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- Patientlyw8ting4blessing
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My tww is over tomorrow, so I'm waiting to see if af shows before I test.My bday is Friday so it would be a good birthday gift... good luck and plenty of baby dust to you on the 17th
I'm still in!!! I hope you get your chance though @mrsrocketfield1221
@mrsrocketfield1221 Sticky baby dust to you also, hopefully you guys can get it in one day during your fertile time.....
@mrsrocketfield1221 I know Iwas mad too, but its crazy because its gone off now (tmi) but my breast and nipples are still sensitive..idk Sorry to hear the bad news. When does he leave out
Lol, af came to visit me two days early... so I'm on to the next month......
My af is due for Friday also, I haven't took any test yet though, trying to hold out...:-).. Good luck and much baby dust to ya !!!
@teuy & @mrsrocketfield1221 af came to visit so, I'm on to the next month..:)
@teuy Congrats hon!!!
Congrats on your bundle of joy!!!!
I've been feel the same way, but I'm 12dpo, and I'm still scared to.test. Af is due Sunday, so I'm trying to hold out.....but the thing is I never cramp before af, and I've been cramping for a few days, so we will see.... Sticky baby dust to you!!!_…
Yep!!! Congrats chic
@mrsrocketfield1221 thanks, its good to see you too.....Sticky baby dust to you....I'll keep you posted....
@teuy I will.......
@teuy I am 10 dpo is due Sunday
I left for awhile but I just got back on recently..... I'm on my TWW....... so hopefully af stays gone...... Baby dust to you!!!!
Sending a prayer up for you hon
Congrats hun!!
Congrats chic
Sorry for your loss..You'll be in my prayers
I don't get on much but, Sorry for your loss, wishing you the best in October....God Bless
Good luck and God bless!!
I'm not ttc anymore but I have been having the symptoms and my af is also due 25th....Good luck and baby dust to you @natalie_uk and @lyricsmommy
Aww sorry but good luck and lots of baby dust to you on the next try :-)....
Add me Ashley M Hyche...
Hi @georgias_mummy I'm not ttc anymore for personal reasons, but just thought I would stop and speak ..:-), but go figure now I actually feel like I'm having the prego symptoms, how are you
@firsttimer how is everything?
Good luck, we are in the same boat..... I know all about the infertility issue, idk if I'm not fertile but I am having trouble ttc..