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- ElizabethB
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It's also coming at a scary time for me... my dad just went into cardiac arrest 3 weeks ago, and had a quadruple bypass this week. So heart issues are on my mind. =P
I know it's annoying, but at least it just shows how much he loves you and cares about his future grandchild! And I don't think you can be blamed for eating hotdogs. =) Just make sure you heat it until steaming or 160 degrees.
I'm so sorry! But try not to blame yourself. At 7 weeks they're so well cushioned in there it's very unlikely you caused the m/c.
I couldn't take vitamins for my whole first trimester, but I managed by the second. If you're trying to take anything with dha, they taste horrible! I got some pretty tastelesd prenatals from Target that worked for me. Keep trying, hopefully your…
Cold water. :p
Dried fruit!
I had my history taken, weight and blood pressure, pelvic exam, and blood tests.
It's very normal! Just take care if yourself, have lots of fiber and some prune juice.
Wow! Silly question, but have you tried making sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water in the daytime?
I would guess he's feeling your pulse or gas, and hearing your heart beat. You'll feel little flutters before he can feel kicks, plus, 13 weeks is very early.
Both spotting and mild to moderate cramps/pains can be perfectly normal. Just watch out for more severe pain, particularly on one side, shoulder pain, and a heavier blood flow. I didn't spot, but I had cramping from 4 to 10 weeks.
Seeing a doctor sounds good, but in,the meantime, popping a few Tums couldn't hurt. Yours symptoms do sound like possible heartburn.
Dried apricots, prune juice, all bran buds, probiotic yogurts, and lots of water.
It really sounds like you should see a doctor for this honey.
I think your heart does actually beat faster when you're pregnant. Mine just feels like it whenever I don't drink enough water.
No experience here, but I would bring up these concerns with your doctor.
The beginning can be rough as you and your s/o adjust. Try to get some "me" time to relax, and feel comfortable being who you are, where you are, and then try and deal with your boyfriend. Let him know what you're feeling and what you ne…
I found the only way I could keep down prenatals was to get ones without DHA. I picked up a hundred from Target for 4 bucks, and have no problems with them. Everything else caused projectile vomitting.
I was soooo sick the entire first trimester and really couldn't imagine doing it again. Now at 16 weeks, I feel much more open to it. Your body is very effective at brainwashing.
When was your last, or when is your next ultrasound?
Hmmm, I would just try and make sure his behaviour is appropriate by the time yout little one arrives. Drunk daddies are not safe daddies.
I'm 16 weekd too! 8 pounds sounds slightly on the high side, but I think it really depends on the woman, ex. prepregnancy weight, size, etc. There are weight gain charts online you can find that give you suggestions based on your own information. …
Sounds more like a possible infection to me. I'd call your doctor.
They caused me to throw up like nothing else ever, but I had really, really bad m/s. They were highly recommended by my doctor, along with CitraNatal.
I'm 22 and expecting my first on August 14!