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  • I was a teen mom and had a terrible pregnancy. But we both made it and I having number 3 this October. 9 years later. Keep your head up its hard but well worth it. Good luck all.
  • My son is 9, my daughter will be 4 in August and baby is due in October. Wasn't really planned but we were not doing anything to avoid it either. Good luck.
  • Im dreading summer. My boyfriend tells me i'm going to the beach and i'm going to wear a bikini. He's gonna end up smacked a lot for checking out skinny little chicks. I'm tiny and I hate gaining wight. I feel like a fat slob now as it is. The end r…
  • Lucky ladies. I am so sick everyday. Ugh. Can't eat, my bf is eating everything in sight. I have small boons but my gosh they hurt. I feel so old and i'm only 26 and this is my third angel. The first two were just as bad. Ugh the stuff we do for our…
  • Thanks guys and Jonesnaj I hope things get better. Since I have posted this my bf has done a total 360. After the ultrasound everything changed. He has been kissing by tummy and talking about the baby to everyone and showing everyone the ultrasound …
  • 10 weeks Due date: October 13 Have no idea or names. Used them already on my son and daughter lol.
  • I am ten weeks have felt sick from day one. That's how I first knew I was pregnant.