manage just fine....I pay my bills and he pays his....I didnt get any help with my kids...I have raised them on my own paying sitters and everything and I wont lie I did claim bankruptcy a bout 6 years ago but still was able to build this lovely house i have and my payments are very reasonalbe......I have a 3 bedroom ranch style house with a full basement. I Pay 428.00 a month for the house with taxes and insurance in that total... things are possible if you accept some help from others.... My boys have done just fine with out their dad....they barely even know him.....they know his family but they didnt right the kids off like the father did.... Its alot to think about but i would take the help from your mom.....go to school and do what is best for you and the baby
  • Im 31 and prego with my 2nd. I can tell you that you would be making a wise decision to take your mother up on her offer. Don't allow your bf to put a guilt trip on you. Providing for this child is priority. Getting your life together is as well. I know he means well and wants to be the provider but based on his stats he doesn't seem 100% capable at this time. More over if you go with his option it will be very difficult for you to finish school, take care of a baby, and work. Many ppl do but you don't have to. Take your mothers help. Let your bf know you love and respect his opinion but that doesn't mean you have to agree. Please please please make sure you get your education. Not only will it allow you to better provide for your child it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.
    If his mother asks you your plans than tell her what your mother is offering but don't bring it up on your own. Seems like it doesn't take much to upset your bf so avoid it if you can.
  • @magcaw you are very right about image... he didn't want an apartment closer to home (walking distance) because he didn't like how it "felt" ... that it was ghetto. When in reality friends of mine grew up in the same apartment, the neighbors were friendly when we looked at the place, and its in a good neighborhood. Vs where he wants to move, is low-income, a cop came in to interview the owner about a tenant, and I know people to pick up drugs in the same complex. But the carpet was nicer...

    Or we can live in my parents 3000sq ft custom built house, on 1acre property, on a cul de sac, with pool/orchard/pond and a second house in the back (where my grandma lives)
    I just wish he could have a more Vulcan perspective on the whole situation...
  • Pool? Duh. Stay!
  • Lol @sgbelcher I like ur thinking.

    There's also a small possibility of getting my grandmas house later on, its 2bd 2 bath on the back of our property.
  • do whats best for the kid!!
    Its no longer about what you want, but rather what is going to help you help the kid.
    Which is clearly the offer your mom has put on the table.
    Lots of people have to struggle on their own, & to have a family be willing to help in such a huge way, should not be over looked.
    Good luck.
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