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  • I don't know the sex yet but if its a boy its name is going tp be wyatt james and if its a girl its madison lorraine! My boyfriend doesn't beileve in themes so I guess what ever he feels
  • I would wait till you know your safe from anything bad happening but after that I would say deffently look at a four door my bestfriend just had a baby and I tried taking it out and I got the baby stuck in the back seat because there is just no room…
  • My doctor said that if your body is used to lifting before your pregnant or you did the same job before you would be fine because your used to it and if you did do that same job for a while you did it before you knew you were pregnant
  • Hmmm I was scared to take a test too and when I finally did an at home one after I peed on it I started shacking because I was soooo scare to see the results! But I had to because I smoke and I do not want to smoke while being pregnant! And im still…
  • Yes my tummy feels bloated and loos bloated too but my period is eight days late and I have taking 3 tests and there is no denying it I was just super worried about my cramps and it not being normal!!
  • Yes my tummy feels bloated and loos bloated too but my period is eight days late