8 weeks pregnant, no sickness and feeling great!!

looks like i'm having an easy pregnancy so far!! anyone feeling the same?


  • I am 8w5d and thr only symptom i have is peeing alot and being a little tired but other than that im all good, kind of freaks me out because i have yet to go the doctor, but this friday i get to see our little olive, so im hoping everything is ok.
  • @bonita same as you a lot of peeing and always tired I'm past 8 weeks but I feel the same as I did then.
  • Im the same, just hard sore boobs, peeing all the time and a bit tired so the day before the us I covinced myself something was wrong. We went for us last Friday and baby is perfect! X
  • I am 9w 6d & I have had zero morning sickness. My boobs are huge & sore and I was sooooo tired for a few weeks but I'm feeling more awake lately. Not so hungry anymore either (I was eating like a horse) LOL we just heard the babies heartbeat last Wednesday. So that was exciting =)
  • I had a scan 2 weeks ago and evrything was fine, yep only thing ive got is tiredness
  • I've been worrying too. 8 weeks and no symptoms...just 2 positive tests. My dr appt is a week from Tuesday so ill probably just continue to think happy thoughts until then!
  • I'm about 8 weeks and 5 days and I'm always scared that since my symptoms are disappearing that I had a missed miscarriage. I had one miscarriage in november 2010, this is my second pregnancy so you can seeeee my reasons to worry. But hearing others are in the same boat, I feel more comforted (:
  • im 8 weeks and 1 day and am super sick.... so i hate you all. LOL
  • @mommyagain I feel your pain. I am 10wks and have had 1DAY in the last 5 weeks that I didn't get sick. Its a crap shoot on what meal will stay in. I am soo ready for it to go away lol
  • @stillsurprised I love you're name on here.... im still in shock too (wa told for 9 year i was infertile....and bam i wind up pregnant after being with my BF for 7 years) i cant eat full meal. i snack on fruits and cheese.... pretty much all i can keep down.
  • @mommyagain thanks. I think it fits, cause I have PCOS, am diabetic and was a smoker..plus overweight. I was pretty sure the only way I was going to get preg was with fertility drugs. So imagine my shock when I took a hpt at 7:30pm and it had 2 lines w/in a min lol. Hubby and I have been married almost 6 mos, but ben together 5 years. I found out 2/17 and FINALLY have my first dr appt on wed. I wool be very happy to know that peanut is doing ok. Its been a nerve wracking month, let me tell you lol
  • I'm only 5 weeks and Im only tired is it normal to not have alot of symptoms? :/ this is my first time so I'm not to sure.
  • Everyone who replied is lucky I feel awful and wanna puke all my stomach contents up
  • All you ladys are lucky .. I am almost 8 weeks .. im nasueas all day .. back pain .. boobs hurt .. don't have much of an appetite and im always tired .. Smh lol
  • @stillsurprised well then many congrats to you....:)
  • @ourlilmiracle I'm in the same boat....don't remember the last time I ate a full meal :(
  • @mommyAgain .. same here it sucks I tried eating top ramen ended up having noodles come out of my nose lol .. no fun .. I feel miserable and its barley gunna be 8 weeks
  • eeeewwww the smell of top ramen grosses me out... i used to crave it my last pregnancy (11 years ago) im 8 weeks 1 day so i soooooo know what you are going thru... ive come to realize i can eat cheese....and some fruits (oranges are a no go) and salads seem to stay down.... i just cant eat anything with oil... or any kind of full meal. dr said its ok as long as im eating something every two hours....

    lets see if i can eat a salad tonight with some chopped up fresh and easy bbq chicken.... @ourlilmiracle
  • @lildancermomma - I'm 5 1/2 weeks (also my first time) and not really feeling sick at all. A few foods make me have "gag" reflexes, so I just don't eat those...but so far its only been feeling tired a lot. I'm thinking maybe its still too early for us? I think about 1/2 of women get morning sickness...my mom wasn't sick at ALL with either my sister or I....but my sister was extremely sick with both of her kids. Everyone is different! *Crossing fingers its no too bad* - but if it is, it will still be worth it!
  • Yeah some foods also make me gag but Im hoping I don't get morning sickness
  • When i was 8 wks i had sore boobs and exhausted all the time. I also i have no sex drive or appetite. 10.5wks later im the same except now its just my nipples that hurt. No days of sickness :)
  • Im 7 weeks 1 day & I have horriable sickness I didn't have it w/ my First buh This baby I have it all day everyday I have an ob appointment tomorrow so Ima ask him for something to help.
    I have heartburn Like no tomorrow and back pain off the wall im just all messed up This pregnancy I could understand at Like 14 weeks buh only 7 Weeks I can't take it much longer ahh -____-
  • I just hit 6 weeks and the only symptoms im having is being tired all the time, boobs hurting and peeing alot. Today is the first day I have wanted to eat everything in sight. I dont go to the doctor till the 28th and hope everything is ok cause this is my first pregnancy and Ill be 30 next month and have had problems in the past with my overies so praying everything is ok.
  • My morning sickness didn't happen till 8 wks, at 14 it finally went away, now I feel great at almost 20 wks, just getting bigger..lol
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  • Im 8weeks and 1day. Has anyone woke up out of sleep wanting to puke or waking up and starving? Both has happened to me. The smell of cooked ham..yuck!
  • I am 8 weeks, 1day and I am sick every day, you guys are lucky
  • I'm 8 weeks 2 days today. I hardly have any morning sickness but i do have pretty much everything else.my only concern is i haven't gained any weight but my tummy sticks out more!i had a pooch before but its a belly now.is this normal?
  • @kacileigh yeah its normal, thats your insides expanding because your intestinal muscles are relaxing to hold your food in longer to get more nutrients for your baby
  • @honestlyhopeful thanks! The only other thing that has conserned me is when I'm at work i have a lot more pain then if I'm off work just layin around..i figure its just growing pains but sometimes it just doesn't go away until i get a break..
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