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  • Sex Hot curry Fresh pineapple Long walks Bumpy car rides Rasberry leaf tea Also dont slouch on the sofa lay on your side or sit strait with a pillow behind your back. Good luck and hope all goes well!
  • my midwifes are terrible it took them 5 weeks to figure out that i had a infection, the gave me anti biotics and it hasnt worked nd iv been tryin to get holdof them since sunday to tell them!
    in help!! Comment by jadey92 July 2011
  • I could go down there but i dont wanna make a fuss if its nothin, has anyone had these symptoms?? X
    in help!! Comment by jadey92 July 2011
  • What is a l&d? it could be called somethin different around me, sorry i feel silly askin X
    in help!! Comment by jadey92 July 2011
  • Im due 18th, i feel like iv got a little bump coming :) congrats too all the ladies on here! Hope all goes well x x
  • Im telling my perants in 2 days, its my mothers birthday so im wrighting it in the card. The people at clinic should keep quiet cause of confidentiality, its their job! So telll ur perants when your ready! Good luck and congratulations x
  • Help,, woke up this morning with the normal. Cramps but when I wiped there was brownish disscharge, ( 5 week preg) is this normal or should I be concerned x
  • Hey I'm jade due Sep 17, very exited! Really tired. Short of breath and cramps, this is my first so really happy! X x