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  • I know im the same. I totally freak out when i get a cramp an run t the toilet t make sure im not bleedin. Im sure everything will b ok but these dreams r scary i didnt have these kinda dreams with my first pregnancy it was more labour dreams.
  • Thanks guys. Ill try the bath tnight. Might try horlicks too see if that helps.
  • Thanks ill try that. Im so tired. Couldnt sleep last night when i finally got t sleep then i got rudely awoken by my alarm. Was not happy. Im so tired.
  • Thanks guys. Iv got a docs appointment tmrw so im gonna talk to my doctor about it. Ill let u all know what he says. X
  • I had my son when i was 17. Was totally scared t tell my dad but he stood by me an ne an my mun r that close she helped me anyway she could an now im pregnant with me second and they are both really happy for me. Im now 22 an i understand what ur go…
  • Yeah i did think about the fallin off. I might phone my doctor in the mornin an see what ge says. I dont want t give it up cuz im scared that i wont have time after baby is born t go but at the same time baby is way more important.
  • Yes its very normal. I got headaches in ny first pregnancy an the were bad. With this pregnancy im runnin t the toilet every 5 mins. Even thinkin about it is makin me need to pee. Haha.
  • Go t ur midwife. I got that with my first pregnancy an they gave me a belt that i had t put on when i was up an about it really helped even tho the belt was the ugliest thing i had ever seen. But go see ur midwife or doctor an im sure theyl give u s…