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- Nathan_n_EthansMom
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Every apartment in the building will have to be sprayed/bombed in the same day. Bombing will actually be better. But be prepared to wash every dish/pot/pan/cup/silverware in your house. And if they dont keep their house clean they will just come bac…
Awesome thanks for the info I was just thinking earlier today of going to babiesrus to see if they had any good sales on clothes
We use Nuk. He prefers them to chew on. I guess they feel good to his gums and our gerber and playtex ones leak. =/
if you'll just msg me an address. I will get them out within the next week.
@mybambina28 I could send some clothes. I have tons of boy clothes from newborn to 12 months and they are just taking up space in my attic.
done. Hope you win!
Landan will be one on the 10th. He walks when he wants but prefers to crawl when he wants to get somewhere fast. He gets into EVERYTHING! Loves playing with his older brothers. Weighs somewhere around 27 or 28 pounds and not sure how tall he is. Goe…
request sent- Amanda Rosenbush
My lo will be 11 months on the 10th and had been throwing fits for a few months. When he doesnt get his way he will start whining and face plant himself in the floor & absolutely hates getting dressed. He will wiggle, try to crawl away, kick off…
I got the sticks and added some ground too just in case it might help lol
I think something is supposed to happen within 48 hours. I had it done though with my first and nothing ever happened. =/ hoping to get it done Friday & that this time will be different.
I know it isnt your responsibility to fix but bleach will kill the mold. Atleast so you aren't breathing it in until she gets the damage fixed.
My friend has had four miscarriages & is currently 34 weeks pregnant. (were only a few days apart)
Im sorry youre going thru that but there's no excuse for him doing stuff like that. & if you stay with him he has no reason to want to change
Im 34 weeks today. I have everything expect baby shampoo and pacifiers. Everything is washed & put away & everything is set up. Whole house is clean & my babyshower is sunday. Just need to pack hospital bag & I will be doing that Sat.
Congrats on your healthy baby boy! =)
Mine were actually done in May when we moved in but I just now noticed that they have spots where they need to touched up.
@sands3 I'm 34 weeks also and was telling my hubby last night I need to repaint the cabinets in the kitchen lol
@mom924 my two are young enough to still like helping. Lol it makes them feel like ” good big brothers” so I give them tasks that will keep them occupied for a while so I can get what I need done
Its hard to tell if I'm nesting or not. I'm pretty OCD about keeping my house clean already esp for my other two boys. Even before I got pregnant I would have outbursts to do some extreme cleaning about once a week. Lol
@juicy143 nice to meet you. Close to Overton High School and a boy. You?
@juicy143 @1stwoodsbaby I'll be 34 weeks Thursday & I'm from Memphis,TN
My second son was 9 lbs 2 oz when he was born and the hospital put him in size 1' s there. So nb never fit him.
I don't mind him rubbing on my ass but it does nothing for my back when its killing me. Lol
No my hubby is the same way. Ill ask him to rub back or he will offer and he either gets distracted by the tv or will ALWAYS end up rubbing on my ass. Lol but I guess its the thought that counts
Even if he did tell you, it still doesn't explain how she knew to ask the day of.
I don't think he should be paying to fix her car. She's getting child support plus extra. Shouldn't she have the money to get her own car fixed. Those rotors didnt go bad overnight. and if he did give her the money so his daughter will have a ride t…
@sands3 did you get the monkeys in the trees at babies r us too?