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Sounds like your mucus plug hun. you can loose it and labor still be weeks away.
Congrats** stupid phone lol
Contests.. he's a cutie.
@angel26- thanks hun.
@Granny2B- Thanks. and yes his name is Christopher Nathaniel.
I did jumping jacks squats yoga ran in place and did some crazy as* dance moves and I dilated from a 1 to a 4 plus 50% effaced in 3 days they also say Austrian black licorice helps start labor. you can find it at Wal-Mart for $2 something a bag.
Labor story at the top...
@kristaf22- thanks hun and yes you can have it when I'm done lol
Thanks ladies. they started pitocin at 8:30 to help make my contractions stronger but they're coming every 2 mins and getting stronger. And he's moving a little more. have felt him more since labor started them I did prior.
Your welcome hun... I've found that bing is tons better than Google
You could still do 2 tblspns with 2 oz and I believe if you do it hourly most of the ladies do one tblspn per hour. They have lots of different ways and mixtures on bing if you wanna look it up
I took 2tblspns today at 4:00 pm mixed with 4oz of oj and its done nothing for me but make me have very little gas. :( but I took it with my youngest son and it send me into labor. I think they say it could take up to 6 hours to work. Good luck hun.
@teeniemommy yea I know how you feel I've been on bedrest since 30 weeks due to preterm labor. it sucks lol. I'm hoping if nothing else I can talk her into maybe sometime next week since I'll be considered term but we shall see.
Good luck hun. **********LABOR DUST********** I'm hoping for good news like this tomorrow at my appt. or hoping to talk my doc into an induction..
Thanks ladies. I believe it was false labor that started in my back as I'm unfortunately at risk for back labor this go around bc my last u/s he was sunny side up. I have been up since 1 am and its now 7:30 am. My back finally eased off a tad and co…
I had the Mirena for a little over 2 years and didn't have any problems until about my 2 year mark. After that I started having real bad cramps, horrid periods, couldn't sit on some surfaces with pains almost worse than labor, sex was a definite no …
@MyLittleBlessing- thanks hun. They decided to let me go home & be comfy since I've now had both sets of steroid shots & said if he decided to come again now they won't stop him so hopefully he'll wait atleast another 2 1/2 weeks or more. An…
I'm on fb Bridgette Chappell or unforgetablesecret@yahoo.com. I'm due Nov.14 but been in the hospital for day 3 now with some regular & irregular contractions & dilating. Wish me luck.
Thanks ladies. So I called l&d & of course they said to wait it out a lil longer. So I did. I had false labor for about 4 hours then it finally stopped on its own. It got to the point to where they were one right after another but bc they w…
That's the way this pain is. The only problem I'm having is my stomach isn't hardening up like it usually does with contractions. I've had Braxton Hix since 18w & haven't been checked since my first visit. Plus this baby is staying super low so …
Bh is normal now. They can start as early as 18 weeks.:)
@bee_2545- my point exactly. I thought my hubby & I were on the same page bc he to grew up without his dad so I figured he'd understand how important it is to me & how much of an impact it is for my boys dad to be in there life. Atleast I di…
@bee_2545- I agree & that's what I told him. It's not everyday that you get along with your bd or bm if y'all aren't together. Plus my bd only gets my son & his brother every other weekend so I figure since we get along why not invite him so…
@STEVENJSALAS- That's my point & yes I would & I have but she never comes bc she's has her own parties for their daughter but that's about all she does. And my bd & I have been separated since my son was 6 months & I've invited him t…
I started having Braxton Hix @ 18 weeks & mentioned it to my doc. She said as long as I don't or didn't have 4 or more in an hour I was fine but if I did happen to have 4 or more in an hour I needed to call & more than likely come in to ne c…
Could be hives. Which is just an allergic reaction to something. My oldest son has had them twice. Try some benadryl. That might help hun...
Good luck hun.
I had it after my second son back in 2008. It stopped my period after about 6 months & was wonderful for the first year. But after that things went down hill for me. I had a ton of complications with it. It would make my stomach cramp worse than…
BOY!!! :X