Oct 13!!!
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- Duckyysgal
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I get.. Do you not know what birth control is? Yes I do. I was on the pill when I got pregnant!
Ill be starting my nursery in aug to sept... And im due mid october!
Yours and go for child support no matter
I have an isabella we call he izzi. But I love brooklyn too
Now I think a knock me down and f*ck me as a drink and still some bomb pops!!!
Im in metairie.
It was binky for my oldest..but my other two call it deedee. And we sometimes do tje sign for pacifier.
There shouldnt be any reason. They some times ask to take out tounge ring.
Pinical wipped cream vodka and pinapple juice! Yummp!! Or some bomb pops!! :p
Known him 4 years started dating 7 months ago, engaged 5 months ago and im about 8 weeks prego!
Kori, kammie, kadance, kandace, kandice, korrin, karlin, kazzie, kasey, kacey, kyleigh,.... Umm
Mine were.. 7.15, 8.13,& 9.13. So yea this one will be over 10lbs.. And im going drug free again!!! :)
mine was the knock at the door while I was married to a soldier. Now its only one.. Durring a natural delivery... Dieing. And when I had my son i thought it was coming true... So im beyond scared this time.
Also.. I kinnda have some presser down there.. I had it a lot later with my last one .... Advice??
I had my son flipped delivery day by the dr from the outside.
Ugh I dont wanna go :( lol
Yes get a blood test
No pain meds here!!! I went natural for number 3 and I thought it was easier. This time im planning natural again
Btw I from west virginia.. Moved her (metairie) to be with my love
@kcoolzchic October some time.and im in metairie.
I loved mam, and the drop ins my one daughter would only use the cheep cheep ones!7 lol
Yummy I ate my crunch wrap amd broght one home!
I hate that ill be switching insurance in a month also... Ugh.
Taco bell.. 88 cent crunch wrap!!!
Acid treatments can be done. Im on baby 4 and nothing since baby 1.
I was.9 weeks with my second when my now ex husband... Webcam!!! Pictures!! Ans when you get ultra sounds ask for ythem on a cd. They can do dvds too!! I was also pregnant with our third when he went to korea. Didnt even know it. He missed everythin…
Yea im 5 weeks. I have no energy. Taking a shower gets me so worn out I fall asleep right after
I just cant do it. Ive tried talking to him but it doesnt help
Here it is almost 3pm and im still in bec