i feel like september is a year away

edited February 2011 in September 2011
I'm sick all the time and the days are just dragging by... I'm soo impatient I don't know what to do. I'm due on September 2 and I just want this pregnancy to be over already


  • I'm in the same boat. Sick sick sick,dues Sept 24.Ready for first trimester to be over
  • I am due July 6th and still sick about everyday and I feel July is so far away
  • Me toooo! Due september 12 and really worrying because most of my symptoms are gone
  • I'm due august 31 so close enuff tew september but its still such a drag ! Ugh lol :-S
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  • Thanks ladies.. At least I'm not alone... wishing for a fast forward button
  • I am ready for this first trimester to be over... I'm feeling like a stuffed pig over here...
  • Due in June and THAT feels like a lifetime away.
  • You and me both! I'm due at the end of September.
  • Nothing but sick... And ready to hold n cuddle this little baby. Due sept 16
  • I'm 12weeks dus sep 7 I dnt even feel pregnant no baby bump no morning sickness jus little cramps n I be hungry all the time. September does feel like years from now.
  • Due september 1.. I feel the same I want it to be over. Being pregnant stresses me out, I don't feel pregnant and it makes me feel like I lost the baby :(
  • Due Sept 12th. I keep saying September feels so long away. I'm not looking forward to getting huge, wearing fugly maternity clothes, and especially being huge during summer. I just want my baby!
  • The 14th September can't come quick enough for me... I'm just always exhausted :(
  • 5th of September can't wait to meet my little one. Counting the days now until my 20 week scan roll on 15th April can't flipping wait to find out what sex the baba is! And to see it wiggling around on the scan :) chin up girls , I'm sure it won't drag that much just try and relax and do some things which you won't always have time to do once baba arrives , treat yourself , put your feet up and pamper yourself! Good luck and good health to ya all :-)
  • OMG yes September is 4eva and a damn day away....so what is everybody hoping for....I want a boy but a healthy baby will do
  • do any of the september mommies know what the sex of their babies??
    im so impatient, this is my 3rd, but i like to be well_planned.....if you do know the sex how many weeks were you, as i am now hearing that they are determining the sex much sooner for some ladies
  • I'm 11 weeks today... one more week til the 2nd trimester :) I don't know what I'm having, but I'm hoping for a girl. A healthy baby will just be perfect... I was trying to get the intelligender test, but they didn't have it at Walgreens yesterday. :( but I did the chinese birth chart test and it says I'm having a girl too...
  • I don't know what I am having yet but I am due sep 2nd. I can't wait until the 20th wk to find out. trying to convince my boyfriend if I can do a 3d sono and find out at 16 wks
  • Me too! :( I'm due 9/5 and I've known about the baby since Christmas day. I think finding out so early just made everything seem so much slower. I'm probably delivering 8/29 so I keep telling myself I'm a week further than I actually am. I just want to know what it is!!!
  • Yea it is sucks how slow it goes but the next thing ya know you are having your baby. I am extremely impatient to find out the sex of the baby, it is starting to drive me up a wall. I keep worrip
  • I keep worrying but everything will be ok.
  • IM due sept 29 and sick n sleepy and moody lately 9 weeks 4days today and want it over first child haven't told nobody in my family yet my dads a pastor n my mom is starting to act funny towards me which makes me ad and depress goodluck to everyone else
  • I can't wait to meet this little person that is growing inside of me. I am due September 15,2011. Time feel like its dragging. On the other hand all of us are in for a long summer. Lol!
  • Oh my god, it sure does feel like forever, I'm due Sept 1st.. and im just ready to get this over with.. not looking forward to been huge in the summer what a drag... so please Sept hurry up and get here already..........
  • Im due sep7th and i dont have any symptoms jus hungry all the time seems like its taking forever for my baby bump to appear
  • Im due sept 7th too and I feel like its never going to get here! The first trimester went sooo slow. I hope things start to speed up soon!
  • Sept does sound far away but I'm due in may and I feel like that's a year away :( I wish this process can hurry up
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