How did everyone tell the father?



  • My bf came back to to.texas from college in north carolina and he was like ur prego. I was no im not eww I hate kids lol. He.left back to college weeks later I took a test during dance practice and I burst in tears. I called him broke uo with him lol I told him I hated him! He was laughing he was yelling ima be a daddy during his classes lol we still together :) I love both my piggys
  • my husband was out of town so I took a picture of the test and framed it in a baby frame, had a congrats card, and a set of each boy and girl cigars set up in is office when for when he got home. when he saw it he was in shock, ive never seen someone so speechless before. I still havent heard about his trip. :)
  • @Ittybitty yes but it seems like I'm the only one happy :(
  • I sent him a text telling him to write back when he was sitting down and when he did I sent a picture of the test shoeing positive. We didn't live together so he never suspected I was. Best surprise ever. :)
  • My husband said he new I was pregnant from the first time we were ttc. When we got the test he barely let me have any privacy to pee. He was so excited he hovered over the tests until he saw the results. He looked before I did and yelled "i knew my boys could swim" so I didn't get the opportunity to tell him but I am thankful he's so happy!
  • My first test I took was negative so we were kind of like ok dodged a bullet then a week later n no period I took another test n it was positive in denial at that point I took another then another lol all positive so I took them out to him n said "is this positive?" N he said "uh yes" I wish we could have been happy but it wasn't planned n needless to say I was freaking out (this is my first but his second so he was more pulled together then me) now we couldn't be happier!!
  • I left my positive test on top of his playstation 3 for him to find after work lol...he wasn't very thrilled...
  • I texted my husband and said u remember that one night when u asked for another baby?? Well u got ur wish lol... He called me and in a cocky way said damn im I love his smart azz so much... :X
  • @matthewsmommy04 . My babydaddy is a jerk but he is happy about the baby so I got lucky with that.. Maybe things will change for ya
  • I woke him up with the test in his face. "I know its confusing, but those two little lines mean you have super sperm"
  • Lol captainmorgaine I have the same story, I got off work, took the test, woke him up and held it in front of his face, he woke up excited.
  • She pretended like she clogged toilet... Even plunged for a bit. After a good while of making fun of her I went in to help... No clog just the tester! we laughed so hard!
  • My bd was with me when u took the test all I did was say his name and he knew he was so happy
  • edited March 2011
    Well we were trying for a while with no luck and one day I just figured I would take and see. It was positive, I was surprised. I walked out to the backyard where my husband was grilling with the most concerned look on my face and held up my test and his face just lit up and told me theres no turning back now. Haha
  • Awe some really cute and funny stories I taught my son where the baby was and he would kiss it and when my husban got home from work my son kissed my stomach and said baby okay my husban was in shock !!!and happy wed been trying for a long time
  • My hubby was telling me for 2 weeks that I was pregnant and I kept telling him there was no way. Finally one night when he was at school I went and got a test and sure enough. So I took a pic of the test and showed it to him when I picked him up.... His reaction... "see I told you" lol
  • I was in bed when she rushed in laughing that there were 2 pink lines on the test. I was overjoyed. At first because it meant my boys weren't broke. And then it just seemed surreal. At six weeks now. Way too long for someone as impatient as me.
  • I went to the store and found a shirt for my son saying "im a BIG brother now" & had him wear it all day until daddy came home and saw it!! :) he was so happy that he took us out to celebrate!!
  • lol my husband was on skype chatting with his parents and i took the test when it came back positive i went to the room and threw it on his lap and said now look what u did him and his parents were so excited he started to cry it was so cute :)
  • we have a set of twins and we were talking about getting a new car he asked if we should get a car or a suv i said a suv he said yea i was thinking the same thing that way we have room for our friends and the girls friends (twins) and i said and for the baby he looked at me and said baby? yep were pregnant i said
  • I left test in the toilet. I didnt no was positive. He went in and goes "how maby lines for positve" i said 2. He went yep. You are. Lol
  • I Texted him on Sunday Nov 21st and was like "its positive.... were having a baby, have a good time a church talk to you after " lol we go to diff churches :)
  • I took a test in november I was already 6 months and had no idea I was pregnant cuz I wasnt showing and then it started making sense to as why I was slowing down and starting to get sick so my husband was in afgahnistan and I was soooo scared he was gonna be mad but he was sooo happy so when he came home he was amazed and its just been sereal and now were due in a week and were both waiting on the sleepless nights and dirty diapers but goodness I was scared!!
  • With our first one we were on a walk when the Dr called and told us both now the next one I just came out and told him he was going to be a daddy again then when I went into find out what we were having I came home and he asked if we were having a girl or boy and I had to break it to him we were having twins he thought it was a April fools joke so guess what day we are having them LOL April fools day
  • I had a friend drive me to go buy two pg tests and when I got home I took one and two lines popped up and I couldn't stop smiling and shaking since we were ttc..I waited half an hour and then took the other test and same thing two lines popped up...husband called me in the middle of taking the second one but I didn't mention anything to him lol he was already on his way home from work so I told him when u get here I have a surprise for u......he gets home and he's like what's my surprise? And I said its in the oven...( I had put a hamburger bun in there but I knew he might not get it yet so I wrote on a little piece of paper "there's a bun in the oven" and taped it to my belly ) so he looks in the oven and he's like why is there a hamburger bun in here and that's when I put the piece of paper on and walked up to him he just stared for a moment and then got all excited and was like are u serious! He kept hugging and kissing me and he said I knew it cus u hadn't got ur period! Lol this will be our first together he has a nine year old beautiful daughter whom I love so much and she's really excited about the new baby...
  • well first of all, this is a completely unplanned baby, I peed on the test and it started to turn positive before I was done peeing, I almost dropped it in the toilet in complete shock LOL ran downstairs and threw it at him and he said what does it mean!?!?!? I said PLUS = POSITIVE OMG and he said no way and went upstairs to double check the instructions, then we were kinda sitting there like "oh shiii...." but we are getting used to the idea and are getting a bit excited.
  • I took a pregnancy test with him present because he kept telling me, babes your pregnant and I was like no I don't think so hun but after the test, he was right because the test proved it. Funny thing is, I didn't feel pregnant lol
  • I usually get my periods the exact same date every month which is the 3rd but in December I had one the 3rd then the 28th so I didn't take the test till Feb 3rd but I didn't even think I was pregnant my friend thought she was so I took one with her and hers was negative and mine was positive but I didn't believe it so I took another when I got home and it was positive too so to be sure I called my doc and asked for a blood test my bf called me right after I took the blood test (hadn't gotten the results yet) and said aren't you due for your period I said yah anyday now.. then went to my moms work and told her then went home when he got home from work I handed him 2 positive test and the doctors appt papers for the appt I had set up and he said what your pregnannt? And I said yup :)
  • He got sick at work....he told me i was and told me to go get a test...i wasnt so sure but i did and sure enuff....LOL!!
  • Lol I was so excited I couldn't wait until he got home from work. So I texted him and said I have something to tell you and I don't know how youure going to take it...........he said "you're pregnant". I said that's what the test says. Needless to say he was shocked and happy!
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