Wondering how long have u been with ur husband/bf/bd/sperm donor?



  • I've been with my husband a total of 12 years but we've been married almost 7 of those years
  • Been with my bf almost 5yrs in june. This is our first baby. He is 24 and im 23( will be 24 aug 27). This Baby was a big surprise but im excited and my bf is anxious. Hes nervous that he wouldnt be a good dad but he will be fine. Honestly im nervous too.
  • Me n my bf had been best friends for 6 years b4 we started dating, n we started dating 2 yrs b4 we got pregnant :)
  • since i was 13 25 in may married 8 mths
  • Off and on 4 years(: we have been going strong for almost a year
  • Me and my husband been together 9 years and married 7 years. This is both of our first so excited
  • Not very long at all lol. Very unexpected baby.
  • Been together 10 1/2 years. Married 7 1/2. High school sweethearts. Would give eachother up foe the world. We have a 6 year old daughter and we r expecting our 2nd child 8/27. We started ttc in feb 10 and got our bfp christmas eve!
  • Will be married for 2 years come June but together for 4. It's our first baby :)
  • been together for a year n married 5 years this is my second child with him my son is 2 years old n I'm due may 29th
  • We've been best friends for 8 years, together going on 4, married since July.:) due July 21st.
  • Been with the hubby for 4 yrs..married for 2 1/2 yrs. We have a beautiful 8 month old and are newly expecting our second late october..hoping and praying for a healthy and safe pregnancy.
  • Been togrther 4 15 years married 4 9. I wad with him right b4 I turned 16 had our first child at 20. Well he was 25 :)
  • 8 months today. But we've known each other for 7 years, and have always been very good friends. I got pregnant almost exactly 6 months in lol
  • My Bf and I have been seeing each other for two years on and off. This last year and a month have been solid. We have grown up together since jr high and were lucky enough to conceive first try :-)
  • I have been with my fiance for nearly five years, and he and I cannot wait to bring a little bundle of love and joy into such an amazing bond. :D
  • One year and three months.... engaged to get married in may! well next may after the baby comes :)
  • Been with hubby 5 years, married 4 in july... prego with our first... 11wks, 5 days
  • I been talking to my baby daddy since 2008 off and on..
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