-its a girl! 17 weeks and 2 days.
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- ariel
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That's just you being a mommy and worrying!!!!
My sister in law (stupid b word) told my dad knowing I was on my way to take my daddy to eat and tell him he was gonna be a papa again. I could have killed her. I'm sorry that friend stole your moment. That's soooooooo annoying.
I have a friend with over active thyroid, diabetes, and neurothapy (spelling?) She had a healthy baby girl... she did have to have a c section though....
Thank u. I've had 2 miscarriages and it was awful. These people who are lying make me sick.
I hope so!!!!!
There are so many ppl posting their baby died... then an hour later they post they're having triplets!!! Why do people lie?
-I have had 2 miscarriages.. so I'm sooooo nervous now. I have had several bad dreams.. but I think that's just the mom in us!!!!! BTW its a girl and we are 18 weeks and pretty much in the clear for mc *fingers crossed* but I still worry and still h…
I live in southern MS. And between all these southern Baptists and old school parents.. its VERY common for mixing races to be frowned upon..(Even my own parents!) But, every single friend I have that has dated someone outside of their race was acce…
I quit 5 weeks ago. It was hard... but not as hard as I thought it would be. I'd say the biggest thing to make it "easy" (its still gonna be hard!!!) Is actually WANTING to quit. I have said a dozen times I was gonna quit... and lit up sh…
I have had some pretty sad dreams about baby. Miscarriage and going for ultrasound and being told cord was around babys neck. So horrible! I guess that's the mommy worry in us coming out!
I Found out @ 17 wk and know tons off people who got a correct gender earlier than 17 weeks!!! It's a girl!!!!
That is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard!!!!
That is so strange!!!! I just keep dreaming my teeth fall out! Ha.
I hate you're dealing with this!! It's awful. Before pregnancy I hadn't been sick for 6 years... I can't be well!!! It's all worth it though!!!!!
Our bodies are amazing. It blows my mind!!!
I have had the teeth dreams too! Those are so weird! But.... I've never dreamt I had a kitten!!! That's funny.
I experienced something similar. Try not to worry too much baby mama! You'll be fine : )
How far along are u?
I agree!
You will be happy either way! I have stuck with girl. And I got my wish!!! I just keep changing her name!!! Ha.
Due July 9th. It's a precious baby girl!!!
I am waiting on my Dr appt to discuss the same thing. I pray your placenta moves back up. How far along are you? I read if its found before 20 weeks 90% migrated up the uterine wall as it stretched to make room for baby. As for your question.. I h…
I am so sorry. I have had 2 mc. So, i can appreciate what you're feeling. I conceived 2 months after my 2nd mc and am now 17 weeks and 4 days. (And its a girl!!) So, there is hope. If I'm not mistaken 25% of KNOWN pregnancies end in miscarriage. Jus…
Ya'll I LOVE all these suggestions and some of them I have already told the dad. But he doesn't like them! MEN!!? LOL I found Carleigh Lilliana.. do yall like it? Is it a mouthful? Thank yall sooooo much. I am gonna tell him other names again. And …
I am so sorry. I have had two missed miscarriages. I'm not gonna say I know how u feel.. bc I don't. I'm not you. But, I can definitely appreciate where you're coming from. Miscarriages are a lot more common than people think.. and I hate that women…
17 weeks and 3 days.
I would say it feels like little taps and thumps. Or how when you're driving fast over a big hill... u get that strange feeling in your tummy.. except its beneath your belly button. Hope this helps. It will get easier to distinguish the feeling from…
Thanks!! I am thinking everything will be fine. I may be being a little over emotional about it. I've been known to over react. And I feel the same way.. if they don't care then i don't care. I have a precious baby girl to worry about. And my in la…
I am watching it now! It has me scared!! I am pregnant with my first child. (its a girl!!! Yay.)