yay sept BABIES !!!!!! mmmmmmm ¿ GENDER ?



  • @Tammy1979 that's interesting ... I know I conceived on Dec 5 but my due date is Aug 29....we must have different cycle lengths by a lot :-) either way we were both makin babies ;-)
  • @billye910.......I will most likely have the baby in August, I never make it to 37 weeks My water with my first 2 broke at 36 weeks preggers and so I had bith my boys about a month early..... That was also a long time ago....my youngest is almost 9 I am sure maybe things might be different a little but not much....Already have some of the same problems with this one that I had with the first 2....Gestational diabetes....errrr... Good luck and hopeeverything goes good for you and baby
  • Oh and I counted 40 weeks out from date of conception ......that leaves me on Sept 14 but i will most likely be around August 18th
  • Ooh good luck!! What we do for our babies
  • Due somewhere between Sept 12 and Sept 16. I want to know sex but my hubby wants to wait. Guess it will be a surprise.
  • um i think fitmama miscalculated bc she would have to have her menstrual around march 7th and concieve somewhere around march 21 to be dec 12th due date
  • I'm due September 12th. This is my first and my hubby's 4th. We're hoping for a boy :) The penny test says boy and my mother's instinct says boy too. I'm going to get my first ultrasound tomorrow! Wont know the gender, but I'll get to see the heart beat.
  • I'm due on September 16th and if this baby is not a boy I'm going to be dissapointed but I'll still be very happy:) I have two girls already, bring on the boy!
  • FIm due sept 8 and im excited to find out wat it is it doesnt matter if its a boy or girl as long as its healty
  • Due September 11th. I'm feeling like it's a boy, And that's what I wanted at first but now I'm hoping for a girl. But as long as it's healthy it really doesn't matter. :) I'm so impatient!
  • Due sep 12th. 9weeks and 5days anxious too find out. Hoping for a little guy this time :-*
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  • I'm due September 4 and hoping it's a boy. I have one girl and she is enough
  • Sept 13 hoping for a boy
  • My due date is Sept. 12
  • My due date is sept. 14th. I go this wensday for another check up and ultra sound!!
  • Im due Sep. 28th . This is my first baby and im 18 very excited but nervous
  • I'm due sept 6 with our first child. We are so very excited!!
  • I'm due Sept 14. Already had my first ultrasound and go for my second one on Feb 28. I have two boys already so hoping for a girl. This is my boyfriends first baby so he just wants a healthy baby..
  • @tammy1979 its only 38 weeks. The reason they say 40 is b/c they include the two weeks prior to ovulation aka the day you conceived. If you know u conceived on dec 9th your due date is Sept 1st. A pregnancy is 266 days and they call it 280 to account for most women not knowing when they conceived so her lmp is a common starting place. So you r a lil closer to meeting your lil one than you thought!
  • I'm due sept 1!
    I feel like I'm gonna have a boy :)
    Our first ... we can't wait :)
    I'm super anxious to know the gender I want to start buying baby clothes!
  • I'm having a girl, I feel it in my bones... I really just want a healthy baby.... girl :)
  • I'm due September 27th with my first. I'm hoping girl, but a few people say boy. Ugh!
  • I'm due september 26....I would love a little girl...when do we get to find out?????
  • I'm due 9/5 but I'll be delivering 8/29. Assuming the baby cooperates, I will find out april 11. Anywhere from 16 weeks to 20-some is the usual span for finding out gender, unless you have an amniocentesis for some reason. I'm sort of hoping for a girl because I have three boys, but a boy would be way easier.
  • I'm due September 29,I used the china gender table its said I'm having a girl and I used the Mayan gender table And also said I'm having a girl!!!! Does anyone use one of the store bought product to know the gender??? Do they work? ?? I wanna know NOW!!!! I'M 9weeks
  • I'm 9 weeks & 3 days I hope its a boy (:
  • gf due w our first baby sep 17 yup still dont know. we both want a girl (:
  • Due sep 1st, had a 3d ultrasound last week and found out its a boy
  • Im due sep. 24th or the 28 not sure yet. I went in to have a ultrasound done for constipation problems a few weeks ago and found out I was 7 1/2 wks. And now im 10 1/2 weeks. The US tech told me the 24th but the conception calculater says the 28th. So some where around then and my b day is on sep. 6 and my husbands is oct. 7. So the little one will fall right in between. Btw this is both of our 1st.
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