Nausea again? @20wks Wth!! I soooooo cnt do the puking my guts out everyday thing all over again
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- Mommyagain104
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Thnx ladies
@serenitysmommy thnx. &i kno I hav girks &i love 2shop 4them:')
Thanx guys & @preggointx I like amyia. @momof22be & @PrincessB my oldest girl's mid name alexxis. I like alexandria 2
It may b a little uncomfortable but not painful
Typo *go*
The doc usually strips ur membrane around ur last appt &usually u will ho into labor soon after! Like in a few days or so. Get ready! :-)
@mrsthompson34 4got 2tag u :-)
How? Lol. 1-7-82 &12/30/10
Thnx. I jst heard it yesterday. Glad I cud giv u guys a laff
A little boy asks his dad 4a new bike. His dad told him no and explained 2him how he took a pay cut &how they were struggling 2pay their high mortgage &other bills &jst cudnt afford a new bike 4him. The nxt day the dad us leavin 4work &a…
Sometimes it can be normal in the first trimester. I wud think if ur not bleeding heavily u shud b cool. I was spotting every few weeks during my entire first trimester. U shud still talk 2ur doctor tho.
If u r experiencing any braxton hicks yet u can lay flat in ur back while havin them &ur uterus will poke out further than the rest of ur belly. Thats how I always kno where mine is
I was just measured rite above mine last week &im 20wks 2day
@kylie20 wat is that? Nevr heard of it. Advice on wat maybe I can help?
I wnt 2freshly fried corndogs with mustard. Been cravin em' 4about a week
Im due sept 30th I find out wat im having may 20th really hopin 4a boy. Congrats 2all of the mommys2be
@mrsthompson34 thnx. Congrats 2u as well. I go 4an ultrasound on the 20th &i am sooooo hopin 4 a boy. Girls r great but I have 4girls.
Oh &congrats btw
Omg I was gettin mad becuz my sickness went away only a few weeks ago but now it comes back &mainly after I eat. And ut doesnt matter wat I eat I get sick after. And I can only imagine how that heat is dwn there im in pittsburgh, pa &we jst…
Shaleah, saudia, sharae
@mama thnx. @naliibby2 19 1/2wks. @yay lol so true