Woww its amazinn to knww revengee cums wenn uu least expect it(:
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- blondie93
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The smartest thingg ivee heardd was fromm bigdaddy it truee that he shouldd get tested especialyy beinn the hornndogg that he is. I was about to makee the dummest mistakee. The good thingg is he hasnn txt all dayy. Badd signn right there. Better sta…
Yeahh thts wat I thinkk too. Buhh idkk I could care less about the other gurl I do want to file first bkusz im nt planningg on gettinn marriedd till after I graduatee
Thankk yu gurlsz I toldd emm to just leavee mehh alonee. Ndd I feel I ma dee the right desisionn (:
Omgg that is nt right.!! Wat a duchee seriouslyy honeyy get over emm.
Omgg im duee mayy 29 ndd im nt scaredd at all im veryy tinyy butt im definatlyy goinn for the drugs. (: im nt ashamedd to sayy that I knt handlee painn ndd I need that shot.!
Ivee been in yurr situationn of beingg on the streets. Theree is always summ helpp out theree. Yurr familyy will regret wat theree doinn later. But for noww uu gotta focus on ur babys healthh. Uu havee to makee suree uu eat sumthingg ndd that uu tak…
Yurr an amazingg personn for takinn caree of her (: uu shouldd b proudd of yurrself yurr sister madee a bigg mistakee
Woww uu got a longg ways to go. (: timee is gnna flyy by so quicklyy.
Im duee mayy 29 ndd I totally feel yahh. Likee I dnt wishh my bby to b bornn prematurly buhh sumtimes im just likee ahh I wishh uu wouldd b heree alreadyy (: aha just relaxx mamaa it will happen soon
Look honestlyy wenn ur 16 it probablyy isn gnna last foreever /: (hardd truthh) I thinkk uu shouldd put the last namee uu want to put. Who gives a crapp about wat everybody wants. Yurr the onee havinn ndd raising her. If he really loves uu the last …
Aha woww all of em.? Im 32 weeksz. (: just a couplee moree weeks to go ndd its a boii. Ndd uu.?
Aww yurr teeny tinyy. Uu got a longg wayy to go girlfrann. Lol howw excitingg to havee a.bby close to halloween.
Bby buhh havinn twins wouldd be amazinn. Likee killin teo birds with onee stonee kindaa how far alongg r uu.?
Really.? Thats so adorablee do uu knww the gender alreadyy.? Awww Im so jealous of the gurls havinn twins. /: I lovee muy
Im 32 weeksz :) wujuu.!! I lubbs da singler mommys. We havee the balls in this worldd. Howw far r uu.?
Aha yes 'mamm I lovess da 915 woww tripplrts that so awesumm.!!! I wouldd luvv to havee twins. My momm is a twinn. (:
Omgg really.? Thats so kutee r uu havingg a boyy or a gurl.?
With my momm im still 17 (: I just hatee havinn to wait for feedbackk id rather txt summ onee that knws wat im goingg through right at that moment
Yess 'mamm. ept. (: uu from heree.? I stayy
Aha thats truee. Ivee been doinn it for a whilee so I hopee it didnn do nuthinn to himm :/ pffft
Ahaha ohh woww gf we kann totally realatee. (: summ ppl dnt evenn knw im pregoo they think im just gettin fat.ha weree uu lol b4.?i onlyy weighedd 101 pffft
Ahaha yeahh I agree buhh idkk I just woner sincee im leaningg backk if my bby is gettin hurt or if anythingg kann happen to himm fromm doingg this.?
Ahaha thanxx gurls. I lovee this app since I dnt got ne pregoo friendss this is da best thingg to get advicee. I aldoo do it on my bedd sumtimess. Howw longg do uu gurls usally holdd it for when its takinn a whilee to popp.?
I alsoo havee this badd habit of bendingg over backwards on the sidee of the aofaa to popp my backk. Is that badd for the bby.?
Ahah myy bby always sleeps on the sidee that im layinn onn buhh he moves on his ownn I dnt do it on purpose I cann feel himm kickk the bedd. Buhh everytimee I switchh sides he goes so I givee uhpp haha buhh other thenn that I sleep pretty good. He j…
Sorry I concievedd sept 11 2010 just in casee ndd my bdayy is 11/16/1993
11/16/1993 ndd I concievesd sept 11
Ahaha yeahh I hadd troublee with that too buhh wenn I do finally poop I can honestly say I feel so good. But its wierd because sometimes I feel likee my labiaa or like my vagina is comin out.? Does that happen to ne onee elsee.? My underwear even fe…
Omgg mehh too.!! In so excitedd I feel he is readyy to kumm out (:
Aha I wouldd likee to do that bkusz im duee a weekd b4 summer vacations so might as well just take the feww xtraa weeks off