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- Herecomes4
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I hope you're getting some rest :) goodluck
I used the moby wrap with my son and it was the best thing ever...just took time to learn how to wrap it.
26 weeks Girlie 5am Alberta, Canada I'm actually at work (:|
Fulltime Night Auditor, and overtime mommy of 3 (soon to be 4)
Used huggies for all 3 of my kids, and plan on using it for my 4th. They are perfect for small babies, never leaked, hold in ALOT of pee, and I like the stretchy-ness of them.
Congrats momma. Wish you speedy recovery and you are truly blessed. I love your birth story.
My daughter's name will be Kitana Raine (or Riane). Not quite sure about the middle name yet, but it has to be 5 letters and start with and R. Lol
Must be a girlie due date... I'm right there with you :) happy birthday and congrats on your upcoming wedding too :)
Happy birthday
I would lose $1/hr if I switched to days, and basically can't anyways as Bd has to work daytime hours since he's a sales manager.. And I refuse to put my kids in daycare... Im just counting down...2 months before maternity leave, then I get a year o…
Never had morning sickness.. Didn't even know i was pregnant until I was already 16 weeks and I'm almost 25 weeks.. Just starting to get heartburn now... But baby is healthy.. This is my 4th baby
24 weeks and gained 3 lbs.. This is my 4th pregnancy
Omg. I just want to grab him and give him a smack on the head...