Due on Monday, the 22! So excited 

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Thank you everyone!!! Its amazing being mommy! Good luck & best wishes with delivery & everything to every mommy out there! Its worth the contractions ;)
I woke up at 12:59 thinking all I had to do was pee...then thoes contractions hit like noones business! They were lasting 30sec coming every 3 minutes. So I timed them for an hour!! It was hell on earth! My mom was over so she drove me to the hospit…
Thank you everyone!!
@new_mommy9_21 - I couldn't imagine doing it with orange juice lol try it with something you don't mind giving up...I can't look at rootbeer the same right now lol @tlj2011 - how?! I did 2 oz I couldn't imagine the whole 4oz! But I guess that's why…
@mommyy2be: I'd mix it with a carbonated drink. Or chase it with coke or something!! Its not something I'd drink plain :/
Sorry! @mommyy2be - Um 3 1/2 hours to really start working. But I mixed mine with rootbeer so I think it diluted the oil a little? I only went to the bathroom twice but I had horrible contractions :(
@Mommyy2be: I know! I felt the same way! But all castor oil did was give me contractions! Really really bad ones! She just wasn't ready. & I'm due in 7 days! I'm just waiting on her now...
How long is it supposed to take??
@momto4 - oh gosh...I could barley do two! It doesn't taste bad just a bad texture :/ but I mixed mine with rootbeer. But ill maybe try the rest of the bottle if it doesn't work! @bettymomma - oh man :( I'm sorry! My doctor told me to try anything …
Going to walk around Walmart & eat some pineapple :)
It really isn't bad at all! Don't listen to the people who say it does. It takes 10 seconds & feels like a normal cervix exam. Its supposed to help labor by releasing hormones to help labor.
Thank you for the suggestions @fashion_junky91 I wasn't gonna try the oil I'm too scared lol. And ive heard it could harm baby... But ill try definitely the others! @Preggointx: I'm sorry :( are you dilated at all yet?
Okay. I'm really hoping I'll have her tomorrow!! I bounced a little, ill try sex when my fiance gets home
@FirstTimeMommyToBe - oh great lol I'm 3cm dilated and 80% effaced...
@Momto4 - is it okay to have sex when you've had your membranes stripped though?
@fashion_junky91 - okay. I walked about a mile. What else should I try??
Oh & this might be tmi but I was on the toilet while they first started. I had like an urge to go number 2 for about an hour!
@fashion_junky91 & @lily_glz Ugh! I wish I would of known this last night! I had probably about 5 every hour or so...& I've had some today also...but nothing I couldn't handle
@2sweets: ugh I'm sorry :( @mommy2IsaiahNGiselle: okay, thanks. I know its common to have them but they've never been this bad before until a couple days ago. But she is already very low...so this could mean she's moving further down? Idk
@lily_glz yay! I hope baby comes soon for both of us! I'm considering trying to put myself in labor at 39 weeks lol
@Sarah_angel1234 awww another girl! I love her name! Congratulations :)
@jenna218xx - yay! another 22nd mommy! But everyone's having boys! But I love the name you've picked out!! I started out at 145 & I'm at 172 now & haven't gained any in the past two doctor visits. But its all in my belly...
@mimibrowneyez36 - haha! Yeah its very uncommon to see it spelled like that! People always ask me why lol my first name is Kendal, with only one L so its Kendal Michele. Guess my mom didn't like L's lol @YAYA- UGH yes! Then when you do think you're…
@YAYA - yes..this might be TMI but I just woke up from sleeping to pee. Definitely will not miss this! But I know she'll be worth it. You're right though! It feels like its been a year!
@YAYA - Oh I know! I'm so ready to have her now! One more day now until we've made it to August!! It'll be here sooner than you know! But this definitely has been a lonnnnng 9 months lol
@YAYA - thank you!! Yeah we didn't want something totally off the wall, and crazy spelling. Just something sweet & girly. But if I pass my due date I think I'll cry too! @august22baby - ohh! I love that!
@YAYA- we're naming her Lilah :) (lie-la) @August22baby - aww! Yes! I hope he lets you! That would be perfect! Boy or girl??
@YAYA- yes! Haha so true. What are you naming him?!
@lisamarie - aww how sweet :) @YAYA- haha! You're lucky!! I don't sleep at all anymore. my bh contractions are ridiculous & I feel like I'm holding 20lb weights between my legs! As for the dilatation stuff...I could not even have her on the 22…
@Sarah_angel1234 & @lisamarie - ugh yes! Not too much longer!! Both of yall keep me updated! What are yall having? & what's the name you have picked out?