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- aug5baby
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Thanks everyone. She's great a little pigle though the dr really told me she eats to much. Cause she gained weight in her first few days instead of losing like most babies. @monkeymam. Yea its an a namr too lol its aurriana
@bigmamak. I was so ready to leave thr dr. Office on the 3rd i forgot to make another appt. I'm gonna have to wait till Monday hppfully sophia decided to join the world today though. :)
@angieahrens. Walked another 2or so miles drank some more tea got something going on. Got the contractions pressure hard really hard time bending. But this has happened before an fizzled out. Actually got a decnts night sleep for once on who kno how…
@dncrcass. I've heard after paternity is established he can request to be added to th e birth cert and for the childs last name to be changed. Do you know if this is true?
Just pack what you really need. Your list sounds fine. When i had my son i way over packed and ended up overwhelmed with stuff to bring back home between what the hospital gave us and the gifts from visitors
I have 7. Days left still high high and closed. I'm so ready I'm starting to understand why some women try castor oil and teas
Look into what benefits you are offered i believe mcd will pay something like 10%of child care I'm not 100%sure on that
@pawgio. I'm not sure how it works in your state just look it up online what ever state disability. I know here i had to go online pirint out an application i filled out part and had my dr fill out the rest and her office sent it in. Its 6weeks sta…
You can get paid through state disability. But that's only 6weeks and is diff for diff states
You can get paid through state disability. But that's only 6weeks and is diff for diff states
I'm zone/dept1 manager at mcdonalds. @cgm1113 you should go past 29weeks cause you only get 6weeks paiddepending on whwre u are. I'm getting longer i got my 2weeks vacation 6weeks maternity leave paid then i get another 6weeks but that's not paid. …
*but i don't want him having the idea
@ll10. Your response is good him having the idea i ve talked to a lawyer if he hasn't already got one i don't want him getting one just yet.
He's decided to call and text. From an unblocked # that turns out to be from another state. @mommy2now3
So i feel this is an appropriate reaponse. "Me not wanting you there has nothing to do with anyone other than yourself and your words and actions. My daughters birth is a special moment. Not ment to be stressful. I don't know what you are …
Its the baby I've had that for the past month or so. Sleep is next to impossible I'm tossing and turnning all night cause she will switch when i switch and during the day if I'm laying or sitting a certain way its horrible. My ribs are lil miss soph…
@excitedforbaby that email and a call was what i woke up to at 6 F-ing am I'm so mad. I already can't sleep and that what wakes me up. I just wanted to beat the. Crap out of him with a pillow case full of soap. I just can not believe him.
@ahendricks09. I was only able to get a temp ro. The sheriff was unable to serve him. And when the court date came around i was unable to take off work. Which if i had been able to would have been a waste of time a loss of money for me. Bc the sher…
@mommy2now3. Yes i plan on breast feeding. And I'm not to worried about what he wants to try and prove in court. I work go to school have a 4yr old sp needs son who is well taken care of i keep a very clean house. I'm not a criminal i don't do drugs…
@mama_busy_bee. Even if pigs started flying i wouldn't have him on the birth cert. There will be a paternity tst done anyways. We will be going through the courts I'm sure
@mommy2now3. I'm single. He's teffering to my sons dad who has been some what of a support system sincr i found out i was preggo and sophias father flipped out on me. Your right he has a lot of growing up to do. He's spoiled his parents pay his thro…
Mine does it too. I was hoping it meant she would be on her way out but nope dr says another week maybe 2
@sopheebaybee143. @waitingformybaby. @excitedforbaby. @mommy2now3. @du8311. This is th bs email i got woken up to tjis morning "Good morning Danielle. Hey I think its pretty rude and immature to ignore me during a time like this. If you and y…
I blocked his # so he started calling private that called the police and made up a bunch of shit thsts how i got the report saying he's working with muti personalites. I don't know when but he changed his # I don't want to change my number or blo…
Tell his ass to go sleep on the couch your prego with his child which is causin enough discomfort for you not to sleep. And if he doesnt like it to go kick rocks tv stays ob
I've already told him i want nothing from him but to be left alone. And i agree kids should have a father in their lives. But i feel after everything that was said and the type of person he's shown himself to be. My daughter will be a much better pr…
I have everything hes said. Cause he sent it all through text (dumbass) i also have a few police reports one of which has the officer saying he's working with multiple personalities. @sopheebaybee143. They only grnted me a temp ro the sherrif could…
Well that's what's going to happen. I was kinda thinking if i let him be there he mifht agree to just give me full custody no battle and we can arrange visit when he's up here. (He's moving back to so. Cali maybe400 ml away) @sopheebaybee143
Not at all. Nothing zip nada. Just stressfull. And i completely agree he has not earned it. But then on some days i have thia nagging lil thought of this is he's first and seeing your child born is one of the most special changing things. And i a…
I tryed being civil. And he went all bi polar on me from wanting to marry me to hoping me and my daughter don't make it. And lifes been great since he stopped bothering me but now when I'm so close he's back. And i just want him tp go away again. @…