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- hupe23
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@firsttimemomct i am lol and my hair its growing way faster i use to be able to shave once a week now its every two days and tmi but i have hair in my but crack now it wasn't there before i blame the vitamins
Lmao this is great but really why worry about bring embarased about hair when u might poop urself and they won't tell you either lol they will just whipe ur butt hahaha
I checked it out i like www.babygaga.come better that's just me i think u get more info about the baby
F**k him how is him being in ur childs life a good thing if he wants u to mc i hate men like him they are really the dog sh*t of the world i say go find urban baby a daddy he/she deserves not a guy that wished that horible crapon it
Don't say baby game... each person gentleman a pin or something small that they attach to themselves if u say baby and somebody catches u then they get ur pin u play there the whole baby shower
Mine said he would i told him he didn't have to cuz if he drinks a beer i get to kiss him after and its the closest I'm going to get to tasting a real beer lol
I was already forgetfull before being prego has made it way worse i also repeat myself a lot more now without even noticing
Ur vigina has a caugh lol i had the same thing it will go away if u get the message from the doctor
I save the pickle juice to drink when i run out my Dad came over and cleaned out my fridge no more pickle juice I'm so upset same with peperchinies (speeling) i can't get enough of then or the juice I'm out of that to...... :(
Lol good luck a prego happy HA yeah right lmao we are crazy get use to it lol
She's going to get mad and mean and u can't stop it just deal with it the best u can. ........good luck
If u crave sweets try fruit its working for me i hate sweet foods but I'm craving candy and cakes and all the yummy bad stuff in 9 weeks i had gained 15 lbs so i switched to eating fruits i haven't gaind and more wieght yet
Why do u want to loose it? Just eat health and go for walks everyday cuz ur going to gain it whether u like it or nt
I'm 14w 6d I'm not showing
Same here been crying all night could I've been alone all week
I am 14w 6d and i still haven't heard my babys heart beat :( my next apt is on Tuesday so i hope i get to then
U can't hear the heart untill 13 weeks or so but u can see it !!!!
If I'm having a girl its going to be alanah brelynn and a boy its going to be konner mark i really hate mark but i get no say in it
For me its like swishing i feel mine move yesterday for the first time I'm 14w 6d
If i dnt pay attention to what it dose it inputs words and changes words drives me crazy
Boobs* I'm going to toss this phone
Ones i have are on my blood to and i got them when i got* Stupid phone >:(
I dnt get them easily the only money i have area on my boobs to and i hot them when i hot my boobs lol I'm just taking extra good care of my skin just in case
We will see about that lol having really healthy skin can prevent it that's all I'm doing is making my skin more healthy
I'm business the vitamin e oil i love it but I'm also taking the vitmin e pills i really don't want strech marks
Siena marie Alanah bre Nevaeh
I was crampy and pmsing like a mf i thought i was just going to start then i looked a my tatas they looked like i had gone and gotten a boob job. Like poor star tits it was crazy the day before i tested i had a dream i took one and it came out posit…