Nov. moms how much weight have you gained??



  • 28lbs and Im 25wks
  • well i'm super embarrassed...i'm 25w3d, due November 21st and i've gained my weight limit already.. 35 doc yelled at me and said i can only gain about a half a pound a week now.. so i've been trying really hard to keep on a diet but it's hard when everything sounds so delicious and i get so bored all i wanna do is eat! i feel like a bottomless pit :(
  • 25wks n I've gained 25 lbs all belly my thighs r actually getting smaller butt getting a bit bigger n boobies too ;;)
  • 24 weeks 4 days and I've gained about 10lbs. As long as its all going to my breast and tummy, I'm not worried. Bring on the food
  • I'm 27+3 and have gained near 20lbs. Dr says my boy will be at least 9lbs
  • I'm 28 weeks and I've gained 11lbs...makes me wanna cry cause I'm a lard butt:'(
  • ^^11lbs is nothing!! You're actually below average! Lucky!
    I'm 28w and gained 17lbs! :/
  • i'm 27 weeks today and i've only gained 1lb...
  • I gauned 34lbs thus far and I am 25wks. U gained 6lbs in 5 days.
  • I gained***
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  • We only gain more from here... Good Luck, ladies!!
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  • Well i am 28+3 and i have gained 37 pounds....Im huge... :p oooooo well
  • 25 weeks lost 20 pounds gain about 11pounds back [-X No more please
  • 27 weeks gained 30 lbs. Dr say baby girl will be 10 lbs if I go full term! Yikes!
  • it makes me feel a little better when I see other women around my gestation that has gained as much as I have. I feel so fat!!! at my 27 week appt I gained 32 pounds already! I'm walking more than I was and eating better and still gaining fast. My dr says if I keep gaining like I am I will gain about 70 by the end :( I'm hoping a lot of it is just water weight cuz I'm swollen.
  • Im 26 weeks and I have gained 11lbs so far I keep track at all of my four week appointments.
  • edited August 2011
    I am due November 10 and I have only gained 3 lbs
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