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- Nene
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Ahah imm weeak
Well im overdue!
Gude imm glad for you..
haahahahahha but i have to go kuss my oak park nigga is bout to be over here....
ahahahahahahahah oh yhu can ask bout meh kumm to sac......nigga dnt tawk shyt cause i can bck thee shyt up.....ahahaahah
kbg10 shut thee fuck up
turrets huh yhu sound so funkinn stupid no i dnt nut umm....but if we tryna be rude bitch....if i slap thee dog shyt out of yhu wuld yhu have a busted lip then...ahahaaa imm jusd sayinnn....bitch never tawk shyt yhu knt bck up mommyforever.......
wow 14 huh....sounds gude but i wanst.....so thtt mean u was 57 ahahhahahh
weeak means ahahahahahahahahahahhah ur make me laugh ahahahahaahahahahahhhh imm still laughin ahahahaahaha
ahahahahah yhu october wutava u are mad thtt y yhu wanna tell....but to bad i dnt care me and my bros is sittin here laughinn kuss white pple think there the best wen there not ahahahahah...... imma got to oak park and tell my nigga bout dis....ahah…
i think thss is funny ahahahahahahahah imm still laughinn did i mention immm weeak...ahahhaahhah
ahahahhahhhahhahhahah imm weeak ahahahahahah, sound like ur mad....ask me if i care kus i dnt.......ahahhhhhaaha black power.....and i dnt care for a hater ahahahahhahahahh imm weeeak still
ahahahaaaa hell na i dnt like bush.......he wanst for blacks ahahahahahahh....yhu jusd dnt like him bekus he black thtts okay idc.......ahaaahhhhhh did i tell yhu he was black lol cause last time i check he was ahahahahah
mybad looks
He is black duh... he father is from kenya jusd bekus hes mother is white doesnt mean hes not black....duh y yhu think he mad history lol he didnt get it off hes lloks dummys...he the first black pres
Ahaaa...imm still weeak...?? Y is thtt white pple got a promblem...with obama && us...imm startinn 2 feel u got sumthinn against black...ahaa imm still weeak
Yhu wanna kw sumthinn funny yhu guys make me laugh...oh go &&,tell
Ahaaa imm weeak ask if I give 2.flying fucks!!! Kuss I.dnt...does it ring.a bell.2 yhu...thtt maybe I dnt care...all I can say is.stop reading it...thtt will.stop me from laughin.ahaaaahhhaa
Ahaaa dis shyt is funny...ahaaa I love makinn pple mad!!! If u didnt likee wut I saaid get thee fuck off...duh thtt only make sense...ahaaa imm still laughinn...nothinn likee makinn being a bitch in thee morning ahaa
Ahaa... Soundz real gude and for ur fyi...i choose 2 write likee dis....ahaa SLANG....&& 2 bust ur bubble I go to funkinn skoo...ahaaaaa yhu female keep my day goinng ahaaa imm 2 weeaK
Lexi34 thaanks gurl...for ur fyi...i didnt ask HATERZ 2 comment....lol...im askin wut he did wrong
Thanks...ahaaaaah thtts.a asshole move jk
Thanks ugh its likee I had all dis pain wen u weret kummin...now its time yhu makinn me funkinn wait jk
Today is my EDD...NOW ITS ALL ON TGEE BBY :*
Lol imm sayinn thee same thing imm 40 weeks..lol IMm tellin my bby kum kum kum kum..(off the movie THE BREAKUP)....i wish I can go into labour && seen my littie tinka im jusd bby hungry rite now...lol I jusd wnt to hld the bby thtt be in me …
Srryy yhu feel thtt way jusd hit me && I return thee love
Me 2 my # is 9162831412 my name nene