My life is falling apart

I just found out my husband has been talking to and hangimg out with his ex for so sick to my stomach.


  • :-( aww hun, thats sh¡t. have you spoke to him about it?
  • Oh no! What will you do?
  • We did talk I haven't slept ato all
  • I don't know what to so...punch him in the face
  • Holy crap :(
    I think punching him in the face is a good start! What the heck is wrong with him?

    Did he have a reason, not that any would be good enough.. and has it only been hanging out or has it gone farther?
  • Punishment is wat he need if taking him back
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  • I'm sorry that's just shit.. I know how it feels and you should definitely punch him in the face :( and in his junk..
  • After all the shit you have been thru 8-X Punch him in the face!!!!
  • He claims nothing psyhical happened but.he has.naked puctures of her.
    Sorry for the typos I havent slept and my pgone is messed up.
  • Wow that's terrible =(( . Have you thought about what your going to do yet?
  • Fuckers!!! Hang in there mama! Do what is best for u-I know that may be unclear at the moment-just remember u deserve respect always!
  • I'm so sorry you're going through this :-(( I am all for working things out when you love someone but he needs to know that what he did is seriously NOT OKAY. You did nothing to deserve to be treated that way. Men suck.
  • I feel like talking to someone is just as bad and naked pictures are too. It means the intention was there in my eyes. My bf and I had a similar problem. I check his phone now. I still get suspicious of what he is doing and this was a year ago. I believe that we as women are strong enough to forgive when needed but smart enough to not forget. He has a lot of making up to do. Don't let him off easy lady. I'm sorry. Men suck.
  • Can I come punch him in the face??? He totally deserves it! Why would he do that?!
  • first of all I want to say I'm very sorry for what u are going through that is super hard. And second he is your husbands and the way I run things is I must know everything and ahead of time. So the fact that u didn't know about this I don't care if he says they didn't do anything is good enough I would be so pissed at his ass he would be on his knees asking for forgiveness. Then on top of it all he has those pictures of her common were not stupid his doing shit with her why would he not tell u anything about it then. If he wanted to hang out as friend he would have asked u first and maybe even invited u to go as well but he didn't. You really need to think about all of this and pray about out than talk to him again because u don't deserve that. I'm so black or white with my man and have been since day one he met me. For example his ex sent an invite to his facebook to this baby shower we went to cause shes in that circle of friends and they only dated two weeks then he met me after that didn't work :)... But he knows me so well and how I am with these things that he didn't even reply and I didn't know but he deleted.her as his friend. I think ever woman needs to have high standards because look at me I would never even ask for him to do that cause its a little much but it shows that he only cares about me and this relationship. Hope that helps and I will keep u in my prayers I hope u can talk to him about it again. How long u two been married if u don't mind me asking.
  • I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Same happened to my sister. Hang in there one day at a time. Lean on those who love you unconditionally. You do not have to figure things out today or tomorrow. Give yourself the time you need to decide what to do.
  • He has been lying about it for months. And @amab13 he was with her that day.
  • Thank you everyone don't know what I'm going to do. I'm a wreck.
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  • Omg I'm so sorry.
  • I went and bought my self a present so I can feel better. Spending money always makes me feel better.
  • Im really sorry about what is happening! I do know you shouldn't put up with it at all. Im not saying leaving him is the best thing to do because there may be other things that you should try that are better than leaving.
  • I don't know what to do...its the blatant lieing that hurts so bad.
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  • How did you find out and what was his explination?
  • Sorry u are going thru this :( always makes me feel better too though.
  • Sorry u are going thru this :( always makes me feel better too though.
  • @jules I SO wish my bd was as thoughtful of me as your guy is of you. That mofo still has pictures of his exes on his binder he's using for school and other pictures and cards that say how much he loves her and crap and I'm so pissed off! Even when I told him I don't like that he refuses to take them off and throw them away and it's just more evidence of how very little he cares about my feelings. X( I think about him all the time but he's such a jerk when it comes to MY feelings. >_<

    @garagebandfan I am so sorry you're going through this. You don't deserve this crap, and I want to give him a beat down for you and knock some sense into him! Guys are so freaking dumb! I wish they'd put themselves in our shoes for freaking once.
  • Ooooohhhhhhhh I want to kick his ass so bad I was rooting for him and u that when u got out of the hospital that it would be ok I hate that he has done this to u bitch slap his ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
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