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  • @Landynplus1momma ive watched that!!! Its horrible!!! I think before any person is able to have.an abortion they should have to watch it!!! Its so sad!!!! :(
  • some people don't believe in god. I hear that same statement all the time. but to those who don't believe it dosnt come as a comfort.
  • I strongly disagree and hate it but what other women do with their life is their choice....all I can do is pray for them.
  • Pro choice.
    I'm no better than anyone else, what gives me the right to condemn people for their choices. I believe that everyone deserves to be loved and listened to. And I believe you could listen to someones story for a thousand years and still not 100% understand what they are going thru.
  • just so you ladies know, there are other ways of having an abortion without it being "sucked out of you" or however that works.
  • @2600wifey yes there are other ways. You are also correct.
  • I think it depends on the situation. Although I do not support abortion I cannot claim that I am "Pro Life" becuase I do understand that there are circumstances that may occur that I would not support those who are Pro Life. For example, if a woman is raped and ends up pregnant with the child. Anyone who claims they are ProLife cannot say that aborting the baby would be okay. Therefore, I believe in abortion, situationaly.
  • I'm 9week pregnant with baby no 5,my husband wanted me to terminate the pregnancy but I choose not to and her come round to the idea or youngest is only 9months he didn't think we would cope financialy or physically.theses no way I could do that to my child it is the woman's decision and a woman has to do what's best for her,I no I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt.I was pregnant with twins and lost one of them early on a month before loosing my grandma to cancer,which crushed me.it made me realise how precious life is,and theres far worse things that can happen.a baby is precious.
  • Medical abortions do not involve the gross process... People are too close minded when it comes to this topic. Neither side should be judged. Unfortunatly I mostly see pro choicers or women who have had abortions being judged with harshness... No one has the right to throw a stone. Im pro choice.
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  • I put up this topic because I was interested in knowing peoples different views on it it wasnt for anyone to be upset because I know its touchy so if u didnt like the topic then dont comment it then
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  • @simplyraven22506 so you're saying its silly for me to love my unborn because its not a baby?
  • Im pro choice. Its 100% not for me though and I would never advise someone to get an abortion. My best friend has had two, my mom had one at 17 and I still love both of them and I don't judge their "goodness" because of it. @simplyraven22406 thats the kind of comment thats gonna turn this nasty. Play nice ladies!! :)
  • @simplyraven22406 im just saying in general I see alot of comments of people not being okay with this topic an for whoever feels uncomfortable then dont comment
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  • I am pro-life, generally. Like many others, I agree that medical and rape situations may warrant. I believe that fate has a plan for everyone, and that everything that happens does so for a reason. Though I would never personally warant abortion, there is no reason to judge others decisions about it in a negative and unproductive manner.
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  • @simplyraven22506 I disagree. But I understand where you're coming from. To me a persons a person no matter how small(:
  • I am completely pro-choice. I wouldn't choose to abort my own child, but I wouldn't force anyone to go through an unwanted pregnancy. Pregnancy has been the most traumatic and horrible experience of my life (I'm on #3)-each one has gotten progressively easier, and I (obviously) feel the end result is worth it, but it hasn't been pleasant. Going through that is something that each woman has the legal right to choose, regardless of what any of us think. I hope that never changes. A fetus, a baby, it all comes to the same. Whatever you call it, you're making a life changing decision regardless of what side of the fence you fall on.
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  • @simplyraven22406 I have to agree with u hun but u are probably going to be attacked for that comment. I wanted to let u know that you are not alone in how u feel. At the people who are throwing God into this... read your own book. Let he without sin cast the first stone... don't judge... love unconditionally... I'm pretty sure that was the real message. Right??
  • Lol @mommytobe1 way to throw some horton in there. Do you know that it's dr seuss's bday today?
  • I love horton, Fave children's book(: and no I didn't! That's awesome!
  • edited March 2011
    @wallieheadbaby3 you are rite but im sure people can come up with 5 more quotes about abortion not being rite. This arguement is a losing battle on both ends.
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