any nov moms dialated any??



  • @ sassypants wow that's great I'm a little nervous cus my original due date was December 12 and now I see I have all the exact symptoms and pains of everyone due in nov. Lol last app. Doc told me baby was already beginning to drop android try to rest but I definitely can still feel as if his dropping still getting tonal of bh lots of pressure feels like his gonna drop out sometimes and down there w3ll it feels like its gonna rip apart haha :D
  • @nmartinez79 you are so right I'm lucky if I ever get a moment when someone doesn't need something from me haha well let's see what happens.
  • I got checked at 30 weeks cuz of pre term and i was 1cm but still thick. I have an appt today (im now 36 weeks) and im anxious to find out where im at since i have been cramping to the point of tears.
  • i wanna be checked lol they wont so idk :(
  • I went to dr today I'm a lil more than a cm and a lil more than 50% effaced. Dr is worried because I have had high blood pressure my last few appts and I lost weigh so I have to go for blood tests tomorrow and she wants me to call Friday morning if they haven't called me yet. DD is Nov 9 but Dr doesn't think I will make it till the end of the month.
  • Got checked today and nothing! Which means all the pain and pressure I've had for the last month or so has done absolutely nothing. I'm so disappointed :o(
  • @brttnywstn14 my doc hasnt even told me anything at all! At least you know where your babies head is!
  • I'm 35 weeks and still closed ugh my baby lazy!!!
  • I'm 35 wks and 1 day & my doctor said that he will check me at 36 weeks for Strep B. And as long as that comes back negative they will start checking me the following week.
  • 36+2 lil over 1 cm and 50% effaced. :)
  • stupid question - but how do they check? Is it just with their hands??
  • Im 70% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated :)
  • 37+1 and nothing! Its depressing. But I'm getting checked again tomorrow so I'm praying for some change lol
  • Just went too doctor today not dialated but deff head down :)
  • Went to the Dr yesterday. He said baby hasn't dropped yet and he hasn't felt the need to check me for weeks ( pre term labor at 31, about 34+5 now) so that's good! I wanted her to stay put a little longer. Next appointment will be Oct 25th, will be 36+2, getting strep test, checked for dialation, and ultrasound to check size! Starting it get excited to meet her BC She will be okay ( not like When she tried to come at 31 :-( )
  • I'm 36 weeks today she is already head down like low enough she head butts him when she checks my cervix but I'm 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced. He checked me last tuesday and I was long and closed do it can happen kinda fast. Now I'm just waiting for my little one to arrive :))
  • I had my baby this morning I wasnt due until nov. 9th but had him today so im a oct mommy now
  • @kris100717 congratulations! I saw u posted a question on how to induce like 3 days ago, what did do that worked so well!
  • @kris100717 Congrats... Im hoping to b a Oct mommy 2.... I'm 37 weeks & 1cm dialated official due date 11/01/11
  • @314babymama1120 lol im not sure wgat actually worked bc that day I walked 2miles, inserted 2 EPO pills, and I was so scared to do castor oil so I Only took 2 tble spoons and also a little nipple stimulation and woke up with contractions at 3 in the morning :)
  • I was checked for the first time this past Wednesday at 36 wks and 5 days and I was dialated to 2 and all of 70% effaced but baby is measuring larger than her fetal age so we are going in for an ultrasound Monday to get her weight and make sure she's doing ok. Doc says she doesn't think it will be much longer :) was a good day! Can't wait to see her on Monday! Gonna be going to the cider mill with my stepkids today so will be doing alo of walking crossing my fingers it starts labor!
  • @kris100717 how much did your baby weigh & how was labor?
  • @mommyxoxo2 He weighed 6lbs 12 oz and for sone reason easiest labor ever when they broke my water and started poticin the contractions never got bad but I wanted a epidurl so it didnt hurt to push n e ways I pushed 2 timrs and he was born :)
  • I'm 36 weeks & closed & thick
  • Ladies had my baby already :) she was born 36.3 weeks old. Labor went by really fast. Pushed 6 tome total of 13 minutes n she was out. :) she is considered premie but came home w us. Adelyn Raquel 10*13*11, 6 lbs 1 oz 19 inches :)
  • How do you all know?? In England (or maybe just even my hospital) they won't examine you down there unless there's something wrong or your 40 weeks plus. When do you start gettin examined where your from?
  • @mums_the_word my doc doesnt check until 38 weeks
  • @mamiraquel awh congratulations! What made you go into labor!?
  • Nope not dialated :(
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