@wifey4lifey what are the 4 you have now? We have 2 girls and our son is the youngest...he says he will not take another sister that he wants a brother cause he and daddy are girl trapped:)
Hoping for nov. Baby. New to this forum. I believe I am having implantation bleeding Now. I really want to test but not sure if it will show anything yet. My periods are so irregular so I have no idea when im suppossed to start. Any suggestions? ??
I'm due November 10th, my birthday! Really nervous about this pregnancy as the last one ended in miscarriage at ten weeks. Go in for an ultrasound in two weeks.
I'm 19 and was getting some symptoms for the past week and a half. Just the other day I took a pregnancy test since my period never came and it was a positive. I'm now quite scared. Any tips for a young mommy to be? I'm 4 weeks, 4 days. Due date is nov 8th
I took a preggo test last night when I realized my period was late, its positive, I'm due on the 11th and this is my 3rd, we weren't trying at all... kinda the opposite lol anyways I'm pretty shocked and haven't been able to fall asleep since I found out !
Good luck! I tested positive at 3 weeks 4 days so super early! I have five year old twins and then a miscarriage in September, so it's hard to know what's normal for this one. I'm in my 5th week now and haven't gotten sick yet, I had regular morning sickness with the twins and none with the one I lost at ten weeks, so of course I will worry until I feel sick. Is anyone else getting nausous yet? With the twins I was six weeks when it started, but with two I'm sure it was exaggerated. Is anyone else getting an early ultrasound? I'm getting one at six weeks and wonder what we'll see that early.
3 positive pregnancy tests later, I'm pregnant! I'm due around early November but I'll know more after my visit with my doctor this Thursday. I'm excited and a little nervous.
Lanesmama I also had a miscarriage, it was at 10 weeks in September. definitely makes me nervous for this one. Do you find it harder to be excited after going through that? I'm definitely struggling with that, but am hoping after my ultrasound in a couple weeks I will feel better about things and get more excited for this baby.
Due Nov 13th. Third pregnancy - 1st ended in miscarriage at 12 weeks and 2nd was an ectopic. Its been 2 years since the ectopic. We went through 4 rounds of artificial insemination before deciding to take a break in August. Bought a pregnancy test just for kicks and was completely surprised by positive. Had confirmation appointment yesterday and blood drawn. Should get hcg levels back today. Getting more blood drawn tomorrow to see if they double. If levels are good then will do u/s next week to rule out ectopic. Very nervous!
Due date is nov 8th