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  • Like they say every pregnancy is different I never felt pregnant with my last two until about 3, months with this pregnancy I pretty much new right away I was pregnant before even taking a test. Maybe this means it will be a different sex from your …
  • If they want to induce you i wouldn't refuse it the doctor is doing it for a reason you don't want your baby to use the bathroom because then they could get really sick.
  • I've had the same problems with my husbands ex as long as he pays child support and does what he needs to tell him to go to the courts and file an emergency hearing he shouldn't even ifneed a lawyer if she doesn't have a legit reason she can't hold …
  • I was 5 months pregnant when I found out my husband was deploying and had to give birth with him on the phone so it does have its hard times. It took my daughter awhile to get used to him because she was only 2weeks old when he came home for r&r…
  • My husband has been in almost 4 years now and at times it gets hard with the whole being away for training and deployments but there is also a pride that comes along with it. You know they are always going to have a paycheck, a house and some of the…
  • The only reason shes not command sponsored is because she was born in maryland when he was deployed and when we found out she wasn't command sponsored we didnt have a year left on island and they wouldnt add her. 2 months will be a cake walk and a m…
  • I was induced with first don't eat anything before I did because no one told I couldn't and I had to come back another day. Be patient I was in labor for 10 hours and only dilated 3cm 16 hours of full labor
  • See if she was my child I would spank her but I dont need her calling her mom and telling her I just battle with her all day and I think its harder to deal with it because shes not mine I want to pull my hair out my husband is in the military so he …
  • He does but I have a way different way of discipline then her mother and its a fight everyday with breakfast lunch and dinner to get her to eat and I swear as soon as I'm not looking the two year old gets hurt and she had no idea how it happens
  • My child was a small baby because I'm small 5 2 and top out at 122 so dont tell me my child was small because of smoking
  • I smoked my whole pregnancy with my first and shes fine 6pd 5 oz 19in
  • I smoked about a pack a day before I got pregnant with my first child so when I got pregnant my doctor told me it was safer for the baby if I still smoked just cut back to about 5a day because quiting would bring alot of stress to the baby so I smok…
  • I have tricare military also and I'm 11w6d and haven't seen a doctor yet either I don't have an appointment till I'm 13 weeks it was the same way with my first child then after the first appointment my next one was a month later its just the militar…
  • I was induced with my first child because she was weighing small and they felt she could grow better outside of my body but she was born 6pds 5o so they were wrong and I wish I had gone into natural labor because I was in labor for 16 hours
  • My second child is due I'm september and my husband is in the military also I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter when he deployed so I hope he doesn't get on orders before september
  • I smoked when I got pregnant with my first child and because I was a heavy smoker before I got pregnant that out was not safe for the baby for me to up and quit that it would bring to much stress on the baby so I cut back to 3 a day and my daughter …