My dog tried to bite my baby!

I'm so mad! I tried my best to get my dog to feel like nothing has changed and he still flipped the script on me. My boyfriend was playing with the baby and brought him toward him and he came over sniffing as usual.. so far so good.. Then he rolls on his belly like he wants to play so my boyfriend brings baby over and sits baby on his tummy to rub and this dog jumps up and tries to snatch my poor babies leg! I'm still in shock and don't know how to treat the situation. I dont wanna give him away. I can only imagine though how he will act when my son is older and more curious and tries yanking his tail and other baby things. What do I do!? I remember taking baby on a walk with him once when we first got home and all my dog wanted to do was walk ahead of his stroller. Usually he's all in peoples grass and trying to pee on every post he passes by. UGH WHAT DO I DO?? I've tried so hard to include him... I've only had him since early December of 2010 but he's like family now... I can't just get rid of him but my baby is number 1. He's not even that big! Just about 20lbs.. a maltese mix. Oh, HE EVEN BIT ME TODAY WHEN I SPANKED HIS BUTT FOR BITING BABY! This dog has LOST his damn mind in a matter of 7 weeks!


  • I dont want to sound horrible or judging but you have basically answered your own question, your baby is number 1 above all else and this could be your hindsight so use it and get did of the dog or it could be much worse one day...
  • Its been 7 weeks, your dog should be comfortable around the baby now... not worse.
    I'm all for making it work for animals. They are family. But you have a baby now. What would happen if you left the baby on the floor to go answer the phone or something and the dog attacks the baby? A 20 pound dog can still cause so much damage even death.
    If I were in your position I would be finding the dog a new home.
  • Girl I wouldn't know what to do in your situation..I've had my dog for three years since he was a pup and he is still my baby. I've been fortunate because I've seen him interact with babies and he gets scared and hides lol..but when they are pulling his hair and tail he just takes it.. Maybe keep working with the dog and baby..keep having them interact together supervised. If he does anything may have to make the decision to let him go or have him be an outside dog.
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  • I would hate myself if he ever harmed my child... I know it seems like a cut and dry situation but I just feel like he's my baby too and there might be something im not doing right with trying to have him adjust to this new environment and now a baby... it breaks my heart for him, I want him to grow and love my son the same way he loves me and my mom... there has to be something that I can do..
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  • We don't have a dog but my sister does and we spend a lot of time over there. I have a 4 yr old little girl and a 3 month old little girl. My sister has had her dog since I was preganant with my 4yr old he is a min pin ( miniature pincher) my 4yr old has always played with him, walks him & follows him everywhere I don't let her be rough or pull his tail. When I had the new baby we let him sniff her and that was it. He doesn't even want to be around the baby it is like he knows to leave her alone. But my sister & brother in law say if he were to ever snap at the girls that's it they would get rid of him. And he is totally a part of our family. But the kids safety is more important. I know its hard for you but you can't train a dog to be sweet around kids. Even dogs who have never snapped or bite have ended up doing so. I know you would feel horrible if something happened to your baby. I have witnessed a little dog who never had any issues bite a little girls arm so bad they had to call the ambulance and she needed 20 stitches plus she will probably always have issues trusting dogs. Anyways just my thoughts on the situation. Sorry you have to go through this. But it really is the best to be safe then sorry.
  • I would get rid of the dog the dog could do worse I wouldn't risk it
  • Just like the other women are saying, im Sorry I am sounding harsh but YOU HAVE TO GIVE THE DOG UP. Even what you said about the walk is a sign that the dog is not adjusting well. He was trying to show his dominance to your son by being in front of him. Probably the same happened when he flipped out When baby was on his tummy, that put the dog in a submissive position and the dog tries to show dominance again. Your son CANNOT show his dominance over the dog so the dog WILL continue to act this way towards him. Please do the right thing and find a different home for him. My brother personally had to do this and so did my husband's cousin and its hard but your actual baby is so much more important than your dog hun...
  • Baby is number one... if my dogs did that idk what id do... ihave a maltipoo and she's not even one yet... and she sleeps in thee bed with me so this change will be hard... but iwill say thee introduction was all wrong... idid some reading and got advice... when yu introduce baby start with babies article of clothing let thee dog smell it for some days.. then see how doggy re acts.. continue to do so with diff pieces of clothing then introduce baby once thee dog looks or acts like he's used to thee smell... when yu just introduce baby it can be overwhelming.. since doggy once number one he's in a little bit of a shock and confused now that something new is home and he doesn't knw what... play it safe and good luck :-)
  • Better to rehome the dog now than have it hurt your child and be put down later
  • Sorry but dog has got to go! Better safe than sorry. I know it's hard cuz u get attached to pets, they become like family. But the way the dog is actin is all u need to know. Protect ur baby 1st & foremost!
  • I say before you just get rid of the dog try seeing a trainer. And knowing the dog is having a hard time with the adjustment don't ever dangle the baby on top of the dog! I'm about to deal with all this, my baby is due in three days and my dog had been my one and only baby for years. You can't just throw the dog into the situation and expect the dog to just accept it. Of course never leave the dog and baby alone! Don't be dumb about it, but i wouldn't just give the up. I'm taking my dog to the vet tomorrow for anxiety meds. I already know it's going to be hard for him so I'm doing something about it now vs it being too late. Seriously, talk to a professional before you just get rid of him. Just pushing him from home to home is just gonna make his anxiety worse and he may never find a home... Dogs feel abandoned the same way humans do. Now after everything the dog is still having issues and you absolutely can't trust him than yeah... Try finding him a new home.
  • just give the dog space. i have 2 dogs and one of them loves the baby and the other one wants nothing to do with her when i go to get my baby she will go to her cage. but she will sleep with me when i have the baby in the bed with me. dont give up. try putting a blanket with the babys sent(sp) on the dogs bed. or give the dog a vactation. my friend nipped at her son and toke her to her mothers and shes so happy there. she just needs a break. and go take to a dog trainer. they work wonders.
  • Get rid of the dog
  • I think there's only one thing to do hun, get rid of the dog. My dads wife son was sat playing on his own (he was 10 months old) when her dog walked passed him and from nowhere bit his face! Only nipped his cheek thank god but even though she'd had the dog for 9 yr she didn't hesitate to get rid of the dog. Your baby is more important at the end of the day and it could have been so much worse. You could re home the dog to someone with out children, who could love her just as much
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  • I know how it is dogs are family too..I'm lucky that my dogs are inlove w baby n my 6 year old I swear my 6 year old is a mini dog whisper..anyhow your dog obviously doesn't view u or hubby as being the pack leader as Cesar says u need to make sure he knows u r dominant pack leader before Baby is introduced again. From this point on kennel him at night during day put dog outside or put up gates in the room u most dog cannot go in...take an hour out of day to take him for a walk w him by your side brisk walk no playing around w a trainer to help u establish dominance. No table scraps no sleeping on couches or bed no jumping etc
  • edited November 2011
    I didn't abandon my post everyone.. just had a rough day... I get where everyone is coming from with letting him go... ugh no words right now.
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  • Don't rush to get rid of the dog just take things slower with introducing. it's just life if you had an older child you wouldn't take the baby and shove it in your other childs face and say love this now! Animals have feelings and fears to they need time to adjust take the time and let the dog get used to the scent and the idea of baby being around with out shoving the baby in the dogs face that's just asking for trouble. If after some adjustment time and some possible training it still doesn't work out then try and rehome a dog but remember if you have to take the dog to the shelter and you mention that it once tried to bite or nip atthe baby they will put it down it will not be adopted o ut please keep that in mind before rushing off to get rid of the dog.
  • We have a dog who's 1 and 1/2 yrs old. He's miniture pincher, jack russell terrior, and chihuahua mix. All he will do is sniff the baby and then go lay down. He knows not to bite but he's not a biter. Even in his roughest play he doesn't bite. He's even been allowed to sniff Babys face and although only 3 wks old you can tell she likes it.
  • I agree with junebuggbabie85
  • Seriously.... Don't just get rid of the dog! If you don't even try to work with the dog you will regret it. Dogs have feelings and get stressed out and freaked out with changes just like humans. And setting the baby on to of the dog was honestly asking for trouble. Not trying to bash you or anything, it just pisses me off when people don't approach touchy situations with dogs correctly and then just get rid of them like toys you can return. I work with a golden retrieved rescue and see it done way too much. When you get a dog you sign up for certain responsibilities and it's not always easy. I understand there are extreme cases but I highly recommend doing everything you can before surrendering him.
  • Totally agree @smcox
  • Is there anyway you could have a trainer work with your dog to see what's going on? My dog is little & like my baby too & i myself would either want a trainer or a book that might help with more ideas first. There's so many resources out there that might be able to help before giving it away if you're not ready. I don't think 7 wks is all that long & ur dog doesn't seem to be insanely aggressive ...dogs have moments too. Lol to me it doesn't sound Like it's ready to rip your baby to shreds... just having a tough time & maybe there's more too it?

    Also, have there been lots of ppl around the house, more than usual to visit?
  • Sounds like it may get worse
  • I had my dog when I was 16 he was my side kick in all I did. I fell,pregnant at 19 and the dog was great with baby till I left bd and moved to a flat of my own. He snapped at baby once and I started to look for a new home, secind time he snapped he almost took his face off. Hardest thing I ever done but my baby was just not worth the risk. Goid luck mama
  • I agree with everyone that says give dog a second try if I read correctly bd was putting baby on dog those small dogs are known for needing space let him/ her come to baby when it feels ready. Small dogs ripping a baby to shreds not quite sure that could happen bite them yes but to shreds that would be bigger much bigger dogs who unforunately the owners where so in the wrong and dog was never socialized! I say this as a dog owner to three rottweilers and a boxer when my 1 st was a newborn and now I have 2 small mixes and have no worries about them. U do have to watch ur animal of course with baby but let the dog come to baby and except baby instead of forcing baby on dog. If the dog was just randomly walking up and trying to nip at the baby then different story but if I understand baby was being put on dog... Dog could have seen baby as a threat as a toy as a get the hell out of my space... Trying to nip you sounds like he was pissed give him adjustment time.
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