I'm sorry but are we living in the 1900's?? What about the Polio vaccine?! Measles vaccine?!ect...I hate seeing my child in pain when/after she gets her shots but I know in the long run its doing more good than harm.
@drgonzo523 You already caused the drama by coming on this post at all. It was addressed to women who are NOT vaccinating. Your difference of opinion was FORCEFUL. This post isn't about opinions AT ALL. Get over yourself............ Do you honestly think you were the first vaccinator to come read this post? No... I don't vaccinate two of my children and I vaccinate the other. I did not feel the need to voice any opinion about EITHER side. PFFT. I swear this topic is being treated like the abortion topic. TO EACH THEIR OWN.
My son just got all his shots on Saturday and he is 9 weeks old. He did great gave him baby tylenol about 20 minutes before his appt. And he got three needle shots and a liquid vaccine he drank that prevents the rotavirus (vomiting and diarea) and only fussed on the last one until I picked him up then he stopped. He's been fine ever since was even cooing while making our next appt.I feel that the benefits outweigh the risks and I'm happy he can be vaccinated to have a happy healthier life. To each his own
@2ndbutfirst Okay? People in the 1900's wished they had a Polio vaccine. As an FYI Polio still exist. I just hope you're aware by not vaccinating your putting other children at risk. Ignorant. I've said my peace good night!
I have nothing to get over. I didn't have to resort to calling people names just to get my point across. Seeing as we will never agree and I have very obviously worn out my welcome, I will respectfully leave you and this post with a fond farewell. if you or anyone else has anything else to say, please feel free to send it to me directly so I won't have to revisit this post and disturb you and the others any further.
The wild polio virus hasn't been seen since 1979 the man made is another story @awesomejen sorry this thread got hijacked I was just trying to give my research
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence 2 : unaware, uninformed
@monkey_girl So, they have chosen to not vaccinate thru a knowledgable basis from their research on the topic. These women have done their research, so as to become informed, knowledgable, and aware of the risk, outcomes, and benefits. Have you?
The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person. <--Wash your child's hands.
Since polio immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are very rare. However, polio remains a problem in many parts of the world. <--Community Immunity.
In very rare cases, the oral vaccine used to prevent polio can cause polio paralysis in persons who are vaccinated (1 in every 8.1 million doses) and in people who are close contacts of a vaccinated person (1 in every 5 million doses). About 8 to 9 cases of paralytic polio caused by the oral vaccine have been reported in the United States yearly. <-- Do your research before you throw names around.
Whoa, I just woke up to this. I did start this thread, so I feel the need to clarify. I'm not saying most of the general population is "poisoning" their children. That is each mommy's choice wether to vaccinate or not. As @bahamamama4828 said above, I am referring to the formaldahyde found in some shots, amongst other ingredients. I am not against vaccinating. I am gathering information and trying to make an educated decision. As I said, my first is FULLY vaccinated. I am just researching other options. That is why I titled this thread for mommies that do not vaccinate. Please understand that just because my beliefs may vary from yours, that doesn't mean that what you are doing is wrong. And I did NOT imply that you are poisoning your children. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I can see how that statement could have been taken the wrong way. @drgonzo523
@monkey_girl Actually, it's on the county's vaccination info site. But good try. But even if I did get it from Google, it wouldn't be any less accurate. Google doesn't give you answers... It gives you links to websites that do have the answers. All I'm saying, is to each their own. Two of my children are not vaccinated, due to severe reactions. My third, however, is fully vaccinated and will continue to get hers on time if she remains reaction-free. Calm yourself, no need to be defensive.
I can only hope that ladies can continue to post fact based information on this thread and keep personal opinions out of it. I think the information could help a lot of us mommies who are on the fence about shots. Thanks to the ladies who have knowledge on this subject for posting some great links. Keep em coming!
@jtmoon98 you are right on with your thinking! That whole argument can be crossed into the beauty industry and the crap they put into their products, and the fact that they police themselves so do what they want...lol but that is another discussion lol
@jtmoon98 I followed that link and read some of the stories, yet I couldn't find solid evidence that those children were harmed or killed by the vaccines themselves. I read that there was no cause or no diagnosis, but I never once read that they were directly linked to the vaccines. All the stories basically say the "think" it was due to the vaccines.
Maybe I'm missing something, maybe I'm a big dummy, but I went on that site with an open mind and couldnt find anything that was hard evidence of these children being directly affected by the vaccines only. Perhaps you could direct me? I'm very interested in researching both sides, again. I am in NO way trying to start drama or problems, I'm just doing some research.
sorry this thread got hijacked I was just trying to give my research
a : destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified
b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
: unaware, uninformed
@monkey_girl So, they have chosen to not vaccinate thru a knowledgable basis from their research on the topic. These women have done their research, so as to become informed, knowledgable, and aware of the risk, outcomes, and benefits. Have you?
The polio virus enters the body through the mouth, usually from hands contaminated with the stool of an infected person. <--Wash your child's hands.
Since polio immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are very rare. However, polio remains a problem in many parts of the world. <--Community Immunity.
In very rare cases, the oral vaccine used to prevent polio can cause polio paralysis in persons who are vaccinated (1 in every 8.1 million doses) and in people who are close contacts of a vaccinated person (1 in every 5 million doses). About 8 to 9 cases of paralytic polio caused by the oral vaccine have been reported in the United States yearly. <-- Do your research before you throw names around.
and the fb page inside vaccines
See what I mean about not being able to discuss it 8-|
The OP asked for I formation from NO VAX families....so everyone else just needs to go post in the other thread.
Maybe I'm missing something, maybe I'm a big dummy, but I went on that site with an open mind and couldnt find anything that was hard evidence of these children being directly affected by the vaccines only. Perhaps you could direct me? I'm very interested in researching both sides, again. I am in NO way trying to start drama or problems, I'm just doing some research.