Update #2 ok so idk but i think its too soon to test but.......



  • Don't give up sweetie, I honestly think it will be soon for you! Im praying so much for you, you deserve this baby!!! You are an amazing and strong woman! Don't let anyone tell you any different hun! Still sending truck loads of baby dust.
  • Oops sorry thought I updated. Yes I got a call back, I am not to take the provera for 2 weeks. I am to take a few test throughout the next couple of weeks, if I keep getting bfn then I can take the provera OR If af shows up then I call them so I can start clomid OR I take a test & get a bfp ;) she said there are different kinds of progesterone, ones they use to cause a period others they use to help up the levels during pregnancy. @ncoughlin08 @momof22be
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses Thanks hun!!!!! These are the things that help me keep my head up. ;)
  • Yea that's why I wanted u to call for the inserts or tablets so u wouldn't use the provera I was scared I might have caused a mc but for some strange reason it saved my pregnancy and then I had the inserts till 12 weeks it is some nasty shiz though its like being on monistat for ever anyway keep updating after those tests Hun baby dust and I am praying u already r preggo hugs. :)
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  • Sending baby dust and praying for your bfp!! We tried for a long time too, I know how hard it is every month that passes. It will happen for you! I just had my daughter in April she was 4 weeks early, born at 4 lbs 8 oz, and I was told if I wasn't being monitored so closely I had a good chance of loosing her. Everything happens for a reason, I have a good feeling that it will happen for you soon if your not right now :)
  • keep you head up and pray.. i know for me i was having pregnancy symptoms and i went to the doctors to take a test they did a blood test and it came back neg. and they wouldnt see me and kept giving me these lame excuses a month later i was in the ER and turns out i was 13 weeks pregnant.. so you never know .. but even if you get that bfn keeping praying about it and stay positive you never know what God has in store for you :X
  • @momof22be Thank-you & I mentioned it but my nurse said that we should be ok. She's a sweetheart, she as been my nurse since I started seeing my fertility dr back in Oct/Nov 2010. Its great when all the nurses are rooting for me as well as my pregly gals ;) I am going to test either in the morn or on Sat morn, I'm just scared, but still having symptoms. My bras are SO uncomfortable, EVERYTHING is annoying me, I'm having the slight abdominal cramps on & off........idk what to think! Ugh!
  • @Mami_of_2 Thank-you & good luck to you too!
    @ncoughlin08 >:D< Thanks hun!
    @MayBabyGirl Thank-you, Congrats, & I will be praying for you & your little angel! She will grow & be very healthy!
    @ahendricks09 Thank-you! & its stories such as your that give me hope! O:)
  • It sounds like pregnancy. Question: does it feel like there is a needle going through your nipple all the way back?
  • Thinking and going you get that baby/babies heaven knows you deserve it. Good luck chicka. :X
  • I want u to test tonight pppppllllllleeeeaaaassseeeeee
  • @momof22be no, but they are still sensitive & my bras r cutting into me & I find myself having to adjust my boobs all day.
    @KrazymomofAdrian Thank-you!!!!!! >:D<
  • Still hoping for that bfp update... don't give up hope, u never know!!!
  • @momof22be I just went potty (got ready for bed, so idt I could go just yet) but I will, I've been getting up in the middle of the night so......I promise I will test as soon as I go again I promise (God knows I've got 5 test waiting to be......well you know) :-bd
  • When did the nausia start?
  • Is it late there?
  • @mrsrocketfield Thanks! & I'm hoping this will be a fantastic weekend! & I hope all is going well for you! I know it'll be hard while hubbys away, but if you need someone to talk to or virtual hugs you know we're here for ya!!!!!
  • @momof22be when I first started getting nauseous last wk it was between 3-4 everyday now its on & of throughout the day. Yeah its 9:37. I've been so tired the last wk so I've been lying down between 830 & 9.
  • Wow yea sounds like how I was in the beginong getting sick at dinner and then all the time when u test again let me know idk if its the middle of the night ill answer as soon as I wake up unless u somehow have to pee in the next 3 hours. ;)
  • @momof22be lol w/ me who knows! I had to pee like 6 times while at work today! I usually only go once maybe twice. The nausea has been on & off this week, but I'm nauseous now from dinner.
  • Lol crossing my fingers. :)
  • My fingers are so crossed for you.
  • Never thought I would be so happy that someone was sick. Update and tag me too. I am so nervous. [-O< hoping for you.
  • Fingers crossed for you my lovely (*)
  • i pray u get ur bfp im also triying ive been with honey for ten years and ive gotten pregnant but i misscarri
  • @momto22be @mrsrocketfield1221 @hodgeslangdoRn @KrazymomofAdrian @littenat86 @praying4rfirst Thank-you everyone! I just got up & took a test, I used a test strip, bfn :'( idk what to think! I feel like I'm being teased! Like "Hey here's every symptom, but nope nothings really there so ha jokes on you!" Grrrrrrrr!
  • keep your head up... remember that god has a plan for all of us and things are going to happen just as they were meant to happen no matter how much it hurts at that particular moment... there is a reason for everything :)
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