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- Babiphatt86
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He came:) 6.11 21 1/2 inches long..hes beautiful..i went back to labor and delivery at 330 and was dialated to 5..within an hour I was at 7.. And the next hour and half I was at 9.. And ten came.. It happened so quickly..:)
Okay ladies..i am dialated to 3 but my cervix hasn't changed in the past 2 hours so they sent me home..the contractions were 3 to 4 minutes apart and hurt badly..was told to put a heating pad on my back and try to relax..i can't sleep they this pain…
Aww. Shes beautiful :)
She said she will go ahead and do the iv for me..:)
@caffeinated_katie thats what the nurse said as well..hopefully my doctor says its okay
Good luck hun :)
@eskarne_339 thats what I was thinking as well..I've been seen by the nurse and she gave me the results and now I'm waiting on my doctor..I'm going to request that I do get the Iv..I haven't seen that post from last week..but honestly I think this w…
Congrats :) @XxallyxX
16 days left..Hoping he comes early :)
I'm going through the same thing right now..i stay up as late as I can to prevent waking up at 3 or 4 am and it still happens..i just read on my phone until I'm bored and then I fall asleep again. The bad thing is that I maybe unable to fall back to…
Aww. Congrats mama :)
I'm also due september 24th..with little Isaac James ;)
:) 33 days left..due September 24th
I'm right there along with you ladies..it seems like every hour I'm up peeing, our tossing left and right..4 weeks 5 days left..
She is sooo beautiful!
Good luck..:)
34. 5 :)
I've been here since the end of january..i donot post much, just stop thru everyday reading different posts....I'm due in 6 weeks :) >:D<
Congrats :)
Congrats on your new addition ;;)
.September 28th Is my birthday, have two boys an aquarius and a taurus and my unborn is due september 24th..but I hope he stays put til the 28th :) my little sister also has a birthday on the 28th..gotta love the libras :)
Congrats to you mama!! :)
Good luck hun :)
Those are funny! I enjoyed reading them ;;)
@Preggers Thanks hun.. I'm much better now, I am expecting again..currently 29 weeks along :)
That sounds like what happened to me last year..tech stated she didn't see a baby..they thought the baby was in my fallopian tubes..performed a laproscopy to remove my baby only to find a cyst on my ovaries and my baby was fine.unfortunately..I misc…
Its not true for everyone..I know women who have delivered in their 8th month and the little one survived..
:) boys are sooo much fun..welcome to team blue
For some odd reason..I knew she wouldnt be found guilty..the whole thing is completely discusting!
Good luck :)