Hoping to get a positive soon

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- alvamommy
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@momof22be thank you! Hopefully :)
@babyluv8 , @lil_buggie_3 my period is almost three months late (51 days late so far) I have my days app and I keep following the "ovulation" dates it gives me. So thats why I said I should be close to 12 weeks. I took a dollar store test.
@jenzoe1 yes it is <3 thank you!!
@911MommyOf2 thank you :) its soo exciting :)
@rockinmomma thank you!!
@Beatrice1436 ahhhh its positive!!!
My two brothers are in prison. One will be there 47 years and the other 25. Havent seen them since I was 14, im 21 now.
@Beatrice1436 I will take a test today! If not than wait til my appointment this week :)
@Beatrice1436 lol, I was like seriously? about close to 12 weeks. Last test I took was on March 1st.
@kalikoJenie I'm the same way my moms bf is an a*shole! @izander4 ugh it sucks :/ I hate it. Really wish I had someone to hang out with.
Payton, Madison, Allison
She had alot of courage to do it, losing friends being judged but its all for a great cause.
@countrymommaof2stb3 thats what I was thinking! 3months with no period all she did was blood test, std, and hiv test all negative. I hope everything is okay :( @mums_the_word I was reading up on that, I just want to know whats going on. I have to …
@Mz_Mommie I will, I think walgreens and walmart sell them. Thank you.
@Laura536 Exactly! But she will do one in a May if still no AF.
Thank you but at the same time its scary, I dont drink or smoke but I do hang out once in a while. If I am id like to know so I wouldnt do anything to harm the baby you know?
Yes, every 28 days. Its crazy, im a small figure girl and barely eat and I can see weight gain around my lower belly.
It hard but my sister named her daughter Starlette Isabella :)
My mother has 10 children and my father had 15. Big ol' family! But its filled with love, until that person has not been in your family or felt your love they have no say it in. god bless your family :)
Needamiracle good luck :) yay buddies!!
Sorry for your loss, & good luck :)
Thank you & good luck to you as well :)
I'm 21, I was pregnant at 16 but miscarried at 12 weeks. Been with my fiance almost 6 years so just started trying since he just got into the police force :) I ovulated on the 15th now "the wait" begins!
Thank you all :) will test in two weeks!!
Congrats :)
Aw, congrats! :) My sister is 24 weeks pregnant with her first boy, she has three girls already and my younger sister is 31 weeks pregnant with her third son as well. Thank you :)